首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 突發新聞:狗狗幣 DOGE-1 太空任務的發射日期被推遲

BREAKING: Launch Date of Dogecoin’s DOGE-1 Space Mission Postponed

突發新聞:狗狗幣 DOGE-1 太空任務的發射日期被推遲

發布: 2023/10/28 14:35 閱讀: 678

原文作者:Bitcoin Sistemi EN


Intuitive Machines, a space exploration, infrastructure and services company, has announced a new launch date for the historic IM-1 Moon mission. The mission will be launched on January 12, 2024, in coordination with SpaceX.

Intuitive Machines 是一家太空探索、基礎設施和服務公司,宣布了歷史性 IM-1 月球任務的新發射日期。該任務將於 2024 年 1 月 12 日與 SpaceX 協調發射。

The launch of DOGE-1 was announced by Elon Musk on Twitter on May 9, 2021, as a joint launch in the Nova-C/IM-1 mission.

伊隆馬斯克於 2021 年 5 月 9 日在 Twitter 上宣布 DOGE-1 的發射,作為 Nova-C/IM-1 任務的聯合發射。

The company had previously targeted a launch window between November 15-20. “Lunar missions are inherently challenging; schedule changes and mission realignments are a natural consequence of leading the exploration of the Moon,” said Steve Altemus, Co-Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer.

該公司先前的目標是在 11 月 15 日至 20 日之間推出。 「登月任務本質上是具有挑戰性的;日程安排的變化和任務的重新調整是領導月球探索的自然結果,」聯合創始人、總裁兼執行長史蒂夫阿爾特穆斯說。

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The IM-1 mission will be the company's first Moon landing attempt as part of NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services (“CLPS”) initiative. This initiative forms an important part of NASA's Artemis Moon exploration efforts. Science and technology payloads sent to the lunar surface within the scope of CLPS aim to form the basis for human missions and a sustainable human presence on the lunar surface.

IM-1 任務將是該公司的首次登月嘗試,作為 NASA 商業月球有效載荷服務(「CLPS」)計劃的一部分。這項舉措是美國太空總署阿耳忒彌斯月球探索工作的重要一環。在 CLPS 範圍內發送到月球表面的科學和技術有效載荷旨在為人類任務和人類在月球表面的可持續存在奠定基礎。

One of the payloads in the Nova-c IM-1 Moon mission is DOGE-1. The mission will be carried by a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying the lunar lander along with different payloads. Intuitive Machines has just received its flight manifest and is now ready to fly.

Nova-c IM-1 月球任務的有效載荷之一是 DOGE-1。此次任務將由 SpaceX 獵鷹 9 號火箭執行,運載月球著陸器和不同的有效載荷。 Intuitive Machines 剛收到飛行清單,現在已經準備好起飛。

*This is not investment advice.


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繼續閱讀:突發:狗狗幣 DOGE-1 太空任務的發射日期被推遲


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