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BREAKING: Launch Date of Dogecoin’s DOGE-1 Space Mission Postponed

突发新闻:狗狗币 DOGE-1 太空任务的发射日期被推迟

发布: 2023/10/28 14:35 阅读: 678

原文作者:Bitcoin Sistemi EN


Intuitive Machines, a space exploration, infrastructure and services company, has announced a new launch date for the historic IM-1 Moon mission. The mission will be launched on January 12, 2024, in coordination with SpaceX.

Intuitive Machines 是一家太空探索、基础设施和服务公司,宣布了历史性 IM-1 月球任务的新发射日期。该任务将于 2024 年 1 月 12 日与 SpaceX 协调发射。

The launch of DOGE-1 was announced by Elon Musk on Twitter on May 9, 2021, as a joint launch in the Nova-C/IM-1 mission.

埃隆·马斯克于 2021 年 5 月 9 日在 Twitter 上宣布 DOGE-1 的发射,作为 Nova-C/IM-1 任务的联合发射。

The company had previously targeted a launch window between November 15-20. “Lunar missions are inherently challenging; schedule changes and mission realignments are a natural consequence of leading the exploration of the Moon,” said Steve Altemus, Co-Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer.

该公司此前的目标是在 11 月 15 日至 20 日之间推出。 “登月任务本质上是具有挑战性的;日程安排的变化和任务的重新调整是领导月球探索的自然结果,”联合创始人、总裁兼首席执行官史蒂夫阿尔特穆斯说。

Related News: Analyst Expects Potential $1 Rally in Dogecoin If This Level Breaks

相关新闻:分析师预计,如果突破该水平,狗狗币可能会上涨 1 美元

The IM-1 mission will be the company's first Moon landing attempt as part of NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services (“CLPS”) initiative. This initiative forms an important part of NASA's Artemis Moon exploration efforts. Science and technology payloads sent to the lunar surface within the scope of CLPS aim to form the basis for human missions and a sustainable human presence on the lunar surface.

IM-1 任务将是该公司的首次登月尝试,作为 NASA 商业月球有效载荷服务(“CLPS”)计划的一部分。这一举措是美国宇航局阿耳忒弥斯月球探索工作的重要组成部分。在 CLPS 范围内发送到月球表面的科学和技术有效载荷旨在为人类任务和人类在月球表面的可持续存在奠定基础。

One of the payloads in the Nova-c IM-1 Moon mission is DOGE-1. The mission will be carried by a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket carrying the lunar lander along with different payloads. Intuitive Machines has just received its flight manifest and is now ready to fly.

Nova-c IM-1 月球任务的有效载荷之一是 DOGE-1。此次任务将由 SpaceX 猎鹰 9 号火箭执行,运载月球着陆器和不同的有效载荷。 Intuitive Machines 刚刚收到飞行清单,现在已准备好起飞。

*This is not investment advice.


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