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Cardano and Dogecoin spearhead crypto resurgence


發布: 2023/11/17 02:11 閱讀: 542

原文作者:crypto.ro global


The entire crypto market capitalization has swelled by 4.6% over the past 24 hours, escalating to a remarkable $1.44 trillion – a zenith last attained in May 2022. This surge has notably reversed most losses from a recent $300 million liquidation event, bringing Bitcoin (BTC) and a host of alternative cryptocurrencies (altcoins) back to the levels seen just a week prior.

過去24 小時內,整個加密貨幣市值上漲了4.6%,升至1.44 兆美元,上次達到頂峰是在2022 年5 月。這一飆升顯著扭轉了最近3 億美元清算事件的大部分損失,使比特幣(BTC) )和許多替代加密貨幣(山寨幣)回到一週前的水平。

Cardano (ADA) and Dogecoin (DOGE) have taken center stage, leading the rally among top tokens by market capitalization. The two altcoins surged by as much as 6%, outpacing their counterparts in a day of substantial gains across the board. Notably, these increases have occurred in the absence of direct catalysts, indicating a market movement primarily propelled by spot buying rather than futures trading.

卡爾達諾(ADA)和狗狗幣(DOGE)佔據了舞台中心,在市值最高的代幣中引領漲勢。這兩種山寨幣的漲幅高達 6%,全線大幅上漲,漲幅超過同類貨幣。值得注意的是,這些成長是在沒有直接催化劑的情況下發生的,這表明市場走勢主要是由現貨購買而非期貨交易推動的。

Cardano, the blockchain platform known for its smart contract functionality, saw its ADA token rise by 6.14% to 41 cents. This increase comes despite recent predictions suggesting a potential dip in ADA’s value. Some analysts had earlier anticipated that ADA might reach a price of $0.348 by November 20, 2023, marking a growth of about 6.25% from current levels.

以其智慧合約功能而聞名的區塊鏈平台卡爾達諾 (Cardano) 的 ADA 代幣上漲了 6.14% 至 41 美分。儘管最近的預測表明 ADA 的價值可能會下降,但這種增長還是出現了。一些分析師此前預計 ADA 的價格可能會在 2023 年 11 月 20 日達到 0.348 美元,較目前水準成長約 6.25%。

Furthermore, Cardano’s recent breakout from an 85-day resistance at $0.41 indicates a potential return to its yearly high, adding another layer of complexity to the market dynamics.

此外,卡爾達諾最近突破 0.41 美元的 85 日阻力位,表明有可能重返年度高點,這為市場動態增添了另一層複雜性。

Meanwhile, the meme-originated cryptocurrency, Dogecoin, also demonstrated robust performance. According to forecasts from Changelly, DOGE‘s value is expected to increase by 6.00% and reach $0.074862.

同時,源自迷因的加密貨幣狗狗幣也展現了強勁的表現。根據 Changelly 的預測,DOGE 的價值預計將上漲 6.00%,達到 0.074862 美元。

These bullish trends align with Bitcoin’s recent leap past $37,000, triggering strong gains across various cryptocurrency markets. The surge has been particularly beneficial for ADA and DOGE, which have capitalized on the positive market sentiment to drive significant price increases.

這些看漲趨勢與比特幣最近突破 37,000 美元的趨勢一致,引發了各個加密貨幣市場的強勁上漲。此次上漲對 ADA 和 DOGE 尤其有利,它們利用積極的市場情緒推動價格大幅上漲。

Market analysts have drawn parallels between the recent trends in the cryptocurrency and traditional asset markets, particularly stocks. Alex Kuptsikevich, a markets analyst at FxPro, pointed out a short-term divergence in the dynamics of these markets. While both asset classes have shown steady growth since October, recent fluctuations hint at an early decoupling stage. Kuptsikevich further observed that Bitcoin bulls remain steadfast, with the cryptocurrency testing the $38,000 threshold, potentially paving the way towards the $46,000 mark.

市場分析師將加密貨幣和傳統資產市場(尤其是股票)的近期趨勢進行了比較。 FxPro 市場分析師 Alex Kuptsikevich 指出,這些市場的動態存在短期差異。儘管這兩個資產類別自 10 月以來均呈現穩定成長,但近期的波動暗示著脫鉤的早期階段。 Kuptsikevich 進一步觀察到,比特幣多頭依然堅定,該加密貨幣正在測試 38,000 美元的門檻,可能為邁向 46,000 美元大關鋪平道路。


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