首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 由於該行業仍然低迷,Shiba Memu 會成為下一個模因領導者嗎?

Is Shiba Memu the next meme leader as the sector remains subdued?

由於該行業仍然低迷,Shiba Memu 會成為下一個模因領導者嗎?

發布: 2023/11/17 02:11 閱讀: 869



  • Shiba Memu uses AI to self-market itself and become a sustainable meme.

    Shiba Memu 使用人工智慧進行自我行銷,並成為永續的迷因。

  • Leading memes have posted unsustainable gains in the past.


  • Shiba Memu could become a market leader due to AI use.

    由於人工智慧的使用,Shiba Memu 可能成為市場領導者。

Dogecoin and Shiba Inu, the leading meme tokens, are enjoying gains on improved crypto sentiment. However, both cryptocurrencies remain a shell of their former self. Shiba Inu’s price of $0.00000866 is just a tip of its record $0.00009. Dogecoin has failed to live up to its big hype despite holding its 9th position as the most valued crypto. Does this signal the market is yearning for a new meme project? Perhaps it could be time for Shiba Memu (SHMU) to show what it can offer apart from its beaten-down peers. 

狗狗幣和柴犬是領先的迷因代幣,它們因加密貨幣情緒的改善而受益匪淺。然而,這兩種加密貨幣仍然是以前的外殼。柴犬的價格為 0.00000866 美元,只是其創紀錄的 0.00009 美元的一小部分。儘管狗狗幣在最有價值的加密貨幣中排名第九,但它未能辜負其大肆宣傳。這是否表明市場渴望新的模因項目?也許 Shiba Memu (SHMU) 是時候展示一下它除了被擊敗的同行之外還能提供什麼服務了。

What is Shiba Memu’s value proposition?

Shiba Memu 的價值主張是什麼?

Investors have not yet thrown the towel on meme investments. The meme sector has grown to over $20 billion in market value from a value of $0 in 2020. However, it has been clear that the market has been yearning for a sustainable meme project. 

投資者尚未放棄模因投資。 2020 年,表情包產業的市值已從 0 美元成長到超過 200 億美元。然而,很明顯,市場一直渴望一個可持續的表情包專案。

Shiba Memu is coined from the depths of AI for sustainability. Using AI solves a fundamental meme problem: the lack of sustainability. For memes such as Dogecoin and Shiba Memu, growth has been enabled by word of mouth and mentions. 

Shiba Memu 是從人工智慧的深處為了永續發展而創造的。使用人工智慧解決了一個基本的迷因問題:缺乏永續性。對於狗狗幣和 Shiba Memu 等迷因來說,成長是透過口碑和提及實現的。

Shiba Memu changes the story of meme tokens by utilising AI to self-market itself, learn, and improve. Using AI Features such as sentiment Analysis, Shiba Memu can detect adverse publicity and work to correct it. The project also learns from successful marketing interventions 24/7. With AI, Shiba Memu can sustain FOMO and token gains, delivering high ROI to investors.

Shiba Memu 透過利用人工智慧進行自我行銷、學習和改進,改變了 meme 代幣的故事。使用情緒分析等人工智慧功能,Shiba Memu 可以偵測不良宣傳並採取糾正措施。該計畫也從成功的營銷介入措施(24/7)中學習。借助人工智慧,Shiba Memu 可以維持 FOMO 和代幣收益,為投資者帶來高投資回報率。

What is Shiba Memu’s opportunity?

Shiba Memu的機會是什麼?

An opportunity exists for Shiba Memu to overcome sector woes and deliver a profitable investment. A high speculative value for the token is likely, considering the overwhelming presale. As the meme sector grows and AI strengthens, Shiba Memu could occupy a formidable position in the sector. 

Shiba Memu 有機會克服產業困境並實現有利可圖的投資。考慮到壓倒性的預售,該代幣可能具有很高的投機價值。隨著表情包產業的發展和人工智慧的加強,Shiba Memu 可能會在該行業佔據強大的地位。

Investors will also look at Shiba Memu with optimism, given its pacesetters such as PEPE. Earlier this year, PEPE debuted with a thud, generating over 10,000% returns. Owing to this experience, investors may seek similar returns from Shiba Memu. The sentiment is likely to increase speculations and help the price of Shiba Memu to skyrocket.

考慮到 PEPE 等領先者,投資者也將對 Shiba Memu 持樂觀態度。今年早些時候,PEPE 一推出就引起轟動,產生了超過 10,000% 的回報。由於這一經驗,投資者可能會從 Shiba Memu 尋求類似的回報。這種情緒可能會增加投機行為,並幫助 Shiba Memu 的價格飆升。

The social engagement Features of Shiba Memu are an advantage to the future token demand. The project has an AI dashboard, a platform where users can query the AI and give suggestions. This is a unique way to enable Shiba Memu to build an engaged community and increase credibility. 

Shiba Memu 的社交參與功能是未來代幣需求的優勢。該專案有一個人工智慧儀表板,這是一個用戶可以查詢人工智慧並給出建議的平台。這是使 Shiba Memu 能夠建立一個積極參與的社區並提高可信度的獨特方式。

About Shiba Memu presale

關於 Shiba Memu 預售

Shiba Memu opened its presale a couple of weeks ago, witnessing a high demand. The team extended the presale to allow more investors to get on board. The presale closes in 43 days, upon which the token will be listed on the best exchanges

Shiba Memu 幾週前開始預售,需求量很大。該團隊延長了預售期,以允許更多投資者參與。預售將在 43 天後結束,屆時代幣將在最佳交易所上市。

The team has been intentional about Shiba Memu token prices in presale to give early backers an advantage. The price increases daily at 6 PM GMT. From the starting price of $0.011125, SHMU is now valued at $0.041275, nearly four times its initial value. So far, investors have bought over $4.52 million worth of SHMU, enjoying great value from the persistent gains.

該團隊在預售中有意調整 Shiba Memu 代幣價格,以便為早期支持者提供優勢。價格每天下午 6 點(格林威治標準時間)上漲。 SHMU 的起價為 0.011125 美元,現估值為 0.041275 美元,幾乎是其初始價值的四倍。到目前為止,投資者已購買了價值超過452萬美元的SHMU,從持續的收益中享受了巨大的價值。

The final verdict on Shiba Memu

對 Shiba Memu 的最終裁決

While it could be too early to speculate if Shiba Memu will dethrone its elder rivals, signs are positive. A robust presale demand underlines Shiba Memu as a quality project.

雖然現在推測 Shiba Memu 是否會取代其老對手還為時過早,但跡像是積極的。強勁的預售需求凸顯了 Shiba Memu 作為優質專案的地位。

The future potential is huge, and Shiba Memu may gain a huge market cap to justify its novel role. From here, Shiba Memu may fight for a top spot as AI use makes the project self-inventive. 

未來的潛力是巨大的,Shiba Memu 可能會獲得巨大的市值來證明其新角色的合理性。從這裡開始,Shiba Memu 可能會爭奪頭把交椅,因為人工智慧的使用使該專案具有自我創新性。

To occupy a top position, Shiba Memu must also rise strongly and replicate the gains of its predecessors. A 10x increase is a possibility, but intensified use is needed to extend the gains to 50x or more. The prediction is speculative and attainable, and time will tell if Shiba Memu lives to the expectation.

為了佔據領先地位,Shiba Memu 還必須強勢崛起並複製其前輩的成果。增加 10 倍是可能的,但需要加強使用才能將增益擴大到 50 倍或更多。這個預測是推測性的,也是可以實現的,時間會證明 Shiba Memu 是否能達到預期。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/is-shiba-memu-the-next-meme-leader-as-the-sector-remains-subdued-tbt70579.html



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