首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Cardano 和 PEPE 鯨魚正在支援這個隱藏的 DeFi 寶石,數據顯示大幅成長

Cardano and PEPE Whales Are Backing This Hidden DeFi Gem, Data Points A Major Surge

Cardano 和 PEPE 鯨魚正在支援這個隱藏的 DeFi 寶石,數據顯示大幅成長

發布: 2024/07/02 00:06 閱讀: 720



Cardano 和 PEPE 鯨魚正在支援這個隱藏的 DeFi 寶石,數據顯示大幅成長

Cardano (ADA) and Pepe Coin (PEPE) Whales Eye Potential Surge in RCO Finance (RCOF)

卡爾達諾 (ADA) 和佩佩幣 (PEPE) 鯨魚關注 RCO Finance (RCOF) 的潛在激增

Cardano (ADA) and Pepe Coin (PEPE) whales, known for their astute investment strategies, have recently expressed interest in RCO Finance (RCOF), a promising DeFi project. This increased attention suggests that RCOF may experience significant growth in the near future.

以其精明的投資策略而聞名的卡爾達諾 (ADA) 和佩佩幣 (PEPE) 鯨魚最近對 RCO Finance (RCOF) 這一前景光明的 DeFi 項目表示了興趣。這種關注的增加表明 RCOF 在不久的將來可能會顯著增長。

RCO Finance: A DeFi Gem Attracting Whales

RCO Finance:吸引鯨魚的 DeFi 寶石

RCO Finance (RCOF) has made waves in the crypto market, attracting attention from large investors. Its innovative offerings and potential for high returns have piqued the interest of these whales.

RCO Finance(RCOF)在加密貨幣市場掀起波瀾,吸引了大投資者的注意。其創新產品和高回報潛力激起了這些鯨魚的興趣。

RCO Finance boasts a fully automated, user-friendly DeFi trading platform that seamlessly integrates Robo Advisor, an industry-leading AI trading tool. This platform eliminates the need for financial advisors and brokers while providing personalized investment strategies based on individual goals and risk tolerance.

RCO Finance 擁有完全自動化、用戶友好的 DeFi 交易平台,無縫整合業界領先的人工智慧交易工具 Robo Advisor。該平台消除了對財務顧問和經紀人的需求,同時根據個人目標和風險承受能力提供個人化投資策略。

Security and Robust Blockchain Mechanisms


As an Ethereum token, RCOF benefits from the Ethereum blockchain's robust security mechanisms. The RCOF smart contracts have undergone a thorough audit by SolidProof, ensuring the platform's privacy and integrity.

作為以太坊代幣,RCOF 受益於以太坊區塊鏈強大的安全機制。 RCOF智能合約經過SolidProof的徹底審核,確保平台的隱私性和完整性。

Cardano: Price Struggles Amidst Strong Network


Cardano (ADA) has shown resilience in the face of recent DDoS attacks, maintaining its position as the 10th largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization. The network has emphasized decentralization by forming an Interim Constitutional Committee (ICC) ahead of its upcoming hard fork upgrade.

卡爾達諾(ADA)在面對最近的 DDoS 攻擊時表現出了韌性,保持了其市值第十大加密貨幣的地位。該網絡在即將進行的硬分叉升級之前成立了臨時憲法委員會(ICC),強調權力下放。

Despite these positive network developments, ADA's price has declined by 18% in the past 30 days, attributed to reduced whale activity.

儘管網路取得了這些積極的發展,但由於鯨魚活動減少,ADA 的價格在過去 30 天內下跌了 18%。

Pepe Coin's Price Correction

Pepe Coin 的價格調整

Pepe Coin (PEPE) has experienced a bearish trajectory since reaching its all-time high in May, falling 28% from its peak. The decline has been driven by declining trading volume and investor disinterest.

自 5 月觸及歷史高點以來,佩佩幣 (PEPE) 經歷了看跌軌跡,較高峰下跌了 28%。下跌的原因是交易量下降和投資者不感興趣。

RCO Finance Presale Poised for Growth

RCO 金融預售可望成長

RCO Finance's ongoing presale offers investors a unique opportunity to participate in a project backed by industry heavyweights. The presale has received significant demand, nearing the $50,000 milestone.

RCO Finance 正在進行的預售為投資者提供了參與由行業重量級人物支持的項目的獨特機會。預售需求旺盛,已接近 5 萬美元的里程碑。

The RCOF token is available at a low entry price of $0.01275 during Stage 1 of the presale. Projections indicate that the token could trade between $0.4 to $0.6 at launch, representing a potential 50x increase for early investors.

在預售第一階段,RCOF 代幣的入場價格為 0.01275 美元。預測表明,該代幣在推出時的交易價格可能在 0.4 美元至 0.6 美元之間,這對早期投資者來說意味著潛在的 50 倍漲幅。



The information presented in this article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered investment advice. Readers are advised to conduct their own research before making any investment decisions.



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