首頁 > 資訊新聞 > Pepe Unchained ICO 突破 150 萬美元,分析師預測它將成為下一個 10 倍加密貨幣

Pepe Unchained ICO Races Past $1.5M As Analyst Tips it to be the Next 10x Crypto

Pepe Unchained ICO 突破 150 萬美元,分析師預測它將成為下一個 10 倍加密貨幣

發布: 2024/07/02 00:06 閱讀: 525

原文作者:CoinPedia News


Pepe Unchained Prepares to Unleash New Crypto Frontier

Pepe Unchained 準備開拓新的加密前沿

Pepe Unchained ($PEPU) has surpassed $1.5 million in its presale campaign, sparking excitement among meme coin enthusiasts.

Pepe Unchained ($PEPU) 的預售活動已超過 150 萬美元,激發了迷因幣愛好者的興奮。

Introducing the First Pepe-Themed Blockchain

推出第一個 Pepe 主題區塊鏈

Unlike ordinary meme coins, Pepe Unchained is a revolutionary project that boasts its own blockchain. This groundbreaking platform addresses the limitations of Ethereum, offering faster and more cost-effective transactions.

與普通的 meme 幣不同,Pepe Unchained 是一個革命性的項目,擁有自己的區塊鏈。這個突破性的平台解決了以太坊的局限性,提供更快、更具成本效益的交易。

A Layer 2 Powerhouse for Meme Coins

Meme 幣的第 2 層發電站

Pepe Unchained fills a crucial market need by providing a dedicated layer 2 blockchain tailored specifically for meme coins. Its superior speed and lower fees make it an ideal choice for developers and traders alike. Given the size of the meme coin market ($49 billion), this has significant implications for $PEPU's potential value.

Pepe Unchained 透過提供專為 Meme 幣量身定制的專用第 2 層區塊鏈來滿足關鍵的市場需求。其卓越的速度和較低的費用使其成為開發商和交易者的理想選擇。考慮到 meme 幣市場的規模(490 億美元),這對 $PEPU 的潛在價值有重大影響。

Amplify Your Earnings with Staking


Pepe Unchained rewards its holders with exceptional staking rewards, thanks to their cost-effective operations. The live staking mechanism currently offers a remarkable 1,100% APY. A finite supply of staking rewards creates a compelling incentive for early participation, driving the presale's success.

Pepe Unchained 憑藉其具有成本效益的營運方式,為其持有者提供非凡的質押獎勵。即時質押機制目前提供高達 1,100% 的年化效益。有限的質押獎勵供應為早期參與創造了令人信服的激勵,推動了預售的成功。

Industry Experts Predict Stellar Performance


Prominent industry analysts have high hopes for Pepe Unchained's future. Jacob Bury anticipates 10x growth, highlighting its unique blockchain and meme coin appeal. Crypto Zeus, with a massive following, has also endorsed the project's potential, emphasizing its viral reach and inherent utility.

著名的產業分析師對 Pepe Unchained 的未來寄予厚望。 Jacob Bury 預計將成長 10 倍,凸顯其獨特的區塊鏈和迷因幣吸引力。擁有大量追隨者的 Crypto Zeus 也認可了該專案的潛力,強調其病毒式傳播和固有的實用性。

Capitalize on the Early Bird Advantage


The presale price and attractive staking rewards are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be part of the Pepe Unchained revolution.

預售價格和誘人的質押獎勵按照先到先得的原則提供。不要錯過這個參與 Pepe Unchained 革命的機會。

Visit or join their Telegram for updates. Alternatively, visit their website to purchase and stake tokens.

訪問或加入他們的 Telegram 以獲取更新。或者,訪問他們的網站購買和質押代幣。

Pepe Unchained Presale



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