首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 鏈上狗狗幣活動剛剛上漲 1,100%,DOGE 投資者 – 繫上安全帶!

This On-Chain Dogecoin Activity Just Pumped 1,100%, DOGE Investors – Buckle Up!

鏈上狗狗幣活動剛剛上漲 1,100%,DOGE 投資者 – 繫上安全帶!

發布: 2024/01/30 22:00 閱讀: 764



Popular crypto analyst Ali reported a massive surge in Dogecoin on-chain activity, with new addresses spiking 1,100% over the past week. As Ali stated on X (Twitter):

受歡迎的加密貨幣分析師 Ali 報告稱,狗狗幣鏈上活動大幅激增,過去一周新地址激增 1,100%。正如阿里在 X(Twitter)上所說:

“The Dogecoin network is witnessing a remarkable surge in growth, with new addresses increasing by a staggering 1,100% over the past week! On January 29 alone, a record-breaking 247,240 new DOGE addresses were created, marking an all-time high.”

「狗狗幣網路正在經歷顯著的成長,過去一週新地址成長了驚人的 1,100%!僅在 1 月 29 日,就創造了破紀錄的 247,240 個新 DOGE 地址,創下歷史新高。”

This huge influx of new users and activity on the Doge network points to growing interest and adoption for the memecoin. As Ali notes, “A sustained uptrend in network expansion could soon reflect positively on $DOGE prices.”

Doge 網路上新用戶和活動的大量湧入表明人們對 memecoin 的興趣和採用日益增長。正如阿里指出的那樣,“網絡擴張的持續上升趨勢可能很快就會對 DOGE 價格產生積極影響。”

Transform Hundreds Into Millions With the Magic of Memecoins – think $BONK, but bigger!

透過 Memecoins 的魔力,將數億變成數百萬 – 想想 $BONK,但規模更大!

.rh-toggler-wrapper p:last-of-type {margin-bottom: 0;}

The key? Getting in early, especially during the IDO phase. Get in on NuggetRush now! This innovative memecoin blends play-to-earn gaming with real-world gold mining. Join soon to take advantage of the current ICO prices!

鑰匙?儘早介入,尤其是在 IDO 階段。立即加入 NuggetRush!這種創新的迷因幣將邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲與現實世界的金礦開採融為一體。盡快加入,享受當前 ICO 價格!

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Looking at the technical analysis:


  • The RSI (Relative Strength Index) for DOGE is ranging between 50-55 across all timeframes. This indicates neutral momentum, with room for both bulls and bears to take control.
  • DOGE 的 RSI(相對強弱指數)在所有時間範圍內都在 50-55 之間。這顯示中性勢頭,多頭和空頭都有控制的空間。

  • DOGE is currently trading above the crucial 200-day EMA (Exponential Moving Average) at $0.07. This shows the long-term trend remains positive.
  • DOGE 目前的交易價格高於關鍵的 200 日 EMA(指數移動平均線)0.07 美元。這表明長期趨勢仍然積極。

  • DOGE is up 5% over the past week and has found support above the $0.08 level. This indicates healthy consolidation.
  • DOGE 過去一周上漲 5%,並在 0.08 美元上方找到支撐。這顯示健康的整合。

  • The next major resistance zone for DOGE is expected at $0.09, where bulls will likely face selling pressure (see chart below). Breaking above $0.09 could set the stage for further gains.
  • DOGE 的下一個主要阻力區預計為 0.09 美元,多頭可能會面臨拋售壓力(見下圖)。突破 0.09 美元可能為進一步上漲奠定基礎。

The on-chain data and technicals both look constructive for Dogecoin. With the memecoin’s passionate community also expanding drastically, DOGE seems primed for its next leg higher. Investors should buckle up!

鏈上數據和技術看起來都對狗狗幣具有建設性。隨著 memecoin 充滿熱情的社區也在急劇擴張,DOGE 似乎已經準備好迎接下一步的上漲。投資人應該係好安全帶!

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The post This On-Chain Dogecoin Activity Just Pumped 1,100%, DOGE Investors – Buckle Up! appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

這篇文章鏈上狗狗幣活動剛剛上漲了 1,100%,DOGE 投資者 – 係好安全帶!首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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