首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣新地址暴漲1100%,DOGE價格會抹掉一零嗎?

Dogecoin New Addresses Soar 1,100%, Will DOGE Price Erase One Zero?


發布: 2024/01/30 22:01 閱讀: 761




Historically, Dogecoin (DOGE) might be a meme coin, but over the years, it has grown to become a formidable crypto project with impressive network statistics to show for it. In a promising turn of events, the digital currency has hit a new major milestone in new address count. Data from IntoTheBlock as shared by Ali Martinez pegs the growth rate of these new addresses at 1,100%, with a potential positive upside in the price of the coin in the foreseeable future.

從歷史上看,狗狗幣(DOGE)可能是一種迷因幣,但多年來,它已經發展成為一個強大的加密項目,並擁有令人印象深刻的網路統計數據。在一個充滿希望的轉折中,數位貨幣在新地址數量方面達到了一個新的重要里程碑。 Ali Martinez 分享的 IntoTheBlock 數據顯示,這些新地址的成長率為 1,100%,在可預見的未來,代幣價格可能會出現積極上漲。

According to the data shared, the 1,100% growth added spanned the period of a week up to Jan. 29. On Jan. 29 alone, the total addresses created on the Dogecoin network came in at approximately 247,240, the highest spike on record. The second-highest event on record came in around Dec. 16, 2013, in which a total of 163,040 wallets were created overall.

根據分享的數據,截至 1 月 29 日的一周內,增加了 1,100%。僅在 1 月 29 日,狗狗幣網路上創建的地址總數就達到約 247,240 個,這是有史以​​來的最高峰值。有史以來第二高的事件發生在 2013 年 12 月 16 日左右,總共創建了 163,040 個錢包。

The #Dogecoin network is witnessing a remarkable surge in growth, with new addresses increasing by a staggering 1,100% over the past week! On January 29 alone, a record-breaking 247,240 new #DOGE addresses were created, marking an all-time high. A sustained uptrend in network… pic.twitter.com/7tNAPzJaP2

#Dogecoin 網路正在見證顯著的成長,過去一週新位址增加了驚人的 1,100%!光是 1 月 29 日,就創造了破紀錄的 247,240 個新#DOGE 地址,創下歷史新高。網路持續上升趨勢… pic.twitter.com/7tNAPzJaP2

— Ali (@ali_charts) January 30, 2024

— 阿里 (@ali_charts) 2024 年 1 月 30 日

This spike shows something good might be brewing on the Dogecoin network, and this is further underscored by other key network trends with a bullish twist. One of these is the whale, or large, transactions that are up by 62.27% to $680.54 million in volume overnight.

這一高峰表明狗狗幣網路上可能正在醞釀一些好事,其他關鍵網路趨勢的看漲趨勢進一步強調了這一點。其中之一是巨額交易,一夜之間交易量增加了 62.27%,達到 6.8054 億美元。

Positive setup for DOGE to clean zero

DOGE 清零的積極設置

Dogecoin has been on the frontlines in recent times and a major beneficiary of both the good and bad times in the crypto space since the start of a new price rally. At the time of writing, the DOGE price is up 0.9% to $0.08116, bringing its total gains for the month to 4.83%.

自新一輪價格上漲開始以來,狗狗幣近年來一直處於前線,並且是加密貨幣領域順境和逆境時期的主要受益者。截至撰寫本文時,DOGE 價格上漲 0.9% 至 0.08116 美元,本月總漲幅達 4.83%。

While Dogecoin has hovered around two major extremes over the past year, including the $0.05747 and $0.1058 levels, the sole aim now remains for the coin to clear one zero to retest $0.1. With the massive influx of new users, total transaction counts, actions of whales and ambitious community projects, achieving this feat appears likely if the current price trend is sustained.

儘管狗狗幣在過去的一年裡一直徘徊在兩個主要極端之間,包括 0.05747 美元和 0.1058 美元的水平,但現在唯一的目標仍然是讓狗狗幣清除一個零以重新測試 0.1 美元。隨著新用戶的大量湧入、總交易量、鯨魚的行動和雄心勃勃的社區項目,如果當前的價格趨勢持續下去,實現這一壯舉似乎是有可能的。


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