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ChatGPT has to say this about DOGE hitting a new ATH in 2024

ChatGPT 不得不說 DOGE 在 2024 年創下新的 ATH

發布: 2023/12/31 22:39 閱讀: 791

原文作者:AMBCrypto - Latest Crypto News


Disclaimer: The information presented does not constitute financial, investment, trading, or other types of advice and is solely the writer’s opinion.


Dogecoin [DOGE] has been notorious for its price movements in the ecosystem, giving its holders both hope and despair in equal amounts.

狗狗幣 [DOGE] 因其在生態系統中的價格波動而臭名昭著,給其持有者帶來了同等程度的希望和絕望。

The meme coin saw a 13.26% increase in its price over the past month of trading, giving its supporters a hint at what its price could be in the coming year.

在過去一個月的交易中,這款 Meme 幣的價格上漲了 13.26%,這給它的支持者暗示了它來年的價格。

At the time of writing, the coin was trading at $0.09244 seeing a slight increase in its price over the past week.

截至撰寫本文時,該代幣的交易價格為 0.09244 美元,過去一周其價格略有上漲。

DOGE’s humble beginnings

DOGE 的出身卑微

Dogecoin was founded in December 2013 as a cryptocurrency based on memes. The introduction of serious digital currencies at the time encouraged the development of this amusing alternative.

狗狗幣成立於 2013 年 12 月,是基於 meme 的加密貨幣。當時嚴肅的數位貨幣的引入鼓勵了這種有趣的替代方案的發展。

Jackson Palmer and Billy Markus, two software developers, co-founded the project to create Dogecoin as a more accessible cryptocurrency than Bitcoin [BTC].

傑克遜·帕爾默(Jackson Palmer) 和比利·馬庫斯(Billy Markus) 是兩位軟體開發人員,他們共同創立了該項目,旨在將狗狗幣打造為比比特幣[BTC] 更容易使用的加密貨幣。

In addition to its support for clean water efforts and the Jamaican sledge team, the currency quickly gained a following.


Despite its amusing origins, Dogecoin developed a particular charm by incorporating charity, community spirit, and internet culture.


The reason for Dogecoin’s phenomenal growth is its robust and passionate community. This group is well-known for its wit, inclusivity, and common ambition of mocking the significance of Bitcoin.


On social media platforms like Reddit and Twitter, fans built a sense of community by sharing memes, providing suggestions, and endorsing charitable organizations. This gesture attracted new members.

在 Reddit 和 Twitter 等社群媒體平台上,粉絲透過分享表情包、提供建議和支持慈善組織來建立社群意識。這一舉動吸引了新成員。

The thriving community contributed to Dogecoin’s continued popularity and global acceptance.


The advent of Dogecoin was crucial in preparing the ground for the present expansion of the memecoin arena. The cryptocurrency’s popularity truly took off when Tesla CEO Elon Musk started endorsing the coin. 


Musk joined the Dogecoin bandwagon in 2019, primarily as a joke. However, over many months, his social media remarks about Dogecoin lent it more and more credibility.

馬斯克於 2019 年加入狗狗幣潮流,主要是為了開玩笑。然而,幾個月來,他在社群媒體上關於狗狗幣的言論使其越來越可信。

His earliest mention of Dogecoin came on X (formerly Twitter) in April 2019, when he called it “my fav cryptocurrency.”

他最早提到狗狗幣是在 2019 年 4 月的 X(以前的 Twitter)上,當時他稱之為「我最喜歡的加密貨幣」。

Will DOGE see a bull run?


DOGE was trading at $0.09244 at press time. A look at the charts it could be seen that the price was moving between the range of $0.05546-$0.10714.

截至發稿時,DOGE 的交易價格為 0.09244 美元。查看圖表可以看出,價格在 0.05546 美元至 0.10714 美元之間波動。

If the coin can break past the upper limit on this range, then a further upward movement can be expected.


Taking a look at the Awesome Oscillator or AO, it can be observed that red bars were forming above the 0-level, showing signs of a possible pullback.

看看動量震盪指標(AO),可以觀察到紅色柱在 0 水平上方形成,顯示出可能回調的跡象。

The CMF or Chaikin Money Flow showed a reading of 0.6 which hints at a weak bull market and reinforces the AO reading. Needless to say, if DOGE has to see more green in 2024, the price has to break past the $0.10714 level of resistance.

CMF 或 Chaikin 資金流量讀數為 0.6,暗示牛市疲弱,並強化了 AO 讀數。不用說,如果 DOGE 在 2024 年必須看到更多綠色,價格就必須突破 0.10714 美元的阻力位。

ChatGPT’s take on the meme coin’s future

ChatGPT 對模因幣未來的看法

We began to put our AI companion to the test by presenting it with questions related to the future of Dogecoin. The capacity of ChatGPT to express itself is now hampered owing to constraints set by the developers.

我們開始對我們的人工智慧伴侶進行測試,並向它提出與狗狗幣未來相關的問題。由於開發人員設定的限制,ChatGPT 的表達能力現在受到了阻礙。

Ergo, we used the “jailbreak” hack to get it to say what it wanted.


Source: ChatGPT


Our AI companion thinks that the DOGE-1 satellite project will push Dogecoin’s prices to new heights. As the project is the first of its kind, the coin will grab more attention and support from the space community, which will work in the coin’s favor.

我們的人工智慧夥伴認為 DOGE-1 衛星計畫將把狗狗幣的價格推向新的高度。由於該項目是同類項目中的第一個,該代幣將獲得太空界更多的關注和支持,這將對代幣有利。

The price of Dogecoin rose by 20% in the first ten days of December as crypto-investors poured into memecoin marketplaces to boost earnings and diversify their portfolios. However, the meme coin suffered a 5% correction on the 14th of December.

隨著加密貨幣投資者湧入 memecoin 市場以提高收益並實現投資組合多元化,狗狗幣的價格在 12 月的前 10 天上漲了 20%。然而,Meme 幣在 12 月 14 日遭遇了 5% 的回檔。

So, we asked ChatGPT whether Dogecoin can maintain its momentum or not.

因此,我們詢問 ChatGPT 狗狗幣是否能夠保持其勢頭。

Source: ChatGPT


The classic version listed various factors, including market sentiment, real-world use cases, and its ability to adapt, that would decide if DOGE can propel itself forward.

經典版本列出了各種因素,包括市場情緒、現實世界的用例及其適應能力,這些因素將決定 DOGE 是否能夠推動自己前進。

The jailbroken version was rather more enthusiastic about the potential of the memecoin.


It claimed that with an ever-growing community of supporters and exciting developments on the horizon, Dogecoin is set to become the cryptocurrency of the future. 


DOGE to the moon!


In November, the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) granted crucial regulatory authorization to the DOGE-funded SpaceX Doge-1 Moon Mission.

11 月,美國國家電信和資訊管理局 (NTIA) 向 DOGE 資助的 SpaceX Doge-1 月球任務授予了重要的監管授權。

A few days ago, the Federal Communications Commission authorized the DOGE-1 Moon Mission for launch on the 12th of January 2024.

幾天前,美國聯邦通訊委員會授權 DOGE-1 月球任務於 2024 年 1 月 12 日發射。

The announcement was made by Doge Norway on X. He went on to say that the expedition was paid for in DOGE and that it is the first meme crypto in space. 

Doge Bulgaria 在 X 上宣布了這一消息。他接著說,這次探險是用 DOGE 支付的,這是太空中的第一個模因加密貨幣。

The DOGE-1 satellite project was unveiled by the Geometric Energy Corporation, a space technology corporation, in May 2021.

DOGE-1 衛星專案由太空技術公司幾何能源公司於 2021 年 5 月揭曉。

Elon Musk stated that his spacecraft engineering firm will disclose the Dogecoin-themed voyage to the moon in the first quarter of 2022.

伊隆馬斯克表示,他的太空船工程公司將在 2022 年第一季披露以狗狗幣為主題的月球航行。

The mission aims to launch the DOGE-1 satellite into lunar orbit, becoming the first spacecraft entirely sponsored by Dogecoin.

該任務旨在將 DOGE-1 衛星發射到月球軌道,成為第一個完全由狗狗幣贊助的太空船。

The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket will be used to launch DOGE-1 into space, demonstrating Dogecoin’s foray into cosmic realms.

SpaceX 獵鷹 9 號火箭將用於將 DOGE-1 發射到太空,展示狗狗幣進軍宇宙領域的步伐。

Will Dogecoin hit the $1-mark in 2024?

狗狗幣會在 2024 年觸及 1 美元大關嗎?

Despite demonstrating a break from the bearish trend, the conditions surrounding DOGE remain unclear. The cryptocurrency markets are on a rollercoaster ride, with numbers hovering near critical levels.

儘管 DOGE 已脫離看跌趨勢,但其狀況仍不明朗。加密貨幣市場就像坐過山車一樣,數字徘徊在臨界水平附近。

The bulls and bears have equal power, keeping prices above the support but below the critical resistance levels. Meanwhile, the famous memecoin has made some impressive moves in recent days. 


So, we asked ChatGPT a question regarding the future. 

因此,我們向 ChatGPT 詢問了一個有關未來的問題。

Source: ChatGPT


Even though the AI bot seems optimistic about the coin’s trajectory, we should keep in mind that predicting the price of a coin is highly speculative and depends on a wide range of factors.


Thus, we can assume it’s a highly speculative prediction that is unlikely to come true.


Final word


While DOGE has seen some gains in the past few days, the coin still needs to go a long way if it has to compete with the influx of meme coins in the market currently.

雖然 DOGE 在過去幾天裡取得了一些進展,但如果它要與目前市場上大量湧入的迷因幣競爭,它仍然需要走很長的路。

There has been an uptick of more than 35% in the creation of new addresses over the last seven days for DOGE, indicating potential growth in its trading activity and liquidity.

過去 7 天內 DOGE 的新地址創建量增長了 35% 以上,顯示其交易活動和流動性有潛在增長。

Furthermore, there has been an impressive expansion in its active addresses and holders.


ChatGPT is a helpful tool for traders looking for guidance while making trading decisions, but it is still very important to use your discretion and do research before investing or trading in the crypto space.

ChatGPT 對於在做出交易決策時尋求指導的交易者來說是一個有用的工具,但在加密貨幣領域投資或交易之前運用自己的判斷力並進行研究仍然非常重要。


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