首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 急速致富:NuggetRush 預售超越狗狗幣和柴犬成為投資者的選擇?

Rush to Riches: NuggetRush Presale Outshining Dogecoin and Shiba Inu as the Investor’s Choice?

急速致富:NuggetRush 預售超越狗狗幣和柴犬成為投資者的選擇?

發布: 2023/12/31 22:33 閱讀: 360



急速致富:NuggetRush 預售超越狗狗幣和柴犬成為投資者的選擇?



  • Dogecoin’s (DOGE) whale activity has increased in December.
  • 狗狗幣 (DOGE) 的鯨魚活動在 12 月增加。

  • Shiba Inu could jump due to growing network activity on Shibarium.
  • 由於 Shibarium 上的網路活動不斷增長,柴犬可能會跳躍。

  • NuggetRush (NUGX) has unveiled a mining game that could offer better rewards than most P2E games.
  • NuggetRush (NUGX) 推出了一款挖礦遊戲,它可以提供比大多數 P2E 遊戲更好的獎勵。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) is celebrating Shibarium’s new transaction count milestone. Dogecoin whales have moved a chunk of tokens, fueling expectations of a DOGE rally. 

Shiba Inu (SHIB) 正在慶祝 Shibarium 交易數量達到新的里程碑。狗狗幣鯨魚已經轉移了大量代幣,引發了人們對狗狗幣反彈的預期。

Yet, NuggetRush’s (NUGX) mining adventure game could be the next best cryptocurrency investment after its early buyers realized a 50% ROI. NUGX has outdone many new ICOs. Yet, will it be a better buy than SHIB and DOGE? Let’s discuss.

然而,NuggetRush (NUGX) 的挖礦冒險遊戲可能成為下一個最佳的加密貨幣投資,因為其早期買家實現了 50% 的投資回報率。 NUGX 已經超越了許多新的 ICO。然而,它會比 SHIB 和 DOGE 更好嗎?來!我們討論一下。

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NuggetRush: Mining Adventure Records Impressive Presale Growth


NuggetRush (NUGX) is a play-to-earn game that encompasses adventure and strategic decision-making. It features a mineral-rich landscape that players must conquer to become successful artisanal miners. The game thrusts players into vast lands, empowering them with mining equipment and professional miner NFT characters.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 是一款包含冒險和策略決策的邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲。它擁有礦產豐富的景觀,玩家必須征服這些景觀才能成為成功的手工採礦者。遊戲將玩家帶入廣闊的土地,為他們提供採礦設備和專業礦工 NFT 角色。

NuggetRush challenges players to set up valuable mining operations and build wealth by selling excavated mineral resources. It allows players to go on solo missions or participate in group challenges. Beginner players can leverage group challenges to boost their mining experience and efficiency.

NuggetRush 挑戰玩家建立有價值的採礦業務並透過出售挖掘的礦產資源來累積財富。它允許玩家執行單獨任務或參加團體挑戰。初學者可以利用小組挑戰來提升採礦經驗和效率。

To rise to the top of NuggetRush (NUGX), players must continually explore new lands, set up resource-digging sites, and sell mineral resources. They must also flex their thinking skills by strategically investing in efficient machinery and the most skilled NFT characters. 

為了登上 NuggetRush (NUGX) 的頂峰,玩家必須不斷探索新土地、建立資源挖掘場並出售礦產資源。他們還必須透過策略性投資高效的機器和最熟練的 NFT 角色來展示自己的思維能力。

Aside from NFTs that are given out by NuggetRush (NUGX), the platform also contains a comprehensive marketplace where players can purchase desired assets. Players can also earn money from liquidating their game collectibles.

除了 NuggetRush (NUGX) 提供的 NFT 之外,該平台還包含一個綜合市場,讓玩家可以在其中購買所需的資產。玩家還可以透過變現遊戲收藏品來賺錢。

NuggetRush’s (NUGX) presale numbers have exceeded expectations. The project has sold over 119 million tokens, raising a revenue of $1.3 million. NUGX has also recorded a sharp 50% increase from its initial value of $0.01. The project is now in round four of its presale, with NUGX trading at $0.015. By round five, NUGX’s value would jump to $0.018, growing by 20%.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 的預售數量超出了預期。該項目已售出超過 1.19 億枚代幣,籌集了 130 萬美元的收入。 NUGX 的初始價值 0.01 美元也大幅上漲了 50%。該項目現已進入第四輪預售,NUGX 交易價格為 0.015 美元。到第五輪,NUGX 的價值將躍升至 0.018 美元,成長 20%。

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Dogecoin Whale Moves $90 Million Worth of Tokens Amid Speculations of a Rally

狗狗幣鯨魚在反彈猜測中轉移了價值 9000 萬美元的代幣

Dogecoin (DOGE) holders have been in a frenzy over a recent mega whale transaction on its network. Data from WhaleAlert showed the movement of one billion DOGE tokens, valued at $90 million. 

狗狗幣(DOGE)持有者最近對其網路上的巨額鯨魚交易感到瘋狂。 WhaleAlert 的數據顯示 10 億 DOGE 代幣的流動,價值 9,000 萬美元。

The mega transactions come amid speculations of a Dogecoin rally after its recent bullish performance. DOGE traded at $0.06793 on November 2. By December 2, DOGE jumped by 23.4% to $0.08386. DOGE remained bullish, rising by 8.9% to $0.09136 by December 26.

這些巨額交易發生之際,人們猜測狗狗幣在最近的看漲表現後將會反彈。 DOGE 於 11 月 2 日交易價格為 0.06793 美元。到 12 月 2 日,DOGE 上漲 23.4% 至 0.08386 美元。 DOGE 仍然看漲,截至 12 月 26 日上漲 8.9% 至 0.09136 美元。

Dogecoin’s November bull run followed increased trading activity in the crypto market spurred by demand for spot cryptocurrency ETFs. The ensuing bullishness led to a $5 billion increase in Dogecoin’s (DOGE) market capitalization since mid-October. 

狗狗幣 11 月的多頭市場是在現貨加密貨幣 ETF 需求刺激下加密市場交易活動增加之後發生的。隨之而來的看漲導致狗狗幣 (DOGE) 市值自 10 月中旬以來增加了 50 億美元。

The SEC could approve spot crypto ETFs from BlackRock and GrayScale in Q1 2024. This would boost demand for top altcoins like Dogecoin. Analysts say Dogecoin’s DOGE token could rise by 32.7% to $0.12126 if the market bullishness remains.

美國證券交易委員會可能會在 2024 年第一季批准 BlackRock 和 GrayScale 的現貨加密 ETF。這將增加對狗狗幣等頂級山寨幣的需求。分析師表示,如果市場看漲情緒依然存在,狗狗幣的 DOGE 代幣可能會上漲 32.7% 至 0.12126 美元。

Shiba Inu Soars Following Shibarium’s 100 Million Transaction Milestone

Shiba Inu 繼 Shibarium 突破 1 億筆交易里程碑後飆升

Shiba Inu’s (SHIB) community is in high spirits following the growing adoption of its Shibarium network. On December 13, 2023, Shiba Inu announced that Shibarium had processed 100 million transactions. Daily active accounts on Shibarium have also risen significantly. The news helped Shiba Inu (SHIB) capitalize on the current bullish sentiments in the crypto market.

隨著 Shibarium 網路的日益普及,柴犬 (SHIB) 社群的氣氛十分活躍。 2023 年 12 月 13 日,Shiba Inu 宣布 Shibarium 已處理 1 億筆交易。 Shibarium 的每日活躍帳戶也大幅上升。這則消息幫助柴犬(SHIB)利用了目前加密市場的看漲情緒。

SHIB traded at $0.000007954 on November 1. By December 2, SHIB had risen by 7.2% to $0.00000853 amid growing network activity on Shibarium. SHB then jumped by 24.0% to $0.00001058 by December 26.

11 月 1 日,SHIB 的交易價格為 0.000007954 美元。到 12 月 2 日,隨著 Shibarium 網路活動的不斷增長,SHIB 已上漲 7.2% 至 0.00000853 美元。截至 12 月 26 日,SHB 上漲 24.0%,至 0.00001058 美元。

Shiba Inu (SHIB) hopes to increase its bullish momentum by reducing its token supply. The network’s team has hinted at automating future token burns. This could boost demand for Shiba Inu (SHIB), thus increasing SHIB’s value by 37.8% to $0.00001458. If Shiba Inu (SHIB) keeps rising, it could be one of the top crypto coins of 2024.

柴犬(SHIB)希望透過減少代幣供應來增加看漲動能。該網路團隊暗示未來將自動銷毀代幣。這可能會增加對柴犬 (SHIB) 的需求,從而使 SHIB 的價值增加 37.8% 至 0.00001458 美元。如果 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 繼續上漲,它可能會成為 2024 年最熱門的加密貨幣之一。

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Keywords: best cryptocurrency, new ICOs, top altcoins, top crypto coins

關鍵字:最佳加密貨幣、新 ICO、頂級山寨幣、頂級加密貨幣


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