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ChatGPT’s Price Forecasts for Popular Memecoins: Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and Meme Moguls

ChatGPT 對流行 Memecoin 的價格預測:Dogecoin、Shiba Inu 和 Meme Moguls

發布: 2023/12/22 06:17 閱讀: 353



ChatGPT 對流行 Memecoin 的價格預測:Dogecoin、Shiba Inu 和 Meme Moguls

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免責聲明:本文是新聞稿。 COINTURK NEWS 對本文提及的任何產品或服務相關的任何損壞或損失不承擔任何責任。 COINTURK NEWS建議讀者仔細研究文章中提到的公司。

ChatGPT, the AI-based chatbot, has given price forecasts for the best meme coins in the DeFi market. The meme coins include Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and Meme Moguls. Let’s look at what ChatGPT has forecasted.

ChatGPT 是一款基於 AI 的聊天機器人,它對 DeFi 市場上最好的 Meme 幣給出了價格預測。 Meme 幣包括狗狗幣、Shiba Inu 和 Meme Moguls。讓我們來看看 ChatGPT 的預測。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Regains Bullish Momentum


With its bullish price movement, Dogecoin (DOGE) has surprised the meme coin community in recent months. A few months later, the Dogecoin community was looking forward to an integration on the X platform.

近幾個月來,狗狗幣(DOGE)以其看漲的價格走勢令迷因幣社群感到驚訝。幾個月後,狗狗幣社群期待 X 平台上的整合。

Unfortunately, this was not the case, and the Dogecoin price plunged to lower lows. The altcoin traded as low as $0.06 for a few weeks. Excitement has returned to the Dogecoin market. As bulls took charge, the Dogecoin price increased from $0.087491 to $0.1103.

不幸的是,情況並非如此,狗狗幣價格暴跌至更低的低點。該山寨幣的交易價格連續幾週低至 0.06 美元。狗狗幣市場又恢復了興奮。隨著多頭佔據主導地位,狗狗幣價格從 0.087491 美元上漲至 0.1103 美元。

Dogecoin has regained a spot in the top 10 cryptocurrencies. But, ChatGPT has projected that its price could increase even further in the coming weeks. ChatGPT has forecasted a 20x price increase in the next bullish market.

狗狗幣重新躋身十大加密貨幣。但是,ChatGPT 預計其價格可能在未來幾週內進一步上漲。 ChatGPT 預測在下一個多頭市場中價格將上漲 20 倍。


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Shiba Inu (SHIB): ChatGPT Forecasts Rise To $0.00001822

Shiba Inu (SHIB):ChatGPT 預測升至 0.00001822 美元

Shiba Inu (SHIB) beats the odds despite the present market downturn. According to CoinGecko, it has increased by 8% in the last week. Furthermore, over the previous month, this altcoin has increased by 18.6%.

儘管目前市場低迷,柴犬(SHIB)還是克服了困難。據 CoinGecko 稱,上週上漲了 8%。此外,與上個月相比,該山寨幣上漲了 18.6%。

Shiba Inu whale-related trades have skyrocketed. Total transactions on Monday amounted to more than $110.53 million, according to IntoTheBlock data. This is a 275% growth, with about 7.22 trillion SHIB tokens transferred.

與柴犬鯨魚相關的貿易量激增。根據 IntoTheBlock 的數據,週一的總交易額超過 1.1053 億美元。這是 275% 的成長,轉移了約 7.22 兆個 SHIB 代幣。

According to ChatGPT, the increase in whale transactions is a good sign for the Shiba Inu coin. In addition, Shiba Inu has had 20 green days (67%) out of 30 in the last month, with price volatility of 8.93%. As a result, ChatGPT forecasts that the price will grow to $0.00001822 in the following weeks.

根據 ChatGPT 的說法,鯨魚交易的增加對柴犬幣來說是一個好兆頭。此外,柴犬在上個月的30天中,有20天為綠日(67%),價格波動率為8.93%。因此,ChatGPT 預測價格將在接下來的幾週內上漲至 0.00001822 美元。

Why is ChatGPT Bullish on Meme Moguls (MGLS)?

為什麼 ChatGPT 看好 Meme Moguls (MGLS)?

Aside from Shiba Inu and Dogecoin, ChatGPT predicted a bullish price for the crypto ICO Meme Moguls. Tokens from Meme Mogul can be purchased for $0.0023 per token. Here are five reasons why ChatGPT believes in the Meme Moguls project:

除了 Shiba Inu 和 Dogecoin 之外,ChatGPT 還預測加密貨幣 ICO Meme Moguls 的價格看漲。 Meme Mogul 的代幣購買價格為每個代幣 0.0023 美元。以下是 ChatGPT 相信 Meme Moguls 計畫的五個原因:

  • Unique Play-To-Earn Model: Not only is Meme Moguls a meme coin with utility, but it has set out to be different with a novel P2E idea. The game features a virtual meme stock market, and users can win real-world prizes. According to ChatGPT, this unique gaming method may appeal to a wide range of people interested in gaming and financial markets.
  • 獨特的即玩即賺模式:Meme Moguls 不僅是一款具有實用性的迷因幣,而且它還以新穎的 P2E 理念與眾不同。遊戲設有虛擬迷因股票市場,用戶可以贏得現實世界的獎品。據 ChatGPT 稱,這種獨特的遊戲方式可能會吸引對遊戲和金融市場感興趣的廣泛人群。

  • Educational and Competitive Elements: The trading platform informs and entertains its users. It encourages skill development through trading tournaments.
  • 教育和競爭元素:交易平台為使用者提供資訊和娛樂。它鼓勵透過交易錦標賽來發展技能。

  • A significant Community Focus: Meme Moguls places a significant emphasis on community building, giving players a place to talk, compete, and learn together.
  • 重要的社群焦點:Meme Moguls 非常重視社群建設,為玩家提供一個共同交談、競爭和學習的場所。

  • NFT Integration with Value: NFTs in Meme Moguls are more than just digital collectibles; they enrich the gaming experience. The benefits include enhanced leverage and tighter spreads, giving considerable value to the in-game economy.
  • NFT 與價值融合:Meme Moguls 中的 NFT 不僅僅是數位收藏品;它們豐富了遊戲體驗。其好處包括提高槓桿率和收窄點差,為遊戲內經濟帶來可觀的價值。

  • MGLS Token Utility: The MGLS token is the in-game money of this crypto ICO. It can be used by players to purchase assets and trade.
  • MGLS 代幣實用程式:MGLS 代幣是該加密 ICO 的遊戲內貨幣。玩家可以用它來購買資產和進行交易。

Furthermore, holding MGLS entitles you to stake incentives, governance rights, and access to special features. ChatGPT expects that this broad utility will drive MGLS demand and pricing. Based on its predictions, the value of MGLS could increase by up to 50x in 2024’s bull market.

此外,持有 MGLS 使您有權獲得激勵、治理權和特殊功能。 ChatGPT 預計這種廣泛的實用程式將推動 MGLS 的需求和定價。根據其預測,MGLS 的價值在 2024 年多頭市場中可能會增加多達 50 倍。

ChatGPT has forecasted bullish gains for Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and Meme Moguls in the coming months. This makes them among the top coins to go for in the DeFi market.

ChatGPT 預測狗狗幣、柴犬和 Meme Moguls 在未來幾個月將會上漲。這使得它們成為 DeFi 市場上最值得購買的代幣之一。

Meanwhile, Meme Moguls is a presale token that offers holders access to several earning opportunities. It also doubles as a gaming token, which makes it a top choice for every investor.

同時,Meme Moguls 是一種預售代幣,可為持有者提供多種獲利機會。它還兼作遊戲代幣,這使其成為每個投資者的首選。

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Disclaimer: This article is a press release. COINTURK NEWS is not responsible for any damage or loss related to any product or service mentioned in this article. COINTURK NEWS recommends that readers carefully research the company mentioned in the article.

免責聲明:本文是新聞稿。 COINTURK NEWS 對本文提及的任何產品或服務相關的任何損壞或損失不承擔任何責任。 COINTURK NEWS建議讀者仔細研究文章中提到的公司。

Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/chatgpts-price-forecasts-for-popular-memecoins-dogecoin-shiba-inu-and-meme-moguls/



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