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Why This New Coin Could Outshine Established Memecoins Like Shib and Dogecoin

為什麼這種新硬幣可以超越 Shib 和 Dogecoin 等成熟的 Memecoin

發布: 2023/11/28 21:16 閱讀: 389

原文作者:Captain Altcoin


為什麼這種新硬幣可以超越 Shib 和 Dogecoin 等成熟的 Memecoin

Dogecoin ($DOGE) and Shiba Inu ($SHIB) are two of the most popular memecoins in the cryptosphere today. These projects have established themselves as the best crypto to buy in the current market. However, the rise of more powerful platforms like Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) has given these two older projects some fierce new competition.

狗狗幣($DOGE)和柴犬($SHIB)是當今加密領域最受歡迎的兩種迷因幣。這些項目已成為目前市場上最值得購買的加密貨幣。然而,像 Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) 這樣更強大的平台的崛起給這兩個較舊的項目帶來了激烈的新競爭。

Let’s take a quick look at these tokens and compare them to see which is the top dog…or fox, as the case may be!



>>立即購買 $GFOX 代幣

Shiba Inu ($SHIB) 

柴犬 ($SHIB)

Ryoshi, an anonymous founder, launched this meme coin in 2020. Like the Dogecoin project, Shiba Inu is based on a Doge meme, featuring the infamous Shiba Inu.

匿名創始人 Ryoshi 於 2020 年推出了這款 meme 代幣。與狗狗幣項目一樣,Shiba Inu 也是基於 Doge meme,以臭名昭著的 Shiba Inu 為特色。

Its founders described Shib as a community-based crypto project. This means that the Shiba Inu community (aka “ShibArmy”) oversees the cryptocurrency as well as its development.

其創始人將 Shib 描述為一個基於社區的加密項目。這意味著柴犬社區(又稱「ShibArmy」)負責監督加密貨幣及其開發。

Although Shiba Inu is seen by many as an alternative to Dogecoin, it has one prominent difference. Shib is built on Ethereum blockchain to run ERC-20 smart contracts.

儘管柴犬被許多人視為狗狗幣的替代品,但它有一個顯著的差異。 Shib 基於以太坊區塊鏈構建,運行 ERC-20 智能合約。

But $SHIB is currently facing several issues that could impact its viability as an investment platform in the long run. Firstly, there is a lack of a precise and well-defined roadmap, thus making it difficult for anyone to truly assess its prospects. This lack of openness may raise doubts and undermine investor confidence.

但 $SHIB 目前面臨幾個問題,從長遠來看,這些問題可能會影響其作為投資平台的生存能力。首先,缺乏精確和明確的路線圖,因此很難讓任何人真正評估其前景。這種缺乏開放性可能會引起疑慮並削弱投資者的信心。

Dogecoin ($DOGE)  

狗狗幣 ($DOGE)

Dogecoin ($DOGE) is an open-source crypto platform designed as a parody of the crypto industry following the establishment of projects such as Bitcoin.


The project was created in December 2013 as a joke for crypto enthusiasts, but it has since exploded to become the best crypto to buy for many crypto enthusiasts, sort of like the GameStop of the crypto world.

該項目創建於 2013 年 12 月,當時是作為加密貨幣愛好者的一個笑話,但此後它迅速發展成為許多加密貨幣愛好者最值得購買的加密貨幣,有點像加密世界的 GameStop。

Dogecoin ($DOGE) makes use of a simplified version of the hashing algorithm known as Scrypt and the “proof-of-work” protocol; these programs enable it to communicate with other Scrypt-based networks.

狗狗幣 ($DOGE) 使用稱為 Scrypt 的哈希演算法的簡化版本和「工作量證明」協議;這些程式使其能夠與其他基於 Scrypt 的網路進行通訊。

Doge also faces many challenges that have prevented it from real growth. Chief among them is the issue of no clear roadmap and a lack of real-world use cases. Also, the company does not provide any real incentives to its investors to hold the $DOGE token. 

Doge也面臨許多阻礙其真正成長的挑戰。其中最主要的是沒有明確的路線圖和缺乏實際用例的問題。此外,該公司也沒有為投資者持有 $DOGE 代幣提供任何真正的誘因。

Galaxy Fox ($GFOX)

銀河福克斯 ($GFOX)

Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) is a thrilling web3 game where users can combine play-to-earn mechanics with meme culture. They can earn rewards by playing exciting games, staking their $GFOX tokens for passive income, and benefiting from the burning feature make Galaxy Fox an attractive investment opportunity for investors and the best crypto coin to buy in 2023.

Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) 是一款令人興奮的 web3 遊戲,用戶可以將玩賺錢機制與 meme 文化結合。他們可以透過玩令人興奮的遊戲來賺取獎勵,用他們的GFOX 代幣抵押以獲得被動收入,並從銷毀功能中受益,這使得Galaxy Fox 對投資者來說是一個有吸引力的投資機會,也是2023 年最值得購買的加密貨幣。

Many key features set the Galaxy Fox token apart from other crypto projects; they include:

許多關鍵功能使 Galaxy Fox 代幣有別於其他加密項目;他們包括:

P2E Gaming Earning: The platform allows players to play and earn residual income while enjoying a fun and exciting gaming experience.


Staking: The company incentivizes its users to stake their $GFOX tokens to earn residual income. 

質押:該公司激勵用戶質押其 $GFOX 代幣以賺取剩餘收入。

Deflationary Token: Galaxy Fox promises to reduce $GFOX’s total supply gradually, thereby increasing its value and scarcity.

通貨緊縮代幣:Galaxy Fox承諾逐步減少$GFOX的總供應量,從而提高其價值和稀缺性。

Galaxy Fox NFTs: The platform will release 3000 distinct NFTs during the presale stages, allowing users to mint and trade the collections on well-known NFT platforms.

Galaxy Fox NFT:該平台將在預售階段發行 3000 個不同的 NFT,允許用戶在知名 NFT 平台上鑄造和交易收藏。

Meme Coin: Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) is a meme token, which means that it has the potential for substantial growth.

Meme 幣:Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) 是一種 Meme 代幣,這意味著它具有大幅增長的潛力。



Having examined all the features and potential of the three projects above, there is one clear leader: Galaxy Fox. The ongoing $GFOX presale stage has generated a lot of interest from many crypto investors, who are excited to be part of a project already described as perhaps the best crypto to buy. Investing in the ongoing presale gives you a fair advantage to make a lot of profits when it launches on exchanges.

在檢查了上述三個項目的所有功能和潛力後,有一個明顯的領導者:Galaxy Fox。正在進行的 GFOX 預售階段引起了許多加密貨幣投資者的濃厚興趣,他們很高興能夠參與一個已經被描述為可能是最好的加密貨幣購買項目的一部分。投資正在進行的預售可以讓您在預售在交易所推出時獲得大量利潤。


>>立即購買 $GFOX 代幣

Learn more about Galaxy fox ($GFOX) here:

在這裡了解有關 Galaxy Fox ($GFOX) 的更多資訊:

Visit Galaxy Fox Presale | Join The Telegram Group | Follow Galaxy Fox on Twitter 

造訪 Galaxy Fox 預售 |加入 Telegram 群組 |在 Twitter 上關注 Galaxy Fox

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The post Why This New Coin Could Outshine Established Memecoins Like Shib and Dogecoin appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

為什麼這種新硬幣能夠超越 Shib 和 Dogecoin 等既定 Memecoin 的帖子首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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