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Machine learning Algorithm Predicts Where Dogecoin Price Will Be In December

機器學習演算法預測 12 月份狗狗幣價格

發布: 2023/11/28 21:21 閱讀: 850



The machine learning algorithm at CoinCodex has taken a crack at predicting where the Dogecoin price will land in December. Despite the current uptrend in the crypto market, the algorithm is less than optimistic about the price of DOGE over the next month and the price prediction reflects this.

CoinCodex 的機器學習演算法已經嘗試預測 12 月狗狗幣價格的趨勢。儘管當前加密貨幣市場呈上升趨勢,但該演算法對下個月 DOGE 的價格並不樂觀,價格預測也反映了這一點。

Dogecoin Price At $0.065

狗狗幣價格為 0.065 美元

The CoinCodex machine learning algorithm has put the Dogecoin price at the $0.0657 mark in the next month. This price level is significantly lower than its current $0.076 price and is contrary to the belief of crypto analysts that the DOGE price is ready to keep pumping.

CoinCodex 機器學習演算法已將狗狗幣下個月的價格定為 0.0657 美元大關。這一物價水準明顯低於目前 0.076 美元的價格,與加密貨幣分析師認為 DOGE 價格已準備好繼續上漲的信念相反。

Such a decline in the price of Dogecoin would mean an approximately 17% drop in price but still leave it above its current 50-day Simple Moving Average (SMA) of $0.064. This could mean that the drop might be short-lived.

狗狗幣價格的如此下跌意味著價格下跌約 17%,但仍高於目前 50 天簡單移動平均線 (SMA) 的 0.064 美元。這可能意味著下跌可能是短暫的。

Interestingly, the current forecast is not a deterrent for investing in the coin as the site notes that it is a good time to buy Dogecoin. Also, add in the fact that the price forecast for the meme coin is much more bullish in the shorter term and the algorithm expects DOGE to reach $0.0795 in five days, “it’s now a good time to buy Dogecoin,” CoinCodex says.

有趣的是,目前的預測並沒有阻止人們投資狗狗幣,因為該網站指出現在是購買狗狗幣的好時機。此外,再加上 Meme 幣的價格預測在短期內更加樂觀,演算法預計 DOGE 將在五天內達到 0.0795 美元,「現在是購買狗狗幣的好時機,」CoinCodex 表示。

When Will DOGE Reclaim Its Previous All-Time High?


Besides short-term price predictions, the machine learning algorithm has also given predictions for where the Dogecoin price will be in the next seven years and what year it will reach its previous all-time high price.


For 2024, the yearly high is placed at $0.345 and it’s even lower for 2025 where the price is placed at $0.181. The algorithm predicts the following two years 2026 and 2027 to fare even worse. But then this changes in 2028.

2024 年,年度高點為 0.345 美元,2025 年甚至更低,價格為 0.181 美元。該演算法預測接下來的兩年(2026 年和 2027 年)情況會更糟。但這種情況在 2028 年發生了變化。

In the year 2028, the algorithm puts the price at $0.729 which is its 2021 all-time high. So the algorithm expects that the DOGE price will reach ATH once more five years from now. Then in previous bearish fashion, it expects the price to fall considerably between the years 2029 and 2030.

2028 年,演算法將價格定為 0.729 美元,這是 2021 年的歷史最高點。因此演算法預計五年後 DOGE 價格將再次達到 ATH。然後,按照先前的看跌方式,它預計價格將在 2029 年至 2030 年之間大幅下跌。

The Dogecoin price prediction from the CoinCodex machine learning algorithm is in stark contrast to its prediction for DOGE rival Shiba Inu. It puts the latter at a higher price of $0.0000097 in the month of December, which is a 10% increase from here.

CoinCodex 機器學習演算法對狗狗幣的價格預測與其對 DOGE 競爭對手 Shiba Inu 的預測形成鮮明對比。後者在 12 月的價格較高,為 0.0000097 美元,較此時上漲 10%。

The DOGE price is currently seeing losses of 2.07% in the last day to trade at $0.077. However, it is faring much better on the weekly chart with 8.08% gains.

DOGE 價格目前在最後一天下跌 2.07%,交易價格為 0.077 美元。然而,它在周線圖上的表現要好得多,漲幅為 8.08%。


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