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Coinbase US plans to list Shiba Inu futures and 4 other altcoin futures

Coinbase US 計劃上線柴犬期貨和其他 4 種山寨幣期貨

發布: 2024/06/30 02:46 閱讀: 567



Coinbase US 計劃上線柴犬期貨和其他 4 種山寨幣期貨

Coinbase to Offer Shiba Inu Futures on Its Platform

Coinbase 將在其平台上提供柴犬期貨

Coinbase Derivatives Exchange has submitted an application to the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to list Shiba Inu futures on its platform. Dated June 28, 2024, the letter expresses the intention to have the futures contract listed by July 15.

Coinbase 衍生性商品交易所已向商品期貨交易委員會 (CFTC) 提交申請,希望在其平台上上市柴犬期貨。該信函日期為 2024 年 6 月 28 日,表達了在 7 月 15 日之前將期貨合約上市的意向。

In addition to Shiba Inu, Coinbase has also applied to list futures contracts for four other altcoins: Polkadot (DOT), Stellar's (XLM), Chainlink's (LINK), and Avalanche (AVAX). If approved, the number of regulated crypto futures offerings on Coinbase will increase to eight.

除了 Shiba Inu 之外,Coinbase 還申請列出其他四種山寨幣的期貨合約:Polkadot (DOT)、Stellar (XLM)、Chainlink (LINK) 和 Avalanche (AVAX)。如果獲得批准,Coinbase 上受監管的加密貨​​幣期貨產品數量將增加至 8 個。

Shiba Inu to Join DOGE as a Memecoin with Regulated Futures

Shiba Inu 將作為受監管期貨的 Memecoin 加入 DOGE

As per the application, the Shib futures will be a monthly cash-settled and margined contract, with a size of 10 million SHIB to account for its price and supply. The minimum tick size and tick value will be $0.00001 per SHIB and $0.10 per contract, respectively.

根據申請,Shib 期貨將是每月現金結算和保證金合約,其規模為 1000 萬個 SHIB,以反映其價格和供應量。每 SHIB 的最小變動單位和每份合約的最小變動單位價值分別為 0.00001 美元和 0.10 美元。

Upon listing, Shiba Inu will join Dogecoin as a memecoin with a regulated futures contract. Coinbase acknowledges the token's volatility due to its low market cap and meme status, but remarks that similar volatility has been successfully managed in existing products.

上市後,柴犬將作為具有受監管期貨合約的迷因幣加入狗狗幣行列。 Coinbase 承認該代幣由於其低市值和 meme 地位而存在波動性,但表示現有產品已成功管理了類似的波動性。

Compliance with CEA Core Principles

遵守 CEA 核心原則

Coinbase outlines in its application how the futures contract will comply with the core principles of the Commodities Exchange Act (CEA). This includes preventing market manipulation and disruption. The maximum number of positions in the contract is also limited to 30,000.

Coinbase 在其申請中概述了期貨合約將如何遵守《商品交易法》(CEA)的核心原則。這包括防止市場操縱和破壞。合約最大持倉數量也限制為30,000。

Coinbase's Self-Certification Strategy

Coinbase 的自我認證策略

Coinbase is applying under CFTC Regulation 40.2(a), which allows designated contract markets (DCMs) to list commodities products for trading without CFTC vetting. The DCM must demonstrate that the product does not violate CEA or CFTC regulations.

Coinbase 正在根據 CFTC 條例 40.2(a) 進行申請,該條例允許指定合約市場 (DCM) 列出商品產品進行交易,而無需 CFTC 審查。 DCM 必須證明產品不違反 CEA 或 CFTC 法規。

By utilizing this strategy, Coinbase can list future contracts for crypto products by submitting an application and waiting for the deadline to pass without objections from the CFTC. Coinbase acquired FairX in 2022 and rebranded to Coinbase Derivatives in 2022, receiving approval from the National Futures Association in 2023.

透過利用此策略,Coinbase 可以透過提交申請並等待截止日期過去而列出加密產品的未來合約,而不會受到 CFTC 的反對。 Coinbase 於 2022 年收購了 FairX,並於 2022 年更名為 Coinbase Derivatives,並於 2023 年獲得國家期貨協會的批准。


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