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A Complete Guide to Integrating Cryptocurrency Payments into your WordPress Site

將加密貨幣支付整合到 WordPress 網站的完整指南

發布: 2024/02/02 06:00 閱讀: 977



將加密貨幣支付整合到 WordPress 網站的完整指南

In recent years and in the realm of digital payments, cryptocurrency has gained significant traction due to its ‘easy-to-use’ functionalities, decentralized nature, blockchain technology, security features and faster transaction speed, while making and accepting payments. So, local businesses, Shopify stores, E-commerce brands and startups need to know how to integrate crypto payments into their website(s). It is a relatively straightforward process, if you take a systematic approach and follow the standard steps to add a cryptocurrency payment system to your existing WordPress or E-Commerce site. Let’s understand how it works.

近年來,在數位支付領域,加密貨幣因其「易於使用」的功能、去中心化性質、區塊鏈技術、安全功能以及在付款和接受付款時更快的交易速度而獲得了巨大的關注。因此,本地企業、Shopify 商店、電子商務品牌和新創公司需要知道如何將加密支付整合到他們的網站中。如果您採用系統化方法並按照標準步驟將加密貨幣支付系統新增至現有的 WordPress 或電子商務網站,那麼這是一個相對簡單的過程。讓我們了解一下它是如何運作的。

  1. Choose a Trustworthy Crypto Payment Processor – There are several cryptocurrency payment gateways available in the market like Coinbase, CoinGate, BitPay, Binance Pay, GoCoin, CoinPayments, NOWPayments, SpicePay, etc. But, when you choose a brand like UniPayment, be rest assured that your business transactions would be safe, secure, lightning fast, transparent and adaptable to all types of digital currencies like Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), USDT Tether (Stablecoin), Dogecoin (DOGE), Binance Coin (BNB), Litecoin (LTC), Solana (SOL), Cardano (ADA), and more. What’s more, through one such versatile and dedicated cryptocurrency payment processor, you can easily convert cryptos into fiat money, and vice-versa.
  2. 選擇值得信賴的加密貨幣支付處理器– 市場上有多種加密貨幣支付網關,如Coinbase、CoinGate、BitPay、Binance Pay、GoCoin、CoinPayments、NOWPayments、SpicePay 等。但是,當您選擇像UniPayment 這樣的品牌時,請放心您的業務交易將是安全、有保障、快如閃電、透明且適用於所有類型的數位貨幣,如比特幣(BTC)、以太坊(ETH)、USDT Tether (穩定幣) 、狗狗幣(DOGE)、幣安幣(BNB)、萊特幣 (LTC)、Solana (SOL)、卡爾達諾 (ADA) 等。更重要的是,透過如此多功能且專用的加密貨幣支付處理器,您可以輕鬆地將加密貨幣轉換為法定貨幣,反之亦然。

  3. Setting up an Account with the Service Provider – You need to sign-up and create an account with your crypto payment service provider, and follow their detailed instructions to set up your account. It typically involves entering some personal and business information, apart from going through certain security parameters like two-factor authentication, biometrics, facial recognition, etc.
  4. 在服務提供者設定帳戶 – 您需要在加密付款服務提供者註冊並建立帳戶,然後按照他們的詳細說明設定您的帳戶。除了通過某些安全參數(如二因素身份驗證、生物識別、面部識別等)之外,它通常還涉及輸入一些個人和商業資訊。

  5. Integrating the Payment Processor into your WordPress Website – This is the most crucial aspect, as a majority of payment gateways, including ‘UniPayment’ will provide you with a snippet of code for adding a “pay with cryptocurrency” button to your WordPress site. You can simply integrate this code to your website’s HTML, and you’re good to accept payment in a variety of digital currencies, including Bitcoin, which is the most popular currency. This integration also allows you to generate QR codes and payment addresses for your customers or vendors.
  6. 將支付處理器整合到您的WordPress 網站中– 這是最重要的方面,因為大多數支付網關(包括「UniPayment」)都會為您提供一段程式碼,用於向您的WordPress 網站添加「使用加密貨幣支付”按鈕。您只需將此程式碼整合到您網站的 HTML 中,就可以接受各種數位貨幣的付款,包括比特幣(這是最受歡迎的貨幣)。此整合還允許您為客戶或供應商產生二維碼和付款地址。

  7. Testing the Payment Integration – After ‘clinically’ adding the payment button to your WordPress website, it becomes quintessential to test and validate the payment system, ensuring everything is working properly. It can be done by placing a ‘test order’ on your site and thereby checking the payment is processed without any errors. It is a relatively simple process with the assistance of your payment processor.
  8. 測試支付整合—在「臨床」地將支付按鈕新增至您的 WordPress 網站後,測試和驗證支付系統,確保一切正常運作就變得至關重要。可以透過在您的網站上放置「測試訂單」來完成,從而檢查付款處理是否沒有任何錯誤。在支付處理商的幫助下,這是一個相對簡單的過程。

  9. Choose a Cryptocurrency Wallet – In order to accept crypto payments, you require a digital wallet that is compatible with all types of cryptocurrencies. You therefore need to ensure that your wallet supports the specific type of currency that you’re interested in, while doing transactions.
  10. 選擇加密貨幣錢包 – 為了接受加密貨幣付款,您需要一個與所有類型的加密貨幣相容的數位錢包。因此,您需要確保您的錢包在進行交易時支援您感興趣的特定類型的貨幣。

  11. Display Currency Options – You need to make it amply clear to your customers that you accept the said currencies, be it BTC, ETH, LTC, DOGE or USDT as payment options. For that, you can display the particular currency logos & icons for a clear view at the checkout, apart from providing options in traditional payment methods like credit card, debit card and PayPal.
  12. 顯示貨幣選項 – 您需要向客戶明確表示您接受上述貨幣(無論是 BTC、ETH、LTC、DOGE 或 USDT)作為付款選項。為此,除了提供信用卡、金融卡和 PayPal 等傳統付款方式的選項外,您還可以在結帳時顯示特定的貨幣標誌和圖標,以便清晰查看。

  13. Set Prices in Crypto Valuations – As an E-commerce store or an individual business entrepreneur, you need to decide whether to price the products & services in cryptocurrencies, or if you want it to be converted to fiat currency at the time of making payment. A lot of businesses prefer displaying prices in both cryptocurrency and local currency for ease of use and transparency.
  14. 以加密貨幣估值設定價格 – 作為電子商務商店或個體企業家,您需要決定是否以加密貨幣對產品和服務定價,或者是否希望在付款時將其轉換為法定貨幣。許多企業喜歡以加密貨幣和當地貨幣顯示價格,以方便使用和提高透明度。

  15. Synchronization with your Website’s Platform – Depending on the type of the website, be it WooCommerce, E-commerce, Shopify or Magento, you need to synchronize it with the said cryptocurrencies and payment methods, as some crypto payment options are better adaptable for some specific platforms than others.
  16. 與您網站的平台同步 – 根據網站的類型,無論是 WooCommerce、電子商務、Shopify 還是 Magento,您需要將其與上述加密貨幣和支付方式同步,因為某些加密支付選項更適合某些特定的情況比其他平台。

  17. Educate your Customers & Team – You need to provide comprehensive training and onboarding resources to your customers and team in ensuring that all the team members become experts in handling crypto payments and knows the nitty-gritties about this payment method. Continuous training and clear instructions about usage can help minimize errors, thus providing a seamless experience for your in-house sales team and customers/clients.
  18. 教育您的客戶和團隊 – 您需要為客戶和團隊提供全面的培訓和入職資源,以確保所有團隊成員成為處理加密支付的專家,並了解這種支付方式的細節。持續的培訓和清晰的使用說明有助於最大限度地減少錯誤,從而為您的內部銷售團隊和客戶/客戶提供無縫的體驗。



Benefits of Accepting Crypto Payments on your Website


  • Quicker and Affordable Acquiring: Unlike traditional/conventional payment systems, cryptocurrency payments take comparatively lesser processing time and fees. Due to the typically low transaction fees of 1%, when compared to 7% of fiat payment gateways, you can build upon big savings.
  • 更快、更經濟的收單:與傳統/傳統支付系統不同,加密貨幣支付所需的處理時間和費用相對較少。由於交易費用通常較低,僅為 1%,與法定支付網關的 7% 相比,您可以節省大量費用。

  • Blockchain Technology Enhances Security: As crypto transactions are based around blockchain payment systems, it adds several layers of security. It means that all transactions are less prone to data hacking, phishing attacks and online frauds, which is not the case with card payments.
  • 區塊鏈技術增強了安全性:由於加密交易是基於區塊鏈支付系統,因此它增加了多層安全性。這意味著所有交易都不太容易遭受資料駭客攻擊、網路釣魚攻擊和線上欺詐,而卡片支付則不然。

  • Worldwide Accessibility: When you’re able to accept payment in the form of cryptocurrencies on your website, it becomes possible to receive payments from customers, merchants and vendors from any part of the world. This provides an opportunity to expand your business footprints, client base and reach untapped markets, which were till now out of reach.
  • 全球可訪問性:當您能夠在網站上接受加密貨幣形式的付款時,您就可以接收來自世界任何地方的客戶、商家和供應商的付款。這為擴大您的業務足跡、客戶群和進入迄今為止無法觸及的未開發市場提供了機會。

  • Alternative Payment Option to Attract New Customers: Websites or niches that accept a variety of digital currencies, tend to attract new prospects and clients who prefer using such alternative payment methods, especially in cryptos. This can help businesses beat all competition, emerge victorious and boost sales in the long run.
  • 吸引新客戶的替代支付選項:接受各種數位貨幣的網站或利基市場往往會吸引喜歡使用此類替代支付方式(尤其是加密貨幣)的新潛在客戶和客戶。從長遠來看,這可以幫助企業擊敗所有競爭對手,取得勝利並促進銷售。

  • No Holding: Popular crypto payment processors like UniPayment do not hold on or freeze your funds during the process of any business transaction, thus enabling seamless and unhindered payment experience for all parties involved.
  • 無持有:像 UniPayment 這樣流行的加密支付處理器在任何業務交易過程中都不會持有或凍結您的資金,從而為所有相關方提供無縫且不受阻礙的支付體驗。

  • No Rolling Reserves: As all transactions are irreversible in cryptocurrency payments, rolling reserves are NOT required, which automatically minimizes the risk of online frauds and chargebacks to a considerable extent. And, with a dedicated payment processor, it is now possible to convert your crypto payments into USDT payments automatically, thus shielding your funds from unwanted rate fluctuations.
  • 無滾動準備金:由於加密貨幣支付中的所有交易都是不可逆轉的,因此不需要滾動準備金,這在很大程度上自動降低了線上詐欺和退款的風險。而且,透過專用的支付處理器,現在可以自動將您的加密貨幣支付轉換為 USDT 支付,從而保護您的資金免受不必要的匯率波動的影響。





Integrating crypto payments to your WordPress website provides a world of opportunities, when it comes to expanding your business to new geographical regions and boosting your income through online sales. It enables cheaper, faster, secure and transparent transactions, which is not only beneficial for you, but also for your customers and clients. Choosing the right cryptocurrencies is a crucial aspect, and seamlessly integrating the crypto payment system into your site holds the key. Lastly, it is also important to provide continuous support to customers who use cryptocurrency payments.

將加密支付整合到您的 WordPress 網站可以為您將業務擴展到新的地理區域並透過線上銷售增加收入提供無限的機會。它可以實現更便宜、更快、安全和透明的交易,這不僅對您有利,而且對您的客戶和客戶也有利。選擇正確的加密貨幣是一個至關重要的方面,而將加密支付系統無縫整合到您的網站中是關鍵。最後,為使用加密貨幣支付的客戶提供持續支援也很重要。




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