首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 分析師表示,狗狗幣 1 個月內的關鍵阻力戰可能會引發突破

Crucial Dogecoin Resistance Battle In 1 Month May Trigger Breakout, Analysts Say

分析師表示,狗狗幣 1 個月內的關鍵阻力戰可能會引發突破

發布: 2023/08/13 23:00 閱讀: 479



Dogecoin has emerged as a contender that refuses to be ignored. With its meme origins and a Shiba Inu as its mascot, many quickly dismissed it as a fad. However, recent analyses suggest that there might be more to Dogecoin than meets the eye. Leading the charge in this analysis is the Twitter user PROFIT BLUE, who recently shed light on the potential of this digital currency.

狗狗幣已成為一個不容忽視的競爭者。由於它的模因起源和柴犬作為吉祥物,許多人很快就將其視為一種時尚而不予理睬。然而,最近的分析表明,狗狗幣可能比表面上看到的更多。 Twitter 用戶 PROFIT BLUE 是這項分析的領導者,他最近揭示了這種數位貨幣的潛力。

The Descending Triangle Phenomenon


PROFIT BLUE, known on Twitter as @profit8lue, has pointed out that few offer a realistic perspective amidst the myriad of Dogecoin analyses floating around. He recently shared a one-month logarithmic chart of Dogecoin, hinting at the possibility of buying at a lower rate. His tweet was in response to another user, Ali (@ali_charts), who had previously commented on the potential of Dogecoin.

PROFIT BLUE(在推特上被稱為@profit8lue)指出,在眾多的狗狗幣分析中,很少有人提供現實的觀點。他最近分享了狗狗幣的一個月對數圖表,暗示以較低價格購買的可能性。他的推文是對另一位用戶阿里 (@ali_charts) 的回應,阿里此前曾評論過狗狗幣的潛力。

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Ali’s observation centered around a pattern known as the descending triangle. When observed on Dogecoin’s monthly chart, significant price surges have historically followed this pattern. To put it in perspective, the last time such a pattern was observed, Dogecoin’s value skyrocketed by a staggering 23,200%. Ali further mentioned that he would keep a close eye on Dogecoin, looking for a sustained monthly close above $0.80 to confirm its potential rise.

阿里的觀察集中在一種稱為下降三角形的模式。從狗狗幣的月線圖觀察,歷史上價格的大幅上漲都遵循這種模式。客觀地說,上次觀察到這種模式時,狗狗幣的價值飆升了驚人的 23,200%。阿里進一步提到,他將密切關注狗狗幣,尋求月度收盤價持續高於 0.80 美元以確認其潛在上漲。

Resistance at the $0.077 Level

阻力位為 0.077 美元

Another voice in the conversation is TheCryptoMouth (@TheCryptoMouth), who highlighted that Dogecoin had faced some resistance at the $0.077 level. He said

對話中的另一個聲音是 TheCryptoMouth (@TheCryptoMouth),他強調狗狗幣在 0.077 美元的水平面臨一些阻力。他說

this resistance might soon culminate in a “resistance meeting.” If Dogecoin’s price breaks out from this point, it could trigger a significant upward movement. However, he also wisely advises caution, noting the potential for a breakout failure.


While the signs seem promising, it’s essential to approach such predictions with skepticism. Cryptocurrency is notoriously volatile, with prices subject to rapid fluctuations. Investors and enthusiasts should conduct thorough research and consult financial experts before making decisions.


Dogecoin’s journey from a meme to a cryptocurrency with serious potential has been remarkable. As experts like PROFIT BLUE and others weigh in on its future, it’s clear that Dogecoin is a force to be reckoned with in the crypto world. Whether it will reach the heights predicted by these analyses remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: all eyes are on Dogecoin.

狗狗幣從一個迷因到具有巨大潛力的加密貨幣的旅程是非凡的。隨著 PROFIT BLUE 等專家對其未來的評估,狗狗幣顯然是加密世界中一股不可忽視的力量。它是否會達到這些分析預測的高度還有待觀察,但有一件事是肯定的:所有的目光都集中在狗狗幣上。

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分析師稱,5 月 1 月關鍵的狗狗幣抵抗之戰引發了突破,首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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