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DigiToads (TOADS) Takes on Dogecoin (DOGE) with a Stellar $6,5M Presale Achievement

DigiToads (TOADS) 以 650 萬美元預售成績挑戰狗狗幣 (DOGE)

發布: 2023/08/13 23:30 閱讀: 660



The DigiToads (TOADS) presale continues to wow onlookers as it heads towards its new ico launch in just a few days’ time. With new milestoners in presale sales being broken almost every day, momentum is surging into what could be the next big thing in the crypto world. It leads the way as the best crypto to buy right now, and has memecoin powerhouses like Dogecoin in its sights. DOGE might have set the standard for memecoin success surges back in 2021, but TOADS is primed to take things to a whole new level, and it could become the best crypto in the world when it officially launches in just a few days’ time. Here’s why it’s also an incredible pick for your portfolio right now:

DigiToads (TOADS) 的預售繼續讓圍觀者驚嘆不已,因為它即將在幾天內推出新的 ico。隨著預售銷售幾乎每天都突破新的里程碑,加密貨幣世界的下一個重大事件的勢頭正在飆升。它是目前最值得購買的加密貨幣,並且擁有像狗狗幣這樣的迷因幣巨頭。 DOGE 可能在2021 年為memecoin 的成功樹立了標準,但TOADS 已準備好將事情提升到一個全新的水平,當它在短短幾天內正式推出時,它可能會成為世界上最好的加密貨幣。這就是為什麼現在它也是您投資組合的一個令人難以置信的選擇:

DigiToads (TOADS) presale continues to shine


The DigiToads presale continues to smash new barriers almost every day and it recently hit a huge milestone, with $6.5 million in sales being raised in just a few short weeks. That figure has risen to $6.8 million during the final presale stage. This figure is expected to surge even more in the next few days as TOADS approaches its hotly anticipated new ico launch. And there are still a few days left to enjoy discounts of $0.05, a price which will go up automatically to $0.055 when it officially launches. And when it hits marketplaces like BitMart and Uniswap, it could go even higher after that point. That’s because many investors will wait until the token is available on these exchanges, but they’re missing a trick because it’s already incredibly easy to buy right now, and available at a discount to early investors.

DigiToads 預售幾乎每天都在不斷突破新的障礙,最近更是達到了一個巨大的里程碑,在短短幾週內就籌集了 650 萬美元的銷售額。在預售最後階段,這一數字已升至 680 萬美元。隨著 TOADS 即將推出備受期待的新 ICO,這一數字預計將在未來幾天內進一步飆升。還有幾天即可享受 0.05 美元的折扣,正式推出後價格將自動上漲至 0.055 美元。當它進入 BitMart 和 Uniswap 等市場時,它可能會進一步走高。這是因為許多投資者會等到代幣在這些交易所上市,但他們錯過了一個技巧,因為現在購買代幣已經非常容易,而且對早期投資者來說可以打折。

With some of the best DAO mechanics ever seen, TOADS is truly democratic, which means you’ll get a complete say in the future of the project and how it grows moving forward. Unlike fiat currencies, you will both be valued and rewarded as a TOADS holder. One of the biggest decisions you’ll play a part in is where 2.5% of profits are spent to help charitable causes, meaning you’ll get a say in how the TOADS ecosystem helps the planet the most.

TOADS 擁有一些有史以來最好的 DAO 機制,是真正民主的,這意味著您將對該項目的未來及其發展方式擁有完全的發言權。與法定貨幣不同,作為 TOADS 持有者,您將受到重視並獲得獎勵。您將參與的最大決策之一是將 2.5% 的利潤用於幫助慈善事業,這意味著您將在 TOADS 生態系統如何為地球提供最大幫助方面擁有發言權。

Other memecoins can’t match the passive income earning potential TOADS offers investors via its incredible staking model. With 2% of transactions going into the staking pool to ensure there will always be plenty of funds available, TOADS allows you to stake popular NFTs and sit back while you count your gains, an unrivaled earning mechanic that sets this platform apart from the rest.

其他 memecoin 無法與 TOADS 透過其令人難以置信的質押模型為投資者提供的被動收入潛力相提並論。 TOADS 有2% 的交易進入質押池,以確保始終有充足的可用資金,TOADS 允許您質押流行的NFT,並在計算收益時坐下來,這是一種無與倫比的盈利機制,使該平台與眾不同。

What about Dogecoin?


Dogecoin could still have a place in your portfolio, but its position at the top of the altcoin charts is under threat from memecoin superstar TOADS. Doge remains the people’s crypto, according to some, but is it the best bet for your portfolio moving forward? Perhaps not.

狗狗幣仍然可以在您的投資組合中佔有一席之地,但它在山寨幣圖表頂部的地位正受到 memecoin 超級明星 TOADS 的威脅。有些人認為,Doge 仍然是人們的加密貨幣,但它是您的投資組合前進的最佳選擇嗎?也許不是。



TOADS looks set to break new records when it heads out of presale and onto official exchanges. It’s got everything needed for success in the crypto world, and discounts are only available for a few more days. That’s why now is the perfect time to grab it and enjoy the TOADS rocket to the moon.

當 TOADS 結束預售並進入官方交易所時,它看起來將打破新記錄。它擁有在加密貨幣世界取得成功所需的一切,而且折扣僅持續幾天。這就是為什麼現在是抓住它並享受 TOADS 火箭登月的最佳時機。

Visit DigiToads Presale

造訪 DigiToads 預售

Mint DigiToads NFTs Here

在這裡薄荷 DigiToads NFT

Buy DigiToads NFTs on OpenSea

在 OpenSea 上購買 DigiToads NFT

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DigiToads (TOADS) 以 650 萬美元預售成績擊敗 Dogecoin (DOGE) 的帖子首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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