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Cryptic Symbols Ignite Debate – Is Dogecoin Set for Surprise X Integration?

神秘符號引發爭論-狗狗幣是否準備好進行驚喜 X 整合?

發布: 2023/08/14 00:30 閱讀: 300



Elon Musk’s recent rebranding of Twitter to “X” has sparked intense speculation in crypto circles about a potential cryptocurrency integration. Musk updated his profile to show “X” and an “Д symbol, leading many to theorize what crypto asset the symbols could represent.

馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 最近將 Twitter 更名為“X”,引發了加密貨幣界對潛在的加密貨幣整合的強烈猜測。馬斯克更新了他的個人資料,顯示「X」和「Ð」符號,讓許多人推測這些符號可能代表什麼加密資產。

The leading theories center around major cryptocurrencies XRP and Dogecoin, though niche options like Nano have their proponents. Supporters eagerly cite potential hints like Nano’s tipping integration on Twitter and Reddit through the Nano-Byte browser extension. The “Д symbol is seen as a nod to Dogecoin, while X could indicate Ripple’s XRP token.

主導理論以主要加密貨幣 XRP 和狗狗幣為中心,儘管 Nano 等小眾選擇也有其支持者。支持者熱切地引用了潛在的暗示,例如 Nano 透過 Nano-Byte 瀏覽器擴充功能在 Twitter 和 Reddit 上進行打賞整合。 「Ð」符號被視為對狗狗幣的認可,而 X 則可能表示 Ripple 的 XRP 代幣。

More skeptical voices view it as Musk simply using the “X” to reference his Twitter rebrand and the “Д as the Dogecoin symbol, with no deeper meaning. They see it as Musk showing his enduring support for the meme-inspired Dogecoin, which he has hyped previously.

更多懷疑的聲音認為,馬斯克只是使用“X”來引用他的 Twitter 品牌重塑,並使用“Д作為狗狗幣符號,沒有更深層的含義。他們認為這是馬斯克對受迷因啟發的狗狗幣的持久支持,他之前曾大肆宣傳過狗狗幣。

The potential crypto tie-in comes as Musk aims to “cryptofy” Twitter and enable payments and other blockchain functionality. Dogecoin seems a prime candidate given Musk’s Tesla accepts DOGE and he has pledged to “make Doge green” despite its proof-of-work consensus.

潛在的加密貨幣搭配正值馬斯克的目標是「加密」Twitter 並實現支付和其他區塊鏈功能。鑑於馬斯克的特斯拉接受 DOGE,並且儘管達成了工作量證明共識,但他仍承諾“讓 Doge 變得綠色”,狗狗幣似乎是一個主要候選人。

Adding further fuel to the speculation, it was just revealed that X has obtained a money transmitter license in Georgia for payment services. This strongly suggests Musk is gearing up to integrate cryptocurrency transactions and functionality into the platform.

剛剛有消息稱 X 已在喬治亞州獲得了支付服務的貨幣轉移許可證,這進一步加劇了猜測。這強烈表明馬斯克正在準備將加密貨幣交易和功能整合到該平台中。

Still, some argue Dogecoin lacks the speed and scalability to serve as a microtransaction system. This has fueled talk of alternatives like Nano, which offers feeless instant transactions. Others say Musk would simply launch his own proprietary crypto.

儘管如此,有些人認為狗狗幣缺乏作為微交易系統的速度和可擴展性。這引發了人們對 Nano 等替代品的討論,它提供免費的即時交易。其他人則表示,馬斯克只會推出自己的專有加密貨幣。

Ultimately, Musk has given little clarity, and the cryptic symbols continue to ignite debate. But expectations should be tempered, as Musk has focused squarely on Dogecoin in the past despite the drawbacks. The eccentric billionaire is known for enigmatic tweets that stoke speculation.


While the potential of a major cryptocurrency playing a role on Twitter is enticing, a skeptical eye is warranted. Musk may simply be expressing his affinity for Dogecoin and the rebrand in his usual cryptic fashion rather than hinting at a broader crypto vision. Unless concrete evidence emerges, reading between the lines too deeply may lead to disappointment.

雖然主要加密貨幣在 Twitter 上發揮作用的潛力很誘人,但仍需持懷疑態度。馬斯克可能只是以他一貫的神秘方式表達了他對狗狗幣和品牌重塑的熱愛,而不是暗示更廣泛的加密貨幣願景。除非出現具體證據,否則過於深入解讀字裡行間可能會導致失望。

神秘符號後引發爭論——狗狗幣是否準備好進行驚喜 X 整合?首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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