首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 今天 MyDoge 帳戶遭到駭客攻擊後,DOGE 貢獻者發出重要警告

Crucial Warning Made by DOGE Contributor After Today’s MyDoge Account Hack

今天 MyDoge 帳戶遭到駭客攻擊後,DOGE 貢獻者發出重要警告

發布: 2024/01/31 06:06 閱讀: 825



今天 MyDoge 帳戶遭到駭客攻擊後,DOGE 貢獻者發出重要警告

Mishaboar, a major DOGE contributor who has sway over the Dogecoin community, has issued a major warning to DOGE holders after a recent hack of MyDoge wallet account. The wallet’s account has been restored now after getting compromised by cybercriminals.

Mishaboar 是 DOGE 的主要貢獻者,在 Dogecoin 社群中具有影響力,在最近 MyDoge 錢包帳戶遭到駭客入侵後,他向 DOGE 持有者發出了重大警告。該錢包的帳戶在受到網路犯罪分子的攻擊後現已恢復。

"Target for hackers and scammers"


The Dogecoin contributor shared that he believes the original meme-inspired cryptocurrency DOGE and its holders will always remain a “primary target for hackers and scammers.” The main reason for this, according to Mishaboar, is that DOGE is very popular among newbies in crypto.

這位狗狗幣貢獻者表示,他相信最初受迷因啟發的加密貨幣 DOGE 及其持有者將永遠是「駭客和詐騙者的主要目標」。 Mishaboar 認為,主要原因是 DOGE 在加密貨幣新手中非常受歡迎。

He also called on Twitter support, urging them to temporarily shut down those accounts that have been reported for scams by other Twitter users.

他還呼籲 Twitter 支持,敦促他們暫時關閉那些被其他 Twitter 用戶舉報詐騙的帳號。

Due to its popularity among those new to crypto, thus particularly vulnerable, #Dogecoin users will always be a primary target for hackers and scammers.Do your best to protect your followers. And @Support should speed up temporary shutdown of accounts reported for scams by…

由於它在加密貨幣新手中很受歡迎,因此特別容易受到攻擊,#Dogecoin 用戶將始終成為駭客和詐騙者的主要目標。盡最大努力保護您的追蹤者。 @Support 應該加快臨時關閉被舉報詐騙的帳戶的速度…

— Mishaboar (@mishaboar) January 30, 2024

- Mishaboar (@mishaboar) 2024 年 1 月 30 日

The contributor also commented on the MyDoge wallet’s account hack that took place earlier today. According to Mishaboar’s tweet, the Twitter account of MyDoge wallet was taken over by hackers via authorization left into “delegate access” since the previous hack, which happened in early December.

該貢獻者還對今天早些時候發生的 MyDoge 錢包帳戶黑客事件發表了評論。根據 Mishaboar 的推文,自 12 月初發生的上一次駭客攻擊以來,MyDoge 錢包的 Twitter 帳戶已被駭客透過保留為「委託存取」的授權接管。

Warning to new Dogecoin holders


The culprits posted an urge to the Dogecoin community to send their DOGE to a particular wallet in order to receive a 2x amount of it back. By now, the DOGE contributor reminded, the access has been restored and seized back from the hackers.

罪魁禍首向狗狗幣社群發出請求,要求將他們的 DOGE 發送到特定錢包,以便收回 2 倍的金額。 DOGE 貢獻者提醒,目前存取權限已恢復並從駭客手中奪回。

In connection with this, Mishaboar shared basic security rules for crypto newbies who have started their way in this space with Dogecoin. Regardless of what account is posting scam offers, it is important not to send one’s DOGE even of gifts or a double amount of the sent DOGE is promised in return; never to connect one’s wallets with ETH/SOL/DOGE or any other crypto in order to receive airdrops, NFTs or similar things. Besides, it is crucial to never share one’s seed phrase with anyone.

與此相關,Mishaboar 為那些透過狗狗幣開始涉足該領域的加密貨幣新手分享了基本的安全規則。無論哪個帳戶發布詐騙優惠,重要的是不要發送 DOGE,即使是禮物,也不要承諾雙倍金額的發送 DOGE 作為回報;切勿將錢包與 ETH/SOL/DOGE 或任何其他加密貨幣連接以接收空投、NFT 或類似物品。此外,切勿與任何人分享自己的助記詞,這一點至關重要。

Dear #Dogecoin, the official channel of the popular MyDoge wallet was hacked again today via authorization left into “delegate access” since last hack.The account has now been restored.The tweet contained the usual “Send your Doge to this address for 2X”.I sure hope nobody… https://t.co/1zZg7uE6Do

親愛的#Dogecoin,受歡迎的MyDoge 錢包的官方管道今天再次被黑客攻擊,自上次黑客攻擊以來,授權被保留為“委託訪問”。該帳戶現已恢復。該推文包含通常的“將您的Doge 發送到此位址2 倍」 .我當然希望沒有人… https://t.co/1zZg7uE6Do

— Mishaboar (@mishaboar) January 30, 2024

- Mishaboar (@mishaboar) 2024 年 1 月 30 日

“Trust no one. Always double check any posted information,” Mishaboar concluded his tweet with the warning.


Dogecoin network expands rapidly


Earlier today, crypto analyst and trader Ali Martinez shared IntoTheBlock chart to show that the Dogecoin network is seeing a massive expansion as new wallets keep emerging. Over the last week, a whopping 1,100% growth of this metric has been noticed.

今天早些時候,加密貨幣分析師兼交易員 Ali Martinez 分享了 IntoTheBlock 圖表,顯示隨著新錢包的不斷出現,狗狗幣網路正在大規模擴張。上週,該指標成長了 1,100%。

On January 29, a single-day surge by 247,240 DOGE wallets – that was a new all-time high.

1 月 29 日,DOGE 錢包單日激增 247,240 個,創下歷史新高。


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