首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 10 月 19 日立即購買的最佳加密貨幣 – Rollbit Coin、Radix、Render

Best Crypto to Buy Now October 19 – Rollbit Coin, Radix, Render

10 月 19 日立即購買的最佳加密貨幣 – Rollbit Coin、Radix、Render

發布: 2023/10/20 02:15 閱讀: 977



New York Attorney General Letitia James made headlines today by filing a lawsuit against cryptocurrency firms Genesis Global, Digital Currency Group (DCG), and Gemini.

紐約總檢察長最近發布的消息,現在最值得購買的加密貨幣是什麼?圖片來源:cryptonews.com 紐約總檢察長Letitia James 今天對加密貨幣公司Genesis Global、數位貨幣集團(DCG) 提起訴訟,成為頭條新聞和雙子座。

The lawsuit accuses the firms of defrauding investors of more than $1 billion.

該訴訟指控這些公司欺騙投資者超過 10 億美元。

With the recent news from the New York Attorney General, what is the best crypto to buy now?


The action by the Attorney General comes amid ongoing scrutiny of the crypto industry, following the downfall of Sam Bankman-Fried's exchange FTX last year, which had a domino effect on several significant companies in the sector.

去年 Sam Bankman-Fried 的交易所 FTX 垮台,對該行業的幾家重要公司產生了多米諾骨牌效應,之後司法部長採取了這一行動,目前加密貨幣行業正在受到持續審查。

Attorney General James asked the court for investor restitution and the return of alleged ill-gotten gains. She is also seeking to ban Genesis, DCG, and Gemini from engaging in the financial investment industry within New York State.

總檢察長詹姆斯要求法院賠償投資者並返還涉嫌不義之財。她還尋求禁止 Genesis、DCG 和 Gemini 在紐約州從事金融投資業。

Central to the lawsuit is the "Gemini Earn" program, a partnership between Gemini and Genesis. This program permitted customers to lend cryptocurrency assets like Bitcoin to Genesis.

該訴訟的核心是「Gemini Earn」計劃,這是 Gemini 和 Genesis 之間的合作夥伴關係。該計劃允許客戶將比特幣等加密貨幣資產借給 Genesis。

According to the lawsuit, Gemini, operated by the Winklevoss twins—who gained fame from their legal skirmish with Meta Platforms' Mark Zuckerberg—promoted this program as a low-risk investment.

根據訴訟,由 Winklevoss 雙胞胎經營的 Gemini(他們因與 Meta Platforms 的馬克祖克柏的法律衝突而聲名大噪)將該計畫宣傳為低風險投資。

However, Attorney General James alleges that internal analyses conducted by Gemini indicated that Genesis was financially unstable.

然而,司法部長詹姆斯聲稱,Gemini 進行的內部分析表明 Genesis 的財務狀況不穩定。

The Attorney General also claimed that Genesis' loans were insufficiently secured and highly concentrated with a single entity, Alameda, a crypto hedge fund previously run by Bankman-Fried, which has since gone under.

總檢察長還聲稱 Genesis 的貸款沒有足夠的擔保,並且高度集中在單一實體 Alameda 上,Alameda 是一家加密貨幣對沖基金,之前由 Bankman-Fried 運營,後來破產了。

Despite these internal findings, Gemini did not disclose this crucial information to its investors.


The lawsuit brings to light previous conflicts between Genesis and Gemini, particularly concerning the "Gemini Earn" program. Additionally, Genesis, which applied for bankruptcy protection earlier this year, counts Gemini as its largest creditor.

該訴訟揭露了 Genesis 和 Gemini 之間先前的衝突,特別是在「Gemini Earn」計劃方面。此外,今年稍早申請破產保護的Genesis將Gemini視為其最大債權人。

The lawsuit also includes charges against Genesis' former CEO Soichiro Moro, DCG, and its CEO Barry Silbert, accusing them of concealing more than $1.1 billion in losses.

該訴訟還包括對 Genesis 前執行長 Soichiro Moro、DCG 及其執行長 Barry Silbert 的指控,指控他們隱瞞了超過 11 億美元的損失。

The action by the New York Attorney General adds another layer of complexity to the challenges facing the cryptocurrency industry, especially following the bankruptcy of FTX and the resultant sector-wide turmoil.

紐約總檢察長的行動讓加密貨幣產業面臨的挑戰變得更加複雜,尤其是在 FTX 破產以及由此引發的全行業動盪之後。

Yet some optimistic voices suggest more robust platforms like Rollbit Coin, Meme Kombat, Radix, Launchpad XYZ, and Render are some of the best crypto to buy now amid the ongoing upheaval thanks to their solid fundamentals and/or upbeat technicals.

然而,一些樂觀的聲音表明,Rollbit Coin、Meme Kombat、Radix、Launchpad XYZ 和Render 等更強大的平台由於其堅實的基本面和/或樂觀的技術面,是目前在持續劇變中最值得購買的加密貨幣。

RLB Price Prediction: Bulls Push for Breakout Amidst Growing Momentum

Rollbit Coin (RLB) continues its bullish momentum today as the RLB price trades at $0.163768, up 5.29% so far.

RLB 價格預測:多頭在不斷增長的勢頭中推動突破來源:TradingView / RLBUSDTRollbit Coin (RLB) 今天繼續保持看漲勢頭,RLB 價格交易至 0.163768 美元,迄今為止上漲 5.29%。

This follows a significant 12.58% gain yesterday that allowed the cryptocurrency to resume its uptrend after retesting the Fib 0.5 support level of $0.138776 on October 17.

此前,加密貨幣昨天大幅上漲 12.58%,在 10 月 17 日重新測試斐波那契 0.5 支撐位 0.138776 美元後,恢復了上漲趨勢。

RLB now has its sights set on breaking through the next major resistance zone between $0.172735 and $0.178108, which aligns with the Fib 0.236 level of $0.177985.

RLB 目前的目標是突破 0.172735 美元至 0.178108 美元之間的下一個主要阻力區,該阻力位與 Fib 0.236 水平 0.177985 美元一致。

The 20-day EMA for the RLB price stands at $0.138294, crossing above the 50-day EMA of $0.133476. This golden cross pattern is a notable bullish indicator, signaling growing momentum on the upside.

RLB 價格的 20 日均線為 0.138294 美元,突破 50 日均線 0.133476 美元。這種黃金十字形態是一個值得注意的看漲指標,顯示上行勢頭不斷增強。

The widening gap between the 20-day and 100-day EMA of $0.123069 further supports this bullish view.

20 日和 100 日均線之間不斷擴大的 0.123069 美元差距進一步支持了這種看漲觀點。

The RSI jumped to 62.32 from yesterday's 59.47, moving away from oversold territory. This shows renewed buying interest and upside potential for the RLB price. The MACD histogram improved to 0.003522 from 0.002554, reflecting building bullish momentum.

RSI 從昨天的 59.47 躍升至 62.32,遠離超賣區域。這表明 RLB 價格重新燃起購買興趣和上漲潛力。 MACD長條圖從0.002554改善至0.003522,反映出看漲動能正在增強。

With RLB rallying off support, breaking past resistance at $0.177985 could confirm the uptrend resumption.

隨著 RLB 從支撐位反彈,突破 0.177985 美元的阻力位可能會確認上升趨勢的恢復。

However, failure to make this breakthrough could see the RLB price retest support around $0.156300, marked by the Fib 0.382 level. This aligns with the horizontal support zone spanning $0.149556 to $0.157733.

然而,如果未能取得這一突破,RLB 價格可能會重新測試 0.156300 美元附近的支撐位,以 Fib 0.382 水平為標誌。這與 0.149556 美元至 0.157733 美元的水平支撐區域一致。

Traders may look to enter long positions on a successful resistance breakout while managing risk below the key support zone.


If RLB can maintain its bullish momentum, it could target the psychological $0.20 level next. However, a drop below the Fib 0.382 support risks negating the uptrend. RLB remains sensitive to broader market conditions.

如果 RLB 能夠保持看漲勢頭,下一步可能會瞄準 0.20 美元的心理水平。然而,跌破 Fib 0.382 支撐位可能會抵消上升趨勢。 RLB 對更廣泛的市場狀況仍然敏感。

Play, Bet, and Win with Meme Kombat's MK Tokens - the Best Crypto to Buy Now

The crypto verse has a new gladiatorial arena, and the combatants are some of the internet’s most absurd memes. Meme Kombat (MK) is a play-to-earn cryptocurrency project generating significant hype as its presale fundraising nears $600,000.

使用 Meme Kombat 的 MK 代幣進行遊戲、下注並獲勝 - 現在最值得購買的加密貨幣加密貨幣宇宙有一個新的角斗場,而戰鬥者是互聯網上最荒謬的模因之一。 Meme Kombat (MK) 是一個邊玩邊賺錢的加密貨幣項目,其預售籌款接近 60 萬美元,引起了極大的炒作。

By combining blockchain technology with viral meme battles, Meme Kombat seeks to attract enthusiasts of crypto investing, gaming, and memes.

透過將區塊鏈技術與病毒式迷因大戰結合,Meme Kombat 試圖吸引加密貨幣投資、遊戲和迷因愛好者。

Meme Kombat will enable users to wager MK tokens on battles between popular internet memes. The outcomes of these meme versus meme showdowns are determined by AI-powered simulations. By betting on match results, players can earn rewards and prizes.

Meme Kombat 將使用戶能夠在流行的網路迷因之間的戰鬥中下注 MK 代幣。這些模因與模因對決的結果由人工智慧驅動的模擬決定。透過投注比賽結果,玩家可以獲得獎勵和獎品。

The presale for MK tokens has attracted over $590,000 so far, fast approaching its $1 million goal. The price per MK token will sit at $0.1667 during this presale.

迄今為止,MK 代幣的預售已吸引超過 59 萬美元,快速接近 100 萬美元的目標。在本次預售期間,每個 MK 代幣的價格將為 0.1667 美元。

A key feature driving interest is Meme Kombat’s integration of GameFi and play-to-earn mechanics. Through activities like staking MK and speculating on battle results, players can generate yields and winnings.

引起人們興趣的關鍵功能是 Meme Kombat 整合了 GameFi 和邊玩邊賺錢的機制。透過質押 MK 和推測戰鬥結果等活動,玩家可以獲得收益和獎金。

The first Meme Kombat season will showcase 11 classic meme characters facing off in the meme metaverse. Per the project's whitepaper, additional characters and modes are planned for future seasons as the game expands.

Meme Kombat 第一季將展示 11 個經典 Meme 角色在 Meme 虛擬宇宙中對峙。根據該項目的白皮書,隨著遊戲的擴展,計劃在未來的季節中增加更多的角色和模式。

50% of the total supply of MK has been allocated to the presale, while 30% will fund staking rewards and battle prizes. This distribution model intends to bootstrap the Meme Kombat gaming ecosystem through participant engagement.

MK總供應量的50%用於預售,30%用於質押獎勵和戰鬥獎。這種分發模式旨在透過參與者參與來引導 Meme Kombat 遊戲生態系統。

In the lead-up to its official launch later this year, Meme Kombat has already caught the attention of crypto influencers. Their enthusiasm underscores the niche appeal of a meme coin that combines crypto speculation with multiplayer gameplay.

在今年稍後正式推出之前,Meme Kombat 已經引起了加密貨幣影響者的注意。他們的熱情凸顯了將加密貨幣投機與多人遊戲玩法結合在一起的迷因幣的小眾吸引力。

While the prices of entrenched meme cryptos like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have slumped recently, Meme Kombat’s one-of-a-kind approach appears well-positioned to capitalize on the building investor interest in the play-to-earn sector.

雖然狗狗幣和柴犬等根深蒂固的模因加密貨幣的價格最近大幅下跌,但 Meme Kombat 的獨一無二的方法似乎處於有利地位,可以充分利用投資者對賺錢領域日益濃厚的興趣。

The project's devoted community and interactive approach could be its key advantage as the battle for traction intensifies within the meme coin market.


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XRD Price Struggles to Break Resistance: Bearish Outlook Prevails

The XRD price continues to face selling pressure as bearish sentiment prevails in the market. After failing to break past the 20-day EMA resistance at $0.04554, the XRD price is down 0.77% and trading at $0.04146.

XRD 價格難以突破阻力位:看跌前景盛行來源:TradingView / XRDUSDT 由於市場上看跌情緒盛行,XRD 價格持續面臨拋售壓力。在未能突破 20 日均線阻力位 0.04554 美元後,XRD 價格下跌 0.77%,交易價格為 0.04146 美元。

With the XRD price below the 20-day EMA of $0.04554 and the 50-day EMA of $0.05075, the short and long-term outlook remains decidedly bearish. The widening gap between the 20 and 50-day EMAs also points to building downside momentum for the XRD price.

由於 XRD 價格低於 0.04554 美元的 20 日均線和 0.05075 美元的 50 日均線,短期和長期前景仍然明顯看跌。 20 日和 50 日均線之間不斷擴大的差距也表明 XRD 價格正在形成下行勢頭。

The RSI for XRD stands at 32.92, up slightly from 32.81 yesterday but still in oversold territory below 30. This suggests panic selling may be exhausting itself, but sustained upside still appears unlikely. A more prolonged RSI below 30 would be needed to signal a reversal.

XRD 的 RSI 為 32.92,較昨天的 32.81 略有上升,但仍處於 30 以下的超賣區域。這表明恐慌性拋售可能正在耗盡,但持續上漲的可能性仍然不大。 RSI 需要更長時間低於 30 才能發出反轉訊號。

The MACD histogram has improved slightly from -0.00050 to -0.00023, edging closer to a potential bullish crossover. However, follow-through will be required before this can be considered a reliable buy signal.

MACD 長條圖從 -0.00050 略有改善至 -0.00023,接近潛在的看漲交叉。然而,在這被視為可靠的買入訊號之前,需要進行跟進。

With the XRD price rejecting firmly from the 20-day EMA resistance at $0.04554, investors should watch for a retest of support levels. Immediate support lies between $0.03846 and $0.03938 where the current swing low is located.

由於 XRD 價格堅決拒絕 20 日均線阻力位 0.04554 美元,投資者應關注支撐位的重新測試。直接支撐位於 0.03846 美元至 0.03938 美元之間,即當前波動低點所在的位置。

A decisive break below this could open the door for a steeper decline towards the psychological $0.03 level. To negate the bearish outlook, the XRD price must show conviction above the 20-day EMA and the resistance zone between $0.04564 and $0.04782.

果斷跌破該水準可能會為進一步下跌至 0.03 美元的心理水準打開大門。為了否定看跌前景,XRD 價格必須顯示高於 20 日均線和 0.04564 美元至 0.04782 美元之間阻力區的信心。

Until a bottom is confirmed, caution is warranted around the XRD price. Consolidation between support and resistance may persist in the coming days as traders evaluate the next catalysts.

在底部確認之前,需要對 XRD 價格保持謹慎。隨著交易員評估下一個催化劑,支撐位和阻力位之間的整合可能會在未來幾天持續存在。

Upside appears limited barring a spike in buying volume and breakout above the 20-day EMA.

除非買入量激增並突破 20 日均線,否則上漲空間似乎有限。

Launchpad XYZ: Pioneering Web 3.0 Applications with LPX Token

Web 3.0 crypto startup Launchpad XYZ is drawing attention for its forthcoming platform intended to streamline Web 3.0 applications. Currently hosting a crypto presale for its LPX token, the company has already raised over $1.91 million so far.

Launchpad XYZ:利用 LPX TokenWeb 3.0 加密新創公司開創 Web 3.0 應用程式 Launchpad XYZ 因其即將推出的旨在簡化 Web 3.0 應用程式的平台而引起人們的注意。目前該公司正在為其 LPX 代幣進行加密貨幣預售,迄今已籌集了超過 191 萬美元。

The presale, which began with a 20% bonus that decreases by 1% every seven days, stands at a current bonus of 12%. The platform brings a functional focus to the dynamic cryptocurrency market as it offers a range of features including a decentralized exchange and exclusive access to high-value cryptocurrencies.

預售開始時獎金為 20%,每 7 天減少 1%,目前獎金為 12%。該平台將功能重點放在動態的加密貨幣市場上,因為它提供了一系列功能,包括去中心化交易和對高價值加密貨幣的獨家存取權。

Launchpad XYZ's emphasis lies on utility. Unlike other crypto platforms, it will offer a decentralized exchange for token swaps and NFT trading. It will also allow access to fractional assets like real estate and luxury cars.

Launchpad XYZ 的重點在於實用性。與其他加密貨幣平台不同,它將提供用於代幣互換和 NFT 交易的去中心化交易所。它還將允許獲得房地產和豪華汽車等部分資產。

Launchpad XYZ's native token LPX will offer exclusive features and rewards when staked. Users can access these benefits by staking LPX tokens for a minimum period of 90 days. This staking requirement serves the purpose of boosting token demand and covering associated fees.

Launchpad XYZ 的原生代幣 LPX 將在質押時提供獨家功能和獎勵。用戶可以透過質押 LPX 代幣至少 90 天來獲得這些好處。這項質押要求的目的是提高代幣需求並支付相關費用。

To aid both new and experienced investors in crypto decision-making, Launchpad XYZ has developed a unique tool known as the Launchpad Quotient.

為了幫助新投資者和經驗豐富的投資者進行加密決策,Launchpad XYZ 開發了一種獨特的工具,稱為 Launchpad Quotient。

This artificial intelligence-based system compiles data from over 400 points to provide a nuanced view of potential crypto investments. Alongside this, the company will introduce a search box that utilizes AI to suggest suitable cryptocurrencies based on user input.

這個基於人工智慧的系統編譯了 400 多個點的數據,以提供潛在加密投資的細緻入微的觀點。除此之外,該公司還將推出一個搜尋框,利用人工智慧根據用戶輸入建議合適的加密貨幣。

Led by CEO Terence Ribaudo, who brings over a decade of experience in the Web 3.0 industry, the startup elevates transparency by publicly listing the LinkedIn profiles of all core team members.

在執行長 Terence Ribaudo 的領導下,該新創公司在 Web 3.0 行業擁有十多年的經驗,透過公開列出所有核心團隊成員的 LinkedIn 個人資料來提高透明度。

The company's roadmap for the future is explicit: a Web 3.0 wallet will be introduced in 2023, followed by various other offerings like a token directory and an educational hub by year's end.

該公司的未來路線圖很明確:將於 2023 年推出 Web 3.0 錢包,隨後在年底推出代幣目錄和教育中心等各種其他產品。

With its current LPX token presale and a focus on functional utility, Launchpad XYZ is not merely participating in the crypto marketplace; it is actively contributing to the development of the Web 3.0 space. A transparent team and clear future plans further solidify its standing in the sector.

透過目前的 LPX 代幣預售以及對功能實用性的關注,Launchpad XYZ 不僅參與了加密貨幣市場,還參與了加密貨幣市場。它正在積極為 Web 3.0 空間的發展做出貢獻。透明的團隊和明確的未來計劃進一步鞏固了其在該行業的地位。

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RNDR Price Rally: Potential Consolidation Before the Next Leg Up

The RNDR price has seen a strong uptrend over the past month, gaining over 23% to reach its current level of $1.950.

RNDR 價格上漲:下一步上漲之前的潛在盤整來源:TradingView / RNDRUSDT RNDR 價格在過去一個月出現強勁上漲趨勢,上漲超過 23%,達到目前 1.950 美元的水平。

After facing rejection around the Fib 0.5 resistance at $1.921 on October 7, the RNDR price retraced for 8 days back towards its 20-day EMA near $1.770. However, RNDR bounced off this level and has posted 4 consecutive daily gains since October 16.

在 10 月 7 日遭遇 Fib 0.5 阻力位 1.921 美元附近的拒絕後,RNDR 價格連續 8 天回撤至 1.770 美元附近的 20 日均線。然而,RNDR 從該水準反彈,自 10 月 16 日以來已連續 4 天上漲。

This surge has allowed the RNDR price to break out above the previous resistance between $1.834 and $1.921. The cryptocurrency is seeing high trading volumes during this move, highlighting conviction amongst buyers. The RNDR price has also broken past its 100-day EMA, which currently stands at $1.687.

這一飆升使 RNDR 價格突破了先前 1.834 美元至 1.921 美元之間的阻力位。在這個過程中,加密貨幣的交易量很高,凸顯了買家的信心。 RNDR 價格也突破了 100 日均線,目前為 1.687 美元。

However, the daily RSI has diverged bearishly and reached overbought territory at 72.10, signaling the RNDR price may be due for a pullback after its short-term rise. The MACD histogram sits at a high of 0.13, reflecting building bullish momentum that could propel RNDR higher before it tops out.

然而,每日 RSI 已出現看跌背離,並達到超買區域 72.10,這表明 RNDR 價格在短期上漲後可能會回檔。 MACD 柱狀圖位於 0.13 的高位,反映出看漲勢頭正在增強,可能會在觸頂之前推動 RNDR 走高。

Looking ahead, the RNDR price faces initial resistance between $2.128 and $2.245, aligned with the Fib 0.236 level at $2.165. Above this, RNDR would need to take out the psychological $2.50 area to extend its uptrend.

展望未來,RNDR 價格面臨 2.128 美元至 2.245 美元之間的初步阻力,與 2.165 美元的 Fib 0.236 水準一致。在此之上,RNDR 需要突破 2.50 美元的心理區域才能延續其上升趨勢。

On the downside, the former resistance zone of $1.834 to $1.921 should now act as the first support region. A breakback below this would put the 20-day EMA at $1.770 in focus as the next key support.

下檔方面,前阻力區 1.834 美元至 1.921 美元現在應成為第一個支撐區域。跌破該水準將使 20 日均線 1.770 美元成為下一個關鍵支撐位。

The technicals suggest further upside may be limited for RNDR in the near term. Investors should watch for a pullback or consolidation before the uptrend resumes towards $2.50. Maintaining above $1.834 support will keep the bull case intact.

技術面顯示 RNDR 短期內進一步上漲可能有限。在上漲趨勢恢復至 2.50 美元之前,投資者應關注回調或盤整。維持在 1.834 美元上方的支撐位將使牛市保持完整。

Disclaimer: Crypto is a high-risk asset class. This article is provided for informational purposes and does not constitute investment advice. You could lose all of your capital.





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