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Elon Musk and Mark Cuban spoke out against SEC

伊隆馬斯克和馬克庫班公開反對 SEC

發布: 2023/10/19 22:16 閱讀: 826



American entrepreneurs, including Elon Musk, Philip Goldstein, and Mark Cuban, have filed an amicus curiae brief in the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) case against George Jarkesy Jr.

包括馬斯克、菲利普戈德斯坦和馬克庫班在內的美國企業家已就美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 針對小喬治賈克西的案件提交了法庭之友陳述。

Their appeal to the Supreme Court stated the following:


“The SEC’s insistence on administrative proceedings when federal court juries are readily available runs contrary to the SEC’s mission and harms the very investors and markets the SEC is charged with protecting.”


Court filing


According to the authors, the current mechanism for reviewing administrative cases gives the SEC an “undue advantage” over defendants.


According to court records, Jarkesy created two hedge funds worth $24 million in 2007 and 2009. He invested primarily in small businesses. The investment consultant was Patriot28.

根據法庭記錄,賈克西於 2007 年和 2009 年創建了兩隻價值 2,400 萬美元的對沖基金。他主要投資於小型企業。投資顧問是Patriot28。

The SEC later charged Jarkesy and the firm mentioned above with defrauding investors. In 2013, the regulator assigned a review to its judge based on the Dodd-Frank Act and ordered the entrepreneur to pay a fine.

美國證券交易委員會隨後指控 Jarkesy 和上述公司欺騙投資者。 2013年,監管機構根據《多德弗蘭克法案》向法官指派審查,並命令該企業家支付罰款。

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Jarkesi filed a protest demanding a review of the case. He said the SEC’s actions violated the Seventh Amendment (right to trial by jury).

雅克西提出抗議,要求對此案進行複審。他表示,SEC 的行為違反了第七修正案(陪審團審判的權利)。

In 2020, after several proceedings, the commission upheld the verdict. Later, the department admitted that they had “illegal access” to the materials of a dozen cases, including the case of Jarkesy.


In May 2022, given new details in the case, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled in favor of Jarkesy. It restored his seventh amendment rights. The US Department of Justice filed an appeal against this decision. The Supreme Court is expected to hear it in November 2023.

2022 年 5 月,鑑於案件的新細節,美國第五巡迴上訴法院做出了對賈克西有利的裁決。它恢復了他第七修正案的權利。美國司法部針對這項決定提出上訴。最高法院預計將於 2023 年 11 月舉行聽證會。

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