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Crypto Expert Gives Reasons Why Dogecoin Is Better Off Without A DOGE ETF

加密貨幣專家給出了為什麼狗狗幣沒有 DOGE ETF 會更好的原因

發布: 2024/01/05 06:00 閱讀: 738



In a recent analysis, a pseudonymous crypto expert who goes by @itsALLrisky on X (formerly Twitter) presented a compelling case for Dogecoin’s sovereignty, asserting that the popular meme coin may thrive without the need for a Dogecoin ETF. 

在最近的一項分析中,一位在X(以前稱為Twitter)上使用@itsALLrisky 的匿名加密貨幣專家為狗狗幣的主權提出了令人信服的案例,聲稱流行的模因幣可能會在不需要狗狗幣ETF 的情況下蓬勃發展。

Why Dogecoin Does Not Need An ETF

為什麼狗狗幣不需要 ETF

The popular Dogecoin enthusiast recently took to X (formerly Twitter) to outline an extensive list of why Dogecoin, a meme-based cryptocurrency would succeed without joining the ETF hype. 

這位受歡迎的狗狗幣愛好者最近在 X(以前稱為 Twitter)上概述了為什麼狗狗幣(一種基於模因的加密貨幣)在不加入 ETF 炒作的情況下會取得成功的原因。

According to the crypto expert, Dogecoin’s inherent status as a meme coin would significantly deter it from being completely acknowledged by renowned financial institutions. As a result, the possibility of the cryptocurrency becoming an ETF is unlikely.

這位加密貨幣專家表示,狗狗幣作為迷因幣的固有地位將極大地阻礙其獲得知名金融機構的完全認可。因此,加密貨幣成為 ETF 的可能性不大。

Additionally, if Dogecoin maintains its value as a digital currency rather than transforming into an institutional investment, it could potentially flourish through widespread adoption for everyday transactions and purchases on a global scale.


“Those expecting a Dogecoin ETF to follow on Bitcoin’s heels shouldn’t get their hopes up. For Doge to rise, it will have to succeed as a grassroots form of money, adopted by regular humor-loving folk for everyday purchases,” the analyst said. 

「那些期待狗狗幣 ETF 追隨比特幣腳步的人不應該抱太大希望。為了讓 Doge 崛起,它必須作為一種草根貨幣形式取得成功,並被喜歡幽默的普通人用於日常購買,」這位分析師表示。

He added:


“Dogecoin’s issuance schedule, low transactional fees, and broad humorous appeal make it ideally suited to be used as a form of cash. More than Bitcoin, Doge is built to move, and that movement is its lifeline.”

「狗狗幣的發行時間表、低廉的交易費用和廣泛的幽默吸引力使其非常適合用作現金形式。與比特幣不同,Doge 是為了移動而生的,而這種移動就是它的生命線。”

Effects Of Spot Bitcoin ETFs On BTC

現貨比特幣 ETF 對 BTC 的影響

In his lengthy analysis of Spot Bitcoin ETF, the crypto expert explained how Spot Bitcoin ETFs could potentially diminish Bitcoin’s value as a transactional currency. 

在對現貨比特幣 ETF 的長篇分析中,這位加密貨幣專家解釋了現貨比特幣 ETF 如何可能削弱比特幣作為交易貨幣的價值。

“Perhaps the most interesting perspective on ETFs came from crypto OG Arthur Hayes, founder of the BitMex exchange. Hayes warned that if ETFs become too successful, they will destroy Bitcoin as a transactional currency. The reason for this is banks could gobble up millions of Bitcoins, which would then sit inertly in investment vehicles,” the crypto expert stated. 

「也許關於 ETF 最有趣的觀點來自 BitMex 交易所創辦人、加密貨幣 OG Arthur Hayes。海耶斯警告說,如果 ETF 太成功,它們將摧毀比特幣作為交易貨幣的地位。原因是銀行可能會吞掉數百萬比特幣,然後這些比特幣就會留在投資工具中,」這位加密貨幣專家表示。

The excitement surrounding the potential approval of Spot Bitcoin ETF could be attributed to the expectations that a Spot Bitcoin ETF could trigger a major rally in the price of Bitcoin. Furthermore, since these investment assets could provide more liquidity for Bitcoin, it may enable a safer form of digital asset investments for investors. 

圍繞現貨比特幣 ETF 可能獲得批准的興奮可能歸因於人們對現貨比特幣 ETF 可能引發比特幣價格大幅上漲的預期。此外,由於這些投資資產可以為比特幣提供更多的流動性,因此可能為投資者提供更安全的數位資產投資形式。

Despite these advantages, the Dogecoin enthusiast has disclosed significant drawbacks that could follow the launch of a Spot Bitcoin ETF.

儘管有這些優勢,這位狗狗幣愛好者還是透露了現貨比特幣 ETF 推出後可能存在的重大缺陷。

“A Bitcoin ETF would be a huge step forward for cryptocurrency, signaling acceptance from the most prestigious financial institutions in the world. But progress doesn’t come without drawbacks: the advent of Bitcoin ETFs probably won’t improve Bitcoin’s standing as a form of digital money traded for goods and services. It might even hurt it,” he explained. 

「比特幣 ETF 將是加密貨幣向前邁出的一大步,標誌著世界上最負盛名的金融機構的接受。但進步並非沒有缺點:比特幣 ETF 的出現可能不會改善比特幣作為一種用於商品和服務交易的數位貨幣形式的地位。它甚至可能會傷害它,」他解釋道。

Overall, the denial or approval dates of the Spot Bitcoin ETF are fast approaching and scheduled for January 10.

總體而言,現貨比特幣 ETF 的拒絕或批准日期即將到來,預定日期為 1 月 10 日。


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