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This Month’s Crypto Spotlight: Watching Polygon, Rebel Satoshi, and Dogecoin’s Movements

本月的加密貨幣焦點:觀察 Polygon、Rebel Satoshi 和狗狗幣的動向

發布: 2024/01/04 22:33 閱讀: 993





  • Polygon has gained 32% in 2023, with more gains coming in 2024 and beyond.
  • Polygon 在 2023 年上漲了 32%,2024 年及以後還會有更多漲幅。

  • Dogecoin has pumped 28% in 2023, and experts predict more growth is coming.
  • 狗狗幣在 2023 年上漲了 28%,專家預測還會有更多成長。

  • Rebel Satoshi has surged 100% thus far, and more growth is in store.
  • Rebel Satoshi 迄今已飆升 100%,並且還會有更多增長。

The crypto market has performed well in 2023, with top altcoins like Polygon (MATIC) and Dogecoin (DOGE) recording notable gains. Meanwhile, Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ), an upcoming meme coin, has jumped 100% during its presale. Consequently, novice investors who missed the 2023 rally are asking, will these coins continue surging in 2024? 

加密貨幣市場在 2023 年表現良好,Polygon (MATIC) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 等頂級山寨幣錄得顯著收益。與此同時,即將推出的迷因幣 Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) 在預售期間股價上漲了 100%。因此,錯過了 2023 年漲勢的新手投資者會問,這些代幣會在 2024 年繼續飆升嗎?

Between Polygon, Dogecoin, and Rebel Satoshi, which cryptocurrency will generate the most significant gains soon? Continue reading to find out!

在 Polygon、Dogecoin 和 Rebel Satoshi 之間,哪種加密貨幣很快就會產生最顯著的收益?繼續閱讀以找出答案!

Polygon Gains 32% in 2023: More Growth Coming Soon?

Polygon 2023 年成長 32%:更多成長即將到來?

Polygon has performed decently in 2023. On January 1, MATIC was changing hands at around $0.76. However, MATIC started climbing and peaked at $1.53 in February due to the anticipation of the zkEVM solution launching in March. Unfortunately, MATIC failed to hold these gains and began retracing its growth.

Polygon 在 2023 年表現不錯。1 月 1 日,MATIC 以 0.76 美元左右的價格易手。然而,由於 zkEVM 解決方案將於 3 月推出,MATIC 開始攀升並在 2 月達到 1.53 美元的峰值。不幸的是,MATIC 未能保持這些漲幅並開始回落其成長。

After plunging as low as $0.52 in October, MATIC began surging again in November due to the news of whales accumulating the token. By December, MATIC had stabilized at around $1.01. This price means MATIC has gained 32.89% in 2023. This bullish performance has left potential investors asking, is Polygon a good crypto to buy now?

在 10 月跌至 0.52 美元的低點後,由於鯨魚囤積代幣的消息,MATIC 在 11 月再次開始飆升。到 12 月,MATIC 穩定在 1.01 美元左右。這個價格意味著 MATIC 在 2023 年上漲了 32.89%。這種看漲的表現讓潛在投資者問,Polygon 現在是一個值得購買的好加密貨幣嗎?

Per experts, MATIC will continue surging to hit $1.85 by the end of 2024. Moreover, experts believe Polygon will maintain these gains and pump further as more investors stake MATIC to earn interest. To this end, experts set the end-of-2025 MATIC prediction at $2.60.

據專家稱,到 2024 年底,MATIC 將繼續飆升至 1.85 美元。此外,專家認為,隨著越來越多的投資者持有 MATIC 以賺取利息,Polygon 將保持這些漲幅並進一步上漲。為此,專家將2025年底MATIC預測定為2.60美元。

Dogecoin Climbs 28% in 2023: Will Bulls Continue Charging?

狗狗幣 2023 年上漲 28%:多頭會繼續上漲嗎?

Dogecoin has performed modestly in 2023. On January 1, DOGE was hovering around $0.070. After Reddit traders tried to orchestrate a Dogecoin short squeeze, DOGE climbed as high as $0.096 in February. However, DOGE failed to maintain the upward momentum and plummeted.

狗狗幣在 2023 年表現平平。1 月 1 日,狗狗幣徘徊在 0.070 美元左右。在 Reddit 交易員試圖策劃狗狗幣逼空之後,狗狗幣在 2 月攀升至 0.096 美元的高點。然而DOGE未能維持上漲勢頭,暴跌。

Luckily, a string of bullish news, including Astrobotic planning to take Dogecoin to the moon, saw DOGE resurge in November. By December, DOGE had stabilized at around $0.090. This price represents a 28.57% surge. So, is DOGE top crypto to buy now for massive returns in 2024 and beyond?

幸運的是,一系列利好消息,包括 Astrobotic 計劃將狗狗幣送上月球,讓 DOGE 在 11 月重新崛起。到 12 月,DOGE 穩定在 0.090 美元左右。這一價格上漲了 28.57%。那麼,DOGE 是否是現在最值得購買的加密貨幣,可以在 2024 年及以後獲得巨額回報?

According to analysts, DOGE will continue climbing to close 2024 at $0.121. Experts peg this prediction on more investors purchasing DOGE, hoping that Elon Musk will add support for Dogecoin once he converts X, formerly Twitter, into a financial hub. Should this happen, analysts believe DOGE can climb to $0.220 by the end of 2025.

分析師表示,DOGE 將繼續攀升,到 2024 年收盤價為 0.121 美元。專家將這項預測與更多投資者購買 DOGE 掛鉤,希望馬斯克在將 X(前身為 Twitter)轉變為金融中心後能夠增加對狗狗幣的支持。如果發生這種情況,分析師認為 DOGE 到 2025 年底可能會攀升至 0.220 美元。



Rebel Satoshi Astonishes Investors After Raising $1 Million!

叛逆中本聰籌集 100 萬美元後令投資者震驚!

Rebel Satoshi, a new meme coin that aims to disrupt the crypto landscape by challenging centralization, has performed exemplarily during its public presale. For instance, Rebel Satoshi has secured $1 million after completing the Early Bird Round, Rebels Round 1, and Warriors Round 2 stages of its presale.

Rebel Satoshi 是一種新的迷因幣,旨在透過挑戰中心化來擾亂加密貨幣格局,在公開預售期間表現出色。例如,Rebel Satoshi 在完成預售的早鳥輪、Rebels 第一輪和 Warriors 第二輪階段後已獲得 100 萬美元。

This fast-paced growth emanates from Rebel Satoshi’s mission to build a community comprising the silent majority. Investors are investing in Rebel Satoshi because of $RBLZ. $RBLZ is Rebel Satoshi’s governance and membership token. As such, $RBLZ offers investors access to features like a P2E game, a staking program, and an NFT marketplace. 

這種快節奏的增長源於 Rebel Satoshi 的使命,即建立一個由沉默的大多數組成的社區。投資者因為 $RBLZ 而投資 Rebel Satoshi。 $RBLZ 是 Rebel Satoshi 的治理和會員代幣。因此,$RBLZ 為投資者提供了 P2E 遊戲、質押計劃和 NFT 市場等功能。

By December, Rebel Satoshi had commenced Citizens Round 3 of its sale, with $RBLZ going for $0.025. This price means $RBLZ has generated a 100% ROI for Early Bird Round investors who bought it at $0.010. Notably, Rebels Round 1 and Warriors Round 2 investors have witnessed their $RBLZ holdings swell by 53.85% and 11.11%, respectively.

到 12 月,Rebel Satoshi 已經開始了 Citizens 第 3 輪銷售,$RBLZ 的售價為 0.025 美元。這個價格意味著 $RBLZ 為以 0.010 美元購買的早鳥輪投資者帶來了 100% 的投資回報率。值得注意的是,Rebels 第一輪和 Warriors 第二輪投資者的 $RBLZ 持倉量分別增加了 53.85% 和 11.11%。

Investors that join Rebel Satoshi’s Citizens Round 3 stand to get a 25% ROI as $RBLZ surges to its listing price of $0.025. Moreover, experts believe $RBLZ will surge astronomically when it gets listed on leading DEXs in February. This projected growth makes $RBLZ the best cryptocurrency to buy now!

隨著 $RBLZ 飆升至 0.025 美元的上市價格,加入 Rebel Satoshi 的 Citizens Round 3 的投資者將獲得 25% 的投資回報率。此外,專家認為,當 RBLZ 2 月在領先的 DEX 上市時,其價格將會出現天文數字般的飆升。這種預計的成長使 $RBLZ 成為現在最值得購買的加密貨幣!

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram

如需最新更新和更多信息,請務必訪問 Rebel Satoshi 官方預售網站或透過 Telegram 聯繫 Rebel Red

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The post This Month’s Crypto Spotlight: Watching Polygon, Rebel Satoshi, and Dogecoin’s Movements appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

本月的加密貨幣焦點:觀察 Polygon、Rebel Satoshi 和 Dogecoin 的動向首先出現在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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