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Only In Crypto: Filmmaker Uses Netflix Budget Funds To Buy Dogecoin

僅限加密貨幣:電影製片人使用 Netflix 預算資金購買狗狗幣

發布: 2023/11/25 06:16 閱讀: 651



A science fiction movie director has been ousted for using funds awarded to create a movie to gamble on stocks and crypto. Perhaps the most notable gamble made by the director was the investment in Dogecoin, which has got the crypto community talking.


Netflix Director’s Big Stock Gamble

Netflix 導演的股票大賭注

A report from the New York Times has revealed a rather interesting gamble by filmmaker Carl Erik Rinsch. Rinsch reportedly had a well sought-after series he wanted to develop, and would eventually score a deal with streaming giant Netflix to produce the series as a Netflix original.

《紐約時報》的一篇報導揭露了電影製片人卡爾·埃里克·林奇的一場相當有趣的賭博。據報道,Rinsch 想要開發一部廣受歡迎的劇集,並最終與串流媒體巨頭 Netflix 達成協議,將該劇集製作為 Netflix 原創作品。

However, while Rinsch would work on the series, he would also divert funds earmarked for production into his own personal trading accounts. According to the report, Rinsch received an $11 million lump sum payment from Netflix to further production on the science fiction series which he called The Organic Intellect (later renamed Conquest by Netflix).

然而,雖然林什將參與該系列的製作,但他也將專門用於製作的資金轉移到他自己的個人交易帳戶。據報道,林什從 Netflix 獲得了 1100 萬美元的一次性付款,用於進一步製作他稱之為“有機智力”(後來被 Netflix 更名為“征服”)的科幻劇集。

Statements show that after receiving an $11 million payment from Netflix, in addition to the tens of millions of dollars already invested into production, Rinsch proceeded to deposit $10.5 million into his personal brokerage account he held with Charles Schwab.

聲明顯示,在收到Netflix 1100 萬美元的付款後,除了已經投入製作的數千萬美元之外,林什還向他在嘉信理財(Charles Schwab) 持有的個人經紀賬戶中存入了1050 萬美元。

Things would go haywire when Rinsch would begin placing bets on the stock market and lose millions. His investments of choice were revealed to be risky bets that Gilead Sciences share price would skyrocket, as well as betting that the S&P 500 Index would continue its decline.

當林奇開始押注股市並損失數百萬美元時,事情變得混亂。據透露,他選擇的投資是對吉利德科學公司股價將飆升的高風險押注,以及對標準普爾 500 指數將繼續下跌的押注。

In the end, both bets would end up being wrong, costing Rinsch a reported $5.9 million from the initial $10.5 million he had deposited. Interestingly, all of this unfolded in a matter of weeks.

最終,這兩項賭注最終都錯了,據報道,林奇從他最初存入的 1050 萬美元中損失了 590 萬美元。有趣的是,所有這一切都在幾週內展開。

Turning To Dogecoin As A Last Ditch Effort


In what seemed to be another risky bet, Rinsch would follow the crypto craze that emerged in the heat of the COVID pandemic and eventual worldwide lockdown. The funds that remained from the $10.5 million he had diverted to crypto and stock trading platform Robinhood, where he would place another seemingly risky bet. However, this time around, the bet would pay off.

在這似乎是另一個冒險的賭注中,Rinsch 將追隨在新冠病毒大流行和最終全球封鎖期間出現的加密貨幣熱潮。他將 1050 萬美元中剩餘的資金轉移到了加密貨幣和股票交易平台 Robinhood,在那裡他將進行另一個看似風險很大的賭注。然而,這一次,賭注得到了回報。

Rinsch reportedly invested $4 million in Dogecoin in early 2021, and his holdings would grow readily as the cryptocurrency’s value rose. By the time the filmmaker sold his stash of Dogecoin in May 2021, they were reportedly worth a whopping $27 million.

據報道,Rinsch 在 2021 年初向狗狗幣投資了 400 萬美元,隨著加密貨幣價值的上漲,他的持股將迅速增加。據報道,當這位電影製片人於 2021 年 5 月出售他收藏的狗狗幣時,它們的價值高達 2700 萬美元。

With his bets finally paying off, Rinsch would go on an $8.7 million spending spree, buying Rolls Royces, a Ferrari, designer watches, clothes, and furniture. Naturally, Netflix was not pleased by this as the series they had invested in Rinsch to produce was still not finished.

隨著他的賭注終於得到回報,林什開始了 870 萬美元的瘋狂消費,購買了勞斯萊斯、一輛法拉利、名牌手錶、衣服和家具。 Netflix自然對此感到不高興,因為他們投資Rinsch製作的劇集還沒有完成。

The matter is currently in court as Netflix says it made the payments to Rinsch to deliver various production milestones that were never met. On Rinsch’s part, he maintains that by the contract between the two, the payments made to him were legally his, and claims that Netflix still owed him about $14 million in more payments.

此事目前正在法庭上審理,Netflix 表示,它已向 Rinsch 支付了款項,以實現從未實現的各種製作里程碑。林什堅稱,根據兩人之間的合同,支付給他的款項在法律上屬於他,並聲稱 Netflix 還欠他約 1400 萬美元的款項。


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