首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 加密貨幣:2024 年狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 的未來是什麼?

Crypto: What future for Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) in 2024?

加密貨幣:2024 年狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 的未來是什麼?

發布: 2024/01/14 22:00 閱讀: 403

原文作者:Cointribune EN


加密貨幣:2024 年狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 的未來是什麼?

Throughout 2023, Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) have stood out among the most relevant memecoins in the crypto market. What could their dynamics be in 2024? Let’s explore this in the following lines.

在整個 2023 年,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和柴犬 (SHIB) 在加密市場中最相關的迷因幣中脫穎而出。 2024 年他們的動態會怎麼樣?讓我們在以下幾行中探討這一點。

Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) in an Explosive Crypto Context


With the recent surge of Bitcoin (BTC), the crypto ecosystem seems to be gaining new momentum. Generally, there is wonder about how the different cryptos will react to this trend. Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) memecoins are no exception.


Fundamentally, what could be the prospects for these cryptos throughout 2024? Perhaps we should look back on the respective trends of these popular digital assets in 2023 to try to project.

從根本上來說,這些加密貨幣在 2024 年的前景如何?或許我們應該回顧一下2023年這些熱門數位資產各自的走勢來嘗試預測。

For Shiba Inu, the crypto has experienced a notable growth in market capitalization. It surpassed 6 billion dollars in 2023. And with the emergence of the decentralized exchange ShibaSwap, Shiba Inu is positioning itself as a crypto asset with definite growth potential, driven by a devoted community and sustained adoption.

對於柴犬來說,加密貨幣的市值經歷了顯著成長。到 2023 年,這一數字將超過 60 億美元。隨著去中心化交易所 ShibaSwap 的出現,在忠實社區和持續採用的推動下,Shiba Inu 將自己定位為具有明確增長潛力的加密資產。

As for Dogecoin, it holds a unique place in the crypto ecosystem. With a market capitalization that exceeded 30 billion dollars in 2023, its resilience and the loyalty of its community suggest a stable trajectory in 2024. This is also due to the simplicity of the asset attracting new investors, strengthening its relevance in the market.

至於狗狗幣,它在加密生態系統中佔有獨特的地位。 2023 年市值將超過 300 億美元,其韌性和社區忠誠度表明 2024 年將保持穩定的軌跡。這也是由於該資產的簡單性吸引了新投資者,增強了其在市場中的相關性。

A Future Both Prudent and Optimistic


Fundamentally, the price forecasts for Dogecoin (DOGE) and Shiba Inu (SHIB) blend cautious optimism with enthusiastic speculation. Indeed, historical data reveal both meteoric rises and harsh corrections for these two cryptos. A potential surge in the strength of these assets is not to be ruled out.


However, attention must be paid to the competition that could be dictated by Doge Uprising, still in the presale phase. Doge Uprising emerges as a dark horse in this scenario, showing innovation with its narrative concept and a strategic presale phase.

然而,必須注意仍處於預售階段的總督起義可能決定的比賽。 《總督起義》在這一幕中成為一匹黑馬,在敘事理念和戰略預售階段展現出創新。

While established memecoins like Shiba Inu and Dogecoin have carved out a prime spot, Doge Uprising could bring about a revival. This, by offering investors a chance to witness growth from the ground up, makes it a crypto project worth following in 2024.

雖然柴犬和狗狗幣等老牌迷因幣已經佔據了主導地位,但狗狗起義可能會帶來復興。透過為投資者提供見證從頭開始成長的機會,使其成為 2024 年值得關注的加密項目。

Whatever the case, now that the Bitcoin Spot ETF is approved, there is an expectation for the dynamics of the entire crypto industry to accelerate. An optimism that in no way guarantees that the much prophesied crypto bull run by experts from this year will materialize in a sustainable manner.

無論如何,既然比特幣現貨 ETF 獲得批准,整個加密產業的活力有望加速。這種樂觀情緒絕不能保證今年專家們所預言的加密貨幣牛市將以可持續的方式實現。


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