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Crypto Investments: Comparing NuggetRush, Polygon, and Dogecoin’s Prospects

加密貨幣投資:比較 NuggetRush、Polygon 和 Dogecoin 的前景

發布: 2024/01/15 06:00 閱讀: 599



加密貨幣投資:比較 NuggetRush、Polygon 和 Dogecoin 的前景



  • Polygon (MATIC) has announced the launch of its Libre Network.
  • Polygon (MATIC) 宣布推出 Libre 網路。

  • Dogecoin (DOGE) could climb to $0.1 after the SEC approved Spot crypto ETFs in early January.
  • 在 1 月初 SEC 批准現貨加密 ETF 後,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 可能會攀升至 0.1 美元。

  • NuggetRush’s (NUGX) presale will enter its fifth round soon with another 20% increase.
  • NuggetRush (NUGX) 的預售即將進入第五輪,漲幅還將達到 20%。

Polygon’s (MATIC) new Libre network will bring major asset managers to its network. Dogecoin (DOGE) could soar after the SEC approved the first-ever spot crypto ETFs.

Polygon (MATIC) 的新 Libre 網路將把主要的資產管理公司引入其網路。在美國證券交易委員會批准有史以來第一個現貨加密 ETF 後,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 可能會飆升。

Still, analysts say NuggetRush (NUGX) could become the top cryptocurrency to watch after its presale grew by 50% since its launch. It features a mining game with NFT staking opportunities. Yet, can it become one of the top DeFi projects? Let’s discuss.

儘管如此,分析師表示 NuggetRush (NUGX) 可能會成為最值得關注的加密貨幣,自推出以來預售量增加了 50%。它具有帶有 NFT 質押機會的挖礦遊戲。然而,它能成為頂級 DeFi 專案之一嗎?來!我們討論一下。

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NuggetRush Luanches NFT Staking with 20% APY

NuggetRush 以 20% APY 推出 NFT 質押

NuggetRush (NUGX) is a standout NFT gaming experience where players become artisanal miners, undertaking exciting challenges. The game challenges players with its Ethereum-based mining adventure where they must manage limited resources while building a gold mine. On NuggetRush (NUGX), players will collect mining characters and machinery along the way.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 是一種出色的 NFT 遊戲體驗,玩家可以在其中成為手工礦工,接受激動人心的挑戰。該遊戲透過基於以太坊的採礦冒險向玩家提出挑戰,他們必須在建造金礦的同時管理有限的資源。在 NuggetRush (NUGX) 上,玩家將沿途收集採礦角色和機械。

Each time they complete mining tasks, the game rewards them with extra NFTs. However, players must expand their mining business to include multiple digging sites. For this, gamers will need a sizable mining team and multiple mining machinery. NuggetRush’s (NUGX) standard NFT marketplace will offer all the resources that gamers need.

每次他們完成挖礦任務時,遊戲都會獎勵他們額外的 NFT。然而,玩家必須擴大他們的採礦業務以包括多個挖掘地點。為此,玩家需要規模龐大的挖礦團隊和多台挖礦機械。 NuggetRush (NUGX) 標準 NFT 市場將提供遊戲玩家所需的所有資源。

Players can also purchase upgraded NFT assets from other players via peer-to-peer trading on NuggetRush (NUGX). Gamers who want to convert NFT assets into real-world value can liquidate them for cash on the marketplace. Gamers can also earn up to 20% APY for staking their NFTs. The exact size of staking rewards will depend on the staking duration.

玩家還可以透過 NuggetRush (NUGX) 上的點對點交易從其他玩家購買升級後的 NFT 資產。想要將 NFT 資產轉換為現實世界價值的遊戲玩家可以在市場上將其變現以換取現金。遊戲玩家還可以透過質押 NFT 賺取高達 20% 的年化收益。質押獎勵的具體大小將取決於質押持續時間。

Many investors have joined NuggetRush (NUGX) since its blockchain ICO kicked off. They have purchased 145 million tokens since the start of NUGX’s presale. NUGX traded at $0.010 in round one of its presale. It now trades at $0.015 by round four after growing by 50%. Yet, NUGX will increase by another 20% to $0.018 by round five of its presale.

自從區塊鏈 ICO 啟動以來,許多投資者加入了 NuggetRush (NUGX)。自 NUGX 預售開始以來,他們已購買了 1.45 億枚代幣。 NUGX 在第一輪預售的交易價格為 0.010 美元。在增長了 50% 後,第四輪的交易價格為 0.015 美元。然而,到第五輪預售時,NUGX 將再上漲 20% 至 0.018 美元。

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Polygon Announces Major Tradfi Parntships with Asset Manager

Polygon 宣布與 Asset Manager 建立主要 Tradfi 合作夥伴關係

On January 10, 2024, Polygon Labs unveiled Libre, a layer-2 network designed for the smooth distribution of alternative asset funds. Libre would allow companies like Laser Digital and WebN Group to leverage Polygon’s technology for their Tradfi-focused services. The announcement comes amid Polygon’s (MATIC) recent decline from the $1 mark.

2024 年 1 月 10 日,Polygon Labs 推出了 Libre,這是一個專為另類資產基金平穩分配而設​​計的第 2 層網路。 Libre 將使 Laser Digital 和 WebN Group 等公司能夠利用 Polygon 的技術來提供以 Tradfi 為重點的服務。該消息發布之際,Polygon (MATIC) 最近股價從 1 美元大關下跌。

MATIC’s value as of December 2 was $0.8162. By December 26, MATIC jumped by 24.4% to $1.0154. It then fell by 4.5% to $0.9697 by January 2. However, as the crypto market went through a correction, MATIC fell by 7.4% to $0.8979.

截至 12 月 2 日,MATIC 的價值為 0.8162 美元。截至 12 月 26 日,MATIC 上漲 ​​24.4% 至 1.0154 美元。隨後,到 1 月 2 日,MATIC 下跌 4.5% 至 0.9697 美元。然而,隨著加密貨幣市場經歷調整,MATIC 下跌 7.4% 至 0.8979 美元。

Polygon’s (MATIC) network adoption has grown in the past few years as its efficiency and scalability have increased. Also, high gas fees have pushed more companies from Ethereum to cheaper but effective alternatives like Polygon (MATIC). 

隨著效率和可擴展性的提高,Polygon (MATIC) 網路的採用率在過去幾年中不斷增長。此外,高昂的汽油費促使更多公司從以太坊轉向更便宜但有效的替代品,例如 Polygon (MATIC)。

Analysts expect Polygon’s Libre network to boost its demand in the DeFi industry. This could push MATIC’s value up by 15.5% to $1.0379. Furthermore, they expect increased DeFi activity to make Polygon (MATIC) one of the best DeFi projects in early 2023.

分析師預計 Polygon 的 Libre 網路將提振 DeFi 產業的需求。這可能會使 MATIC 的價值上漲 15.5% 至 1.0379 美元。此外,他們預計 DeFi 活動的增加將使 Polygon (MATIC) 成為 2023 年初最好的 DeFi 專案之一。

Dogecoin Could Jump AFfter Historic SEC Decision


After months of pushback in the crypto community, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) finally approved spot crypto ETFs. By the end of 2023, investor sentiment increased alongside calls for spot Bitcoin ETFs. This boosted demand for Dogecoin (DOGE) and several meme coins. Now, the SEC has approved 11 spot crypto ETF applications.

經過加密貨幣社群數月的抵制後,美國證券交易委員會 (SEC) 最終批准了現貨加密貨幣 ETF。到 2023 年底,投資者情緒隨著對現貨比特幣 ETF 的需求而增加。這增加了對狗狗幣(DOGE)和幾種迷因幣的需求。目前,SEC 已批准 11 個現貨加密 ETF 申請。

The SEC’s decision follows Dogecoin’s (DOGE) decline in early January. DOGE traded at $0.08561 on December 3. It grew by 11.2% to $0.0952 by December 22. On January 10, DOGE fell by 12.9% to $0.08294.

SEC 的決定是在狗狗幣 (DOGE) 一月初下跌之後做出的。 DOGE 12 月 3 日交易價格為 0.08561 美元。截至 12 月 22 日,DOGE 上漲 11.2%,至 0.0952 美元。1 月 10 日,DOGE 下跌 12.9%,至 0.08294 美元。

Dogecoin (DOGE) was already on a bull run in late 2023 as meme coins became more popular. The growth of BONK increased demand for community-driven meme coins, thus boosting Dogecoin’s trading activity. 

隨著迷因幣變得越來越受歡迎,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 在 2023 年底就已經進入牛市。 BONK 的成長增加了對社群驅動的迷因幣的需求,從而促進了狗狗幣的交易活動。

Now, analysts expect Dogecoin (DOGE) to be one of the most in-demand altcoins as the market bullishness increases. DOGE’s price could rise by 20.2% to $0.0997. If Dogecoin (DOGE) rises to $0.1, it could become one of the top crypto coins.

現在,分析師預計,隨著市場看漲情緒的增加,狗狗幣(DOGE)將成為需求量最大的山寨幣之一。 DOGE 的價格可能會上漲 20.2% 至 0.0997 美元。如果狗狗幣(DOGE)上漲至 0.1 美元,它可能會成為頂級加密貨幣之一。

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The post Crypto Investments: Comparing NuggetRush, Polygon, and Dogecoin’s Prospects appeared first on BitcoinWorld.

《加密貨幣投資:比較 NuggetRush、Polygon 和 Dogecoin 的前景》一文首先出現在 BitcoinWorld 上。


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