首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 美國就業報告強勁,加密貨幣市場下跌;交易員預測看漲反彈

Crypto Market Dips Amid Strong U.S. Job Report; Traders Predict Bullish Rebound


發布: 2024/06/09 07:03 閱讀: 364

原文作者:Crypto Intelligence



Bitcoin, Ether and Altcoin Market Experience Temporary Downturn


Following the release of stronger-than-expected U.S. employment data on June 7, the cryptocurrency market faced a brief decline. However, traders are viewing this downturn as a temporary shakeout before the market resumes its upward trend.


"Strong sell-off into support. Alts suffered more," tweeted pseudonymous crypto trader il Capo of Crypto to their 848,000 followers.

Crypto 的化名加密貨幣交易員 il Capo 在推特上向其 848​​,000 名粉絲表示:“強勁拋售轉為支撐。另類貨幣遭受的損失更大。”

They described the situation as a "shakeout," where investors sell off simultaneously due to market uncertainty.


The U.S. Employment Situation Summary Report revealed a higher job increase than anticipated, which surprised crypto analysts who had predicted a weaker report could lead to inflation-lowering decisions and potentially push Bitcoin to new highs.


Despite the unexpected data, analysts do not attribute the crypto market drop directly to the employment report.


"Crypto sold off at the end of Friday without a determining catalyst," stated Markus Thielen, head of research at 10x Research.

10x Research 研究主管 Markus Thielen 表示:“週五結束時,加密貨幣在沒有決定性催化劑的情況下遭到出售。”

Traders are closely monitoring key support levels. The U.S. added 272,000 jobs in May, while the unemployment rate increased by 0.1%, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.

交易員正在密切關注關鍵支撐位。美國勞工統計局的數據顯示,美國 5 月新增就業 27.2 萬個,失業率上升 0.1%。

il Capo of Crypto noted that if the key "support levels hold, we should see bullish continuation soon."

Crypto 的 il Capo 指出,如果關鍵的“支撐位保持不變,我們應該很快就會看到看漲的延續。”

Bitcoin fell 1.99% over the past 24 hours, dropping to $69,410. Ether declined by 3.22%, while altcoins experienced even more significant losses, including:

比特幣在過去 24 小時內下跌 1.99%,跌至 69,410 美元。以太幣下跌了 3.22%,而山寨幣則遭受了更嚴重的損失,包括:

  • Pepe: -10.54%
  • Solana: -4.89%
  • Dogecoin: -7.88%

Some traders believe that the market's peak is still ahead and view the decline as a buying opportunity.


"The real bull market hasn't even started yet," tweeted pseudonymous crypto trader Kaleo.

「真正的多頭市場還沒有開始,」匿名加密貨幣交易員 Kaleo 在推特上寫道。

"Bought some dips for a quick turnaround trade," added another trader.



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