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Crypto Market Forecast: What Lies Ahead for Meme Coins and Bitcoin

加密貨幣市場預測:Meme 幣和比特幣的未來

發布: 2023/11/11 15:49 閱讀: 705

原文作者:CoinPedia News


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加密貨幣市場預測後:Meme 幣和比特幣的前景首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上

Kaleo’s analysis delves deeper into the nuanced dynamics of Dogecoin and Bitcoin, offering a comprehensive view of their potential trajectories in the cryptocurrency market. The current market rose from $1.09 trillion last month to $1.18 trillion three months ago. That’s creating a buzz for both altcoins and meme coins, and many see it as a breakout rally.

Kaleo 的分析深入研究了狗狗幣和比特幣的微妙動態,全面了解了它們在加密貨幣市場中的潛在軌跡。目前市場從上個月的 1.09 兆美元上升到三個月前的 1.18 兆美元。這引起了山寨幣和模因幣的熱議,許多人將其視為突破性反彈。

Do you think the meme coin can compete with the king crypto with ETF approval? BTC’s dominance can help smaller coins play the crypto rally. Let’s barge into the analyst’s charts. 

您認為獲得 ETF 批准的 meme 幣可以與王者加密競爭嗎?比特幣的主導地位可以幫助較小的代幣參與加密貨幣的上漲。讓我們進入分析師的圖表。

DOGE Price Analysis


For Dogecoin, Kaleo’s anticipation of a significant rally in late 2024 is underscored by the coin’s historical performance and its role amid the ongoing altcoin boom. Despite Dogecoin’s Year-to-Date returns being relatively moderate, around 10%, Kaleo highlights the coin’s historical propensity for swift upward movements.

對於狗狗幣來說,Kaleo 預計狗狗幣將在 2024 年底大幅上漲,該幣的歷史表現及其在持續的山寨幣繁榮中的作用凸顯了這一點。儘管狗狗幣今年迄今的回報率相對溫和,約為 10%,但 Kaleo 強調了該代幣快速上漲的歷史傾向。

The strategic playbook outlined by Kaleo for Dogecoin involves an expected rapid ascent in the next few weeks, marked by daily movements reaching $0.90 to $1.10. However, he maintains a level of caution, expressing skepticism about the coin’s potential to surpass $0.20 in the current rally.

Kaleo 為狗狗幣制定的戰略手冊預計將在未來幾週內快速上漲,其標誌是每日波動達到 0.90 美元至 1.10 美元。然而,他保持一定程度的謹慎,並對代幣在當前反彈中突破 0.20 美元的潛力表示懷疑。

Bitcoin is in a Halving Mode 


Shifting the focus to the more giant coins, the crypto market faced a downturn, with Bitcoin dropping below $35,000, impacting altcoins such as Binance Coin, Solana, and Tron. Bitcoin’s 3% decline to $34,300 and a 25% decrease in trading volume contributed to the bearish sentiment. The fear and greed index slid from 72 to 65, yet overall market sentiment remains optimistic. Analysts foresee a notable correction in Bitcoin’s price before an expected surge, with some projections hinting at a year-end target of $45,000. 

將焦點轉移到更大的代幣上,加密市場面臨低迷,比特幣跌破 35,000 美元,影響了 Binance Coin、Solana 和 Tron 等山寨幣。比特幣下跌 3% 至 34,300 美元,交易量下降 25%,加劇了看跌情緒。恐懼和貪婪指數從 72 下降至 65,但整體市場情緒仍然樂觀。分析師預計,比特幣價格在預期飆升之前將出現顯著調整,一些預測暗示年底目標為 45,000 美元。

Kaleo parallels the present market conditions and Bitcoin’s behavior after the 2020 halving. The comparison is a foundation for his assertion that if Bitcoin breaks above $37,000 and consolidates support at that level, a rally akin to the post-2020 halving period could be in the offing. 

Kaleo 將當前的市場狀況與 2020 年減半後比特幣的行為進行了比較。這一比較是他斷言的基礎,即如果比特幣突破 37,000 美元並鞏固該水平的支撐,類似於 2020 年後減半期的反彈可能即將到來。

Kaleo’s insights provide a forward-looking perspective on these two significant cryptocurrencies and offer valuable considerations of historical patterns and market conditions. The analysis caters to both seasoned cryptocurrency enthusiasts and those seeking a deeper understanding of potential trends in the crypto space.

Kaleo 的見解為這兩種重要的加密貨幣提供了前瞻性的視角,並對歷史模式和市場狀況提供了有價值的考慮。該分析既適合經驗豐富的加密貨幣愛好者,也適合那些尋求更深入了解加密貨幣領域潛在趨勢的人。


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