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Floki Inu: Everything About This Memecoin’s Origin and Utility

Floki Inu:關於 Memecoin 的起源和實用性的一切

發布: 2023/11/11 09:50 閱讀: 777



Floki Inu began as a dog-meme currency like Dogecoin but close observation reveals that it has several use cases in the ecosystem and outside the crypto sphere too. It adds charitability to its ecosystem. Floki has the vision of building schools in developing countries. This shows that it is more than just a meme coin.

Floki Inu 最初是像狗狗幣一樣的狗迷因貨幣,但仔細觀察發現,它在生態系統和加密領域之外也有多個用例。它將慈善事業添加到其生態系統中。 Floki 的願景是在發展中國家建立學校。這表明它不僅僅是一個模因幣。

Floki is the utility token of the Floki Inu ecosystem. It is a multi-chain coin that runs on both Ethereum and BNB Smart Chain blockchains. Users can perform a 1:1 swap FLOKI swap between the two chains through centralized exchanges like Bybit. Hence, the three pillars of Floki Inu are its meme status, utility, and charitability.

Floki 是 Fl​​oki Inu 生態系統的實用代幣。它是一種在以太坊和 BNB 智慧鏈區塊鏈上運行的多鏈硬幣。用戶可以透過Bybit等中心化交易所在兩條鏈之間進行1:1的FLOKI互換。因此,Floki Inu 的三大支柱是它的迷因地位、實用性和慈善性。

The History of Floki Inu


The origin of the Floki Inu coin can be traced back to 2021. Elon Musk tweeted about naming his Shiba Inu pet “Floki.” Later, the team decided to rebrand it as Floki. Floki Inu branded itself as a movement token to lay emphasis on valuing community.

Floki Inu 硬幣的起源可以追溯到 2021 年。 Elon Musk 在推特上將他的柴犬寵物命名為「Floki」。後來,團隊決定將其重新命名為 Floki。 Floki Inu 將自己打造成運動代幣,以強調重視社區。

Floki Inu partners with Million Gardens Movement, a Kimbal Musk initiative. It is a movement working to give power back to the community to choose, grow, prepare, and eat healthy food.

Floki Inu 與 Kimbal Musk 發起的百萬花園運動合作。這是一場致力於讓社區重新擁有選擇、種植、準備和食用健康食品的權力的運動。

The Three Pillars of Floki Inu

Floki Inu 的三大支柱

The three Pillars of Floki Inu are its meme status, utility and projects, and charitable initiatives. The goal of Floki is to empower individuals regardless of their socioeconomic status and establish itself as the most well-known and widely used cryptocurrency.

Floki Inu 的三大支柱是其迷因地位、效用和專案以及慈善倡議。 Floki 的目標是賦予個人權力,無論其社會經濟地位如何,並將其打造成最知名和最廣泛使用的加密貨幣。

In projects like Valhalla and Floki Places, it is used as a means of payment to trade and purchase goods and NFTs. Floki Inu also offers Floki University, where users can learn about the cryptocurrency market in depth. They also claim to be opening schools in underdeveloped countries.

在 Valhalla 和 Floki Places 等項目中,它被用作交易和購買商品和 NFT 的支付手段。 Floki Inu 還提供 Floki 大學,用戶可以在這裡深入了解加密貨幣市場。他們還聲稱要在欠發達國家開設學校。

Floki Inu Utility

Floki Inu 實用程式

Valhalla NFT Game: it is a recent entrant in the NFT gaming metaverse. Players can earn rewards based on participation; in-game purchases are made through FLOKI tokens.

Valhalla NFT 遊戲:它是 NFT 遊戲元宇宙的新成員。玩家可以根據參與獲得獎勵;遊戲內購買是透過 FLOKI 代幣進行的。

FlokiFi DeFi Products: FlokiFi is the name for the upcoming DeFi products. The first product, FlokiFi Locker, is considered the most innovative protocol for securing digital assets.

FlokiFi DeFi 產品:FlokiFi 是即將推出的 DeFi 產品的名稱。第一個產品 FlokiFi Locker 被認為是保護數位資產最具創新性的協議。

FlokiPlaces NFT Marketplace: FlokiPlaces NFT Marketplace is the place where the buying, selling, and trading of digital assets has been made possible through Floki Inu along with Bitcoin, Dogecoin, and even U.S. dollars.

FlokiPlaces NFT 市場:FlokiPlaces NFT 市場是透過 Floki Inu 以及比特幣、狗狗幣甚至美元進行數位資產買賣和交易的地方。

Floki University Crypto Education: Floki aims to provide education on crypto through its university. Most of the courses are free and some of them require Floki tokens.

Floki 大學加密教育:Floki 旨在透過其大學提供加密教育。大多數課程都是免費的,其中一些課程需要 Floki 代幣。

Floki Inu Advantages and Disadvantages

Floki Inu 的優點和缺點

Every cryptocurrency has some advantages and disadvantages associated with it. One pro related to Floki Inu is that it is a multi-chain token. It is associated with charitable causes. The project has partnered with other reputable projects. The ecosystem has existing and upcoming products that could potentially add value to the token.

每種加密貨幣都有一些與之相關的優點和缺點。與 Floki Inu 相關的一個優點是它是一種多鏈代幣。它與慈善事業有關。該項目已與其他知名項目合作。該生態系統擁有現有和即將推出的產品,這些產品可能會增加代幣的價值。

The first disadvantage linked with Floki is that it is a meme coin and it can fluctuate easily with the opinion of some influential figure like Elon Musk. The circulating supply of Floki tokens is high so their price per token is extremely low. There is a 3% tax on buying and selling FLOKI. The team with FLOKI is anonymous, which raises the question of who is responsible if something goes wrong with the project.

Floki 的第一個缺點是它是一種迷因幣,它很容易隨著馬斯克等有影響力人物的觀點而波動。 Floki 代幣的流通供應量很高,因此每個代幣的價格極低。買賣 FLOKI 需繳納 3% 的稅。 FLOKI 團隊是匿名的,這引發了一個問題:如果專案出現問題,誰該負責。

Comparison Between Floki Inu and Shiba Inu


Both Floki Inu and Shiba Inu have their roots attached to Dogecoin. There are some similarities and differences between them. They are both meme coins so easily affected(fluctuated) by comments from influential personalities like Elon Musk. Both have active communities in varied social media platforms. They both have a huge token supply which means tokens are valued in cents. This also attracts new investors looking for cheaper coins.

Floki Inu 和 Shiba Inu 都源自於狗狗幣。它們之間有一些相似之處和不同之處。它們都是模因幣,很容易受到埃隆馬斯克等有影響力人物的評論影響(波動)。兩者在不同的社交媒體平台上都有活躍的社群。他們都有龐大的代幣供應量,這意味著代幣的價值以美分為單位。這也吸引了尋找更便宜硬幣的新投資者。

Shiba Inu is ranked among 15 tokens in terms of market capitalization which sits at $7 Billion. Shiba Inu created its own layer 2 blockchain called Shibarium and has its decentralized exchange called Shibaswap. On the other hand, Floki is ranked 140 and has a market capitalization of just $240 Million. It has an automatic tax of 3%. 

Shiba Inu 的市值為 70 億美元,位居 15 個代幣之列。 Shiba Inu 創建了自己的第 2 層區塊鏈,名為 Shibarium,並擁有一個名為 Shibaswap 的去中心化交易所。另一方面,Floki 排名第 140 位,市值僅 2.4 億美元。它的自動稅為 3%。

Shiba Inu and Floki tokens also hold differences in their designs. Both the tokens have feature images of dogs but Shiba Inu token design is based on Shiba Inu dog breed while Floki tokens design is a cartoon image of the Shiba Inu breed with the eye patch.

Shiba Inu 和 Floki 代幣的設計也有差異。兩種代幣均具有狗的特徵圖像,但 Shiba Inu 代幣的設計是基於 Shiba Inu 品種,而 Floki 代幣的設計則是帶有眼罩的 Shiba Inu 品種的卡通形象。

 How to Buy Floki Inu

如何購買 Floki Inu

When it comes to buying crypto many factors should be kept in mind. One of the top most priority is security. To buy Floki Inu register on reputable centralized exchanges. The steps include making an account by verifying the identity. Fund the account with either peer-to-peer transfers, credit card, debit card, or bank transfers. 

在購買加密貨幣時,應牢記許多因素。最重要的任務之一是安全。要購買 Floki Inu,請在信譽良好的集中交易所註冊。這些步驟包括透過驗證身分來建立帳戶。透過點對點轉帳、信用卡、金融卡或銀行轉帳為帳戶注資。

Once the payment method is connected, navigate to the trading platform and choose Floki. Enter the amount and confirm the transaction. Once the purchase is complete the cryptocurrency will be transferred to the exchange wallet. For enhanced security transfer it to the personal wallet.

連接付款方式後,導覽至交易平台並選擇 Floki。輸入金額並確認交易。購買完成後,加密貨幣將被轉移到交易錢包。為了增強安全性,將其轉移到個人錢包。

Floki Inu is a project with enormous potential. It is a project that the investors should keep an eye on. However, it is recommended that the memecoins are very fluctuating and their prices can show varied rise and fall within instances. They are hugely affected by comments from the influential figures. Follow the crypto currency market trend. Hence, it is advised to invest after through crypto market research and at one’s own risks.

Floki Inu 是一個潛力十足的計畫。是投資者值得關注的項目。然而,建議 memecoin 波動很大,其價格可能會在不同情況下出現不同程度的上漲和下跌。他們受到有影響力人物的評論的巨大影響。跟隨加密貨幣市場趨勢。因此,建議透過加密貨幣市場研究後再進行投資,並自擔風險。


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