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Crypto: Memecoins are exploding in institutional investors’ portfolios

加密貨幣:Memecoin 在機構投資者的投資組合中爆炸性成長

發布: 2024/06/06 09:40 閱讀: 697

原文作者:Cointribune EN


加密貨幣:Memecoin 在機構投資者的投資組合中爆炸性成長

The Meteoric Ascent of Memecoins

Memecoin 的迅速崛起

The exuberant surge of memecoins, unique cryptocurrencies featuring high volatility, has captivated not only retail traders but also institutional investors. The allure of memecoins like Dogecoin and Shiba Inu appears irresistible, transcending their dramatic price fluctuations. Fueled by social media fervor and community enthusiasm, these cryptocurrencies are attracting an influx of investors. A report by Bybit corroborates this trend, highlighting a substantial increase in memecoin holdings.

迷因幣(memecoin)是一種具有高波動性的獨特加密貨幣,其蓬勃發展不僅吸引了散戶交易者,也吸引了機構投資者。像狗狗幣和柴犬這樣的迷因幣的吸引力似乎難以抗拒,超越了它們劇烈的價格波動。在社群媒體熱情和社區熱情的推動下,這些加密貨幣正在吸引大量投資者湧入。 Bybit 的一份報告證實了這一趨勢,強調了 memecoin 持有量的大幅增加。

Institutions Embracing Meme Cryptos

接受 Meme 加密貨幣的機構

Memecoins continue to permeate the crypto market. A groundbreaking report from cryptocurrency exchange Bybit, titled "Beyond the Hype: The Realities of Institutional Memecoin Investments," unveils unprecedented enthusiasm for memecoins among institutional investors.

Memecoin 繼續滲透到加密貨幣市場。加密貨幣交易所 Bybit 發布了一份題為「超越炒作:機構 Memecoin 投資的現實」的開創性報告,揭示了機構投資者對 Memecoin 前所未有的熱情。

Between February and March, institutional holdings in memecoins skyrocketed by 226%, reaching $204 million. This figure ascended to $293.7 million in April before declining to $139 million by the end of the study period, indicating an active selling strategy in response to market volatility.

2 月至 3 月期間,機構持有的 memecoin 激增 226%,達到 2.04 億美元。該數字在 4 月升至 2.937 億美元,然後在研究期結束時下降至 1.39 億美元,顯示針對市場波動採取了積極的銷售策略。

"Institutional investors were poised to capitalize on the memecoin frenzy as the trend peaked in late March," the report underscores.

報告強調,“隨著模因幣這一趨勢在 3 月底達到頂峰,機構投資者準備利用模因幣的狂熱。”

This opportunistic approach demonstrates a calculated risk-taking strategy, aiming to leverage the popularity surges of these non-traditional cryptos. Despite reducing their positions, institutions retain a significant allocation to memecoins, signaling their anticipation of favorable market conditions returning.

這種機會主義方法展示了一種經過深思熟慮的冒險策略,旨在利用這些非傳統加密貨幣的流行度激增。儘管減少了頭寸,機構仍保留了對 memecoin 的大量配置,這表明他們預期有利的市場狀況將會回歸。

The appeal of meme cryptos for institutions extends beyond their potential for high returns. They also offer diversification benefits, complementing traditional assets and even established cryptocurrencies.


Dogecoin (DOGE) remains the favorite of institutions, constituting 36.17% of their memecoin holdings, followed by PEPE and SHIB, which continue to attract attention despite their speculative nature.

狗狗幣(DOGE)仍然是機構的最愛,佔其 memecoin 持有量的 36.17%,其次是 PEPE 和 SHIB,儘管它們具有投機性質,但仍繼續吸引關注。

Retail Investors Not Falling Behind


Retail investors have demonstrated equal enthusiasm for meme cryptos. Bybit's report indicates that retail holdings in meme coins surged by 478% between February and April.

散戶投資者對模因加密貨幣也表現出了同樣的熱情。 Bybit 的報告顯示,2 月至 4 月期間,Meme 幣的零售持有量飆升了 478%。

Similar to their institutional counterparts, retail investors engaged in significant selling when market conditions deteriorated, resulting in a decline from $567 million to $371 million.

與機構投資者類似,當市場狀況惡化時,散戶投資者進行了大量拋售,導致資金從 5.67 億美元下降至 3.71 億美元。

Retail investors favor Ethereum-based memecoins, dedicating 20.95% of their holdings to PEPE and 14.61% to SHIB. These altcoins, often dismissed for their perceived lack of fundamentals, benefit from fervent online community support, driving impressive price gains.

散戶投資者青睞基於以太坊的 memecoin,將其持有的 20.95% 投入 PEPE,14.61% 投入 SHIB。這些山寨幣經常因缺乏基本面而被忽視,但它們受益於線上社群的熱情支持,推動了令人印象深刻的價格上漲。

Retail strategies exhibit more diversification than institutional ones, with an average allocation of 4% of their portfolios to memecoins, compared to 2.5% for institutions.

零售策略比機構策略表現出更多的多元化,其投資組合的平均配置為迷因幣的 4%,而機構策略為 2.5%。

"DOGE has secured a place in the long-term HODL collections of both groups, reflecting its iconic status and consistent performance over time," the report observes.

報告指出:“DOGE 在這兩個集團的長期 HODL 系列中都佔有一席之地,反映了其標誌性地位和長期穩定的表現。”

Furthermore, BONK, a lesser-known memecoin, has garnered attention from investors, particularly institutions, which allocate a notable 10% of their memecoin holdings to it.

此外,BONK 是一種不太知名的 memecoin,它吸引了投資者,尤其是機構的關注,機構將其持有的 memecoin 的 10% 分配給了它。

The rise of meme cryptos underscores the unpredictable and captivating nature of the cryptocurrency market. From retail to institutional investors, participants are embracing these unconventional altcoins, eager to ride the waves of popular trends and potentially reap substantial rewards.



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