首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 24 加密貨幣更新,11 月 15 日:加密貨幣愛好者慶祝收益

24 Crypto Update, 15 Nov: Cryptocurrency Enthusiasts Celebrate Gains

24 加密貨幣更新,11 月 15 日:加密貨幣愛好者慶祝收益

發布: 2023/11/16 15:11 閱讀: 260



Bitcoin reached $38,000 once more, approaching an 18-month high


In the last 24 hours, Bitcoin surged over 5.70%, hitting around $37,500. The market rebound, driven by robust buying and macroeconomic factors, is strengthening amid supportive US inflation and retail data. Bitcoin's resilience in the face of declining stocks, a weakening dollar, and optimism regarding potential spot bitcoin ETF approvals is bolstering investor confidence. Geopolitical tensions further enhance Bitcoin's reputation as a safe asset.

在過去 24 小時內,比特幣飆升超過 5.70%,觸及 37,500 美元左右。在強勁的購買和宏觀經濟因素的推動下,市場反彈在美國通膨和零售數據的支持下正在加強。面對股市下跌、美元疲軟以及對潛在現貨比特幣 ETF 批准的樂觀情緒,比特幣的韌性正在增強投資者的信心。地緣政治緊張局勢進一步提升了比特幣作為安全資產的聲譽。

The global cryptocurrency market volume increased by 8.92% in the last 24 hours to reach $69.1 billion. DeFi's total volume is $8.03 billion, accounting for 11.63% of the crypto market's 24-hour volume. Stablecoins account for $61.56 billion, or 89.09% of entire crypto market volume. Bitcoin's dominance has risen to 51.10%, up 0.30% in a single day.

全球加密貨幣市場成交量在過去24小時內成長了8.92%,達到691億美元。 DeFi 總交易量為 80.3 億美元,佔加密貨幣市場 24 小時交易量的 11.63%。穩定幣價值 615.6 億美元,佔整個加密貨幣市場總量的 89.09%。比特幣的統治力已升至51.10%,單日上漲0.30%。

Major Events To Watch:


Crypto Fear and Greed:


The cryptocurrency market experiences significant buying, leading to a 10-point rise in the "Greed and Fear Index," which now sits at 70 out of 100.

加密貨幣市場出現大量買盤,導致「貪婪與恐懼指數」上升 10 個百分點,目前為 70 分(滿分為 100 分)。

Latest Market Update: 


After a recent decline, Bitcoin (BTC) made a comeback, surpassing $37,500, while Ethereum (ETH) achieved the $2,000 milestone. Other cryptocurrencies like Solana (SOL), Dogecoin (DOGE), Ripple (XRP), and Litecoin (LTC) experienced notable increases, driven by positive market sentiment. The Render token stood out with an impressive 34% surge in a 24-hour period, while OKB faced the largest decline, dropping by over 6% during the same timeframe.

經過最近的下跌後,比特幣 (BTC) 捲土重來,突破 37,500 美元,而以太幣 (ETH) 則達到了 2,000 美元的里程碑。在積極的市場情緒的推動下,Solana (SOL)、Dogecoin (DOGE)、Ripple (XRP) 和 Litecoin (LTC) 等其他加密貨幣也出現了顯著增長。 Render 代幣在 24 小時內飆升了 34%,表現突出,而 OKB 則面臨最大跌幅,在同一時間段內下跌了 6% 以上。

Major Worldwide News Update:


  • U.S. retail sales, down 0.1% in October, hint at slowing demand, reinforcing views of the Federal Reserve halting interest rate hikes. Despite a dip after previous gains, financial markets foresee a potential rate cut in May 2024. Consumer prices unchanged, coupled with sluggish job and wage growth, signal a shift in the Fed's approach. The Bank of America Institute notes no immediate impact on spending from resumed student loan repayments. Core retail sales, excluding specific categories, rose 0.2%, aligning with robust third-quarter consumer spending, contributing to a 4.9% annualized growth rate.

    美國10月零售銷售下降0.1%,暗示需求放緩,強化了聯準會停止升息的觀點。儘管金融市場在先前上漲後有所下跌,但預計 2024 年 5 月可能會降息。消費者價格不變,加上就業和薪資成長疲軟,預示著聯準會策略的轉變。美國銀行研究所指出,恢復學生貸款償還不會立即對支出產生影響。不包括特定類別的核心零售額成長 0.2%,與第三季強勁的消費者支出一致,推動年化成長率 4.9%。

  • Microsoft rebrands Bing Chat to Microsoft Copilot, aligning it with other AI products and positioning it against OpenAI’s ChatGPT. This move includes a free version, accessible via Bing and Windows, while the Microsoft 365 Copilot becomes the paid option. The rebranding reflects Microsoft's evolving competition with OpenAI in the AI assistant market.

    微軟將 Bing Chat 更名為 Microsoft Copilot,使其與其他人工智慧產品保持一致,並針對 OpenAI 的 ChatGPT 進行定位。這項舉措包括免費版本,可透過 Bing 和 Windows 訪問,而 Microsoft 365 Copilot 則成為付費選項。此次品牌重塑反映了微軟與 OpenAI 在人工智慧助理市場上不斷演變的競爭。

  • XRP, affiliated with Ripple Labs, celebrates its relisting on CEX.IO after nearly two years. This move follows a trend of exchanges, including Coinbase, Gemini, Kraken, Binance.US, and Crypto.com, reinstating XRP post the SEC lawsuit victory. Recognized for cost-effective cross-border settlements, XRP is trading at $0.6379. Delisting in 2021 was driven by regulatory concerns, now alleviated by legal victories.

    隸屬於 Ripple Labs 的 XRP 慶祝近兩年後在 CEX.IO 重新上市。此舉遵循了 Coinbase、Gemini、Kraken、Binance.US 和 Crypto.com 等交易所在 SEC 訴訟獲勝後恢復 XRP 的趨勢。 XRP 以其具有成本效益的跨境結算而聞名,其交易價格為 0.6379 美元。 2021 年退市的原因是監管問題,但現在因法律勝利而有所緩解。

  • Solana swiftly addresses cybersecurity concerns raised by CertiK regarding the Saga smartphone's alleged vulnerability. Solana Labs' lead software engineer, Steven Laver, refutes security threats, emphasizing standard bootloader features with user consent. The integration of Seed Vault technology further enhances Saga's security framework. Despite market strides and a price reduction, Saga remains notable in the smartphone arena.

    Solana 迅速解決了 CertiK 就 Saga 智慧型手機涉嫌漏洞提出的網路安全擔憂。 Solana Labs 的首席軟體工程師 Steven Laver 駁斥了安全威脅,並強調在用戶同意的情況下提供標準引導程式功能。 Seed Vault 技術的整合進一步增強了 Saga 的安全框架。儘管市場取得長足發展且價格下降,但 Saga 在智慧型手機領域仍然引人注目。

  • Binance Japan announces the addition of 13 cryptocurrencies, including Near Protocol and Optimism, expanding its token count to 47 on November 27th. This move strengthens Binance Japan's position as a leading exchange in the nation, filling the gap left by competitors like Coinbase and Kraken. The expansion aligns with Binance Japan's goal to offer 100 tokens and reaffirms its commitment to the Japanese market after re-entering in August.

    Binance Japan 於 11 月 27 日宣布新增 13 種加密貨幣,包括 Near Protocol 和 Optimism,將其代幣數量擴大至 47 種。此舉鞏固了幣安日本作為國內領先交易所的地位,填補了 Coinbase 和 Kraken 等競爭對手留下的空白。此次擴張符合幣安日本提供 100 種代幣的目標,並重申了 8 月重新進入日本市場後的承諾。

  • The SEC extends the review period for Grayscale's Ethereum Futures Trust, delaying the decision deadline to January 1, 2024. Grayscale aims to convert its Ethereum Trust into an ETF, following a legal victory in August for its Bitcoin Trust. This delay reflects broader regulatory dynamics, impacting the future landscape of cryptocurrency ETFs in the U.S.

    美國證券交易委員會延長了Grayscale 以太坊期貨信託的審查期,將決定截止日期推遲至2024 年1 月1 日。繼8 月其比特幣信託取得法律勝利後,Grayscale 計劃將其以太坊信託轉換為ETF 。這種延遲反映了更廣泛的監管動態,影響了美國加密貨幣 ETF 的未來格局。

  • CFTC Chair Rostin Behnam warns of potential crises in the cryptocurrency market akin to FTX's downfall. Despite legislative efforts, the slow regulatory process leaves the digital commodity market vulnerable. Behnam stresses the urgent need for comprehensive regulations to ensure investor protection and market integrity.

    CFTC 主席 Rostin Behnam 警告稱,加密貨幣市場可能出現類似 FTX 垮台的危機。儘管做出了立法努力,但緩慢的監管進程使數位商品市場變得脆弱。貝納姆強調,迫切需要製定全面的監管措施,以確保投資者保護和市場誠信。

  • Sei, a layer-1 blockchain, secures a strategic investment from Circle, the issuer of USDC stablecoin. This partnership enhances Sei's functionality and expands Circle's reach across blockchains. USDC integration into Sei aligns with industry trends, emphasizing the growing importance of stablecoins in the digital asset ecosystem.

    Sei 是一個 Layer-1 區塊鏈,獲得了 USDC 穩定幣發行人 Circle 的策略性投資。此次合作增強了 Sei 的功能,並擴大了 Circle 在區塊鏈上的影響力。 USDC 與 Sei 的整合符合行業趨勢,強調了穩定幣在數位資產生態系統中日益增長的重要性。

  • Billy Markus, Dogecoin founder, clarifies on X app that his net worth is well below $1 million, refuting a reported estimate of $5 million. Markus expresses amusement and emphasizes a strong interest in making money, while highlighting the disparity between his actual net worth and the reported figure.

    狗狗幣創始人比利馬庫斯 (Billy Markus) 在 X 應用程式上澄清,他的淨資產遠低於 100 萬美元,駁斥了報道中 500 萬美元的估計。馬庫斯表示很有趣,並強調了對賺錢的濃厚興趣,同時強調了他的實際淨資產與報告數字之間的差距。

  • Commerzbank achieves a milestone as the first full-service bank in Germany to secure a crypto custody license under the German Banking Act. This regulatory approval positions the bank to offer a broader range of digital asset services, embracing the growing relevance of cryptocurrencies in the financial industry.


COIN GABBAR Views: Will BTC sustain its rally after a healthy correction, touching the $38,000 level? The lingering question: Is $40,000 within reach, or will there be a retreat to $35,000? Could $50,000 be on the horizon? To get latest news Stay tuned us at www.coingabbar.com

COIN GABBAR觀點:在健康調整後,BTC會維持漲勢,觸及38,000美元的水準嗎?揮之不去的問題是:40,000 美元是否觸手可及,還是會回落至 35,000 美元? 50,000 美元即將到來嗎?獲取最新消息請關注我們 www.coingabbar.com

Disclaimer: Crypto is not regulated and can offer considerable risks. There may be no regulatory remedies available in the event of any losses resulting from price analysis. As a result, before engaging in any transactions involving crypto products, each investor must perform in-depth examination or seek independent advice.


For More News: Crypto Daily Roundup, 15 Nov: Crypto market Slides Amid Uncertainty

更多新聞:加密貨幣每日綜述,11 月 15 日:加密貨幣市場在不確定性中下滑


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