首頁 > 資訊新聞 > SpaceX 的 Starship 火箭將於明天從德克薩斯州發射,旨在搭載 100 人前往火星

SpaceX's Starship rocket, designed to carry 100 people to Mars, to launch tomorrow from Texas

SpaceX 的 Starship 火箭將於明天從德克薩斯州發射,旨在搭載 100 人前往火星

發布: 2023/11/16 14:02 閱讀: 958



SpaceX has received the FAA license to launch the second test flight of its Starship rocket, which is designed to carry 100 people to Mars.

SpaceX 已獲得美國聯邦航空管理局 (FAA) 的許可,可以發射其 Starship 火箭的第二次試飛,該火箭旨在搭載 100 人前往火星。

SpaceX's first attempt to send Starship to space was in April when the rocket exploded mid-air four minutes after liftoff (AP)

SpaceX 首次嘗試將 Starship 送入太空是在 4 月份,當時火箭在升空四分鐘後在半空中爆炸(美聯社)

Elon Musk's rocket company SpaceX has earned the US Federal Aviation Administration license to launch the second test flight of its next-generation Starship and heavy-lift rocket from Texas.

伊隆馬斯克的火箭公司 SpaceX 已獲得美國聯邦航空管理局許可,可以從德克薩斯州發射下一代星際飛船和重型火箭的第二次試飛。

According to the SpaceX, the Starship rocket will be launched on Friday. SpaceX added that a two-hour launch window will open at 7 am Central Time (6:30 pm IST) and locals may hear a "loud noise" during the rocket's ascent toward space.

據 SpaceX 稱,Starship 火箭將於週五發射。 SpaceX 補充說,兩小時的發射窗口將於中部時間上午 7 點(美國標準時間下午 6:30)開放,當地人可能會在火箭升​​向太空的過程中聽到「巨響」。

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伊隆馬斯克否認有關 Starlink IPO 計劃的報道,稱其為“虛假”

Walter Isaacson, author of the book Elon Musk's biography wrote, "Starship is the most powerful rocket ever made. It’s designed to carry 100 people to Mars. It just received approvals and is scheduled to launch this Friday at 8 am ET". The liftoff will occur from Starbase, a SpaceX facility in South Texas.

伊隆馬斯克傳記一書的作者沃爾特艾薩克森寫道:「星艦是有史以來最強大的火箭。它的設計目的是搭載100 人前往火星。它剛剛獲得批准,計劃於美國東部時間本週五上午8 點發射」。發射將從 SpaceX 位於德克薩斯州南部的設施 Starbase 進行。

SpaceX's first attempt to send Starship to space was in April when the rocket exploded mid-air four minutes after liftoff.

SpaceX 首次嘗試將 Starship 送入太空是在 4 月份,當時火箭在升空四分鐘後在半空中爆炸。

Elon Musk's SpaceX will be worth half-a-trillion dollars by 2030: Ron Baron

羅恩巴倫 (Ron Baron) 表示,馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 的 SpaceX 到 2030 年將價值 5 兆美元

Starship successfully took off from its Texas launchpad but suffered multiple engine failures as it ascended into the sky. The rocket then failed to separate as planned and started spinning out of control, prompting SpaceX to intentionally blow it up.

星艦成功從德克薩斯州發射台起飛,但在升入天空時遭遇多個發動機故障。隨後火箭未能按計劃分離並開始失控旋轉,促使 SpaceX 故意將其炸毀。

Officials with the US Fish and Wildlife Service visited the launch site and privately expressed disbelief at the level of damage.


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馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 的 SpaceX 合作夥伴卡達航空:提供乘客免費 350Mbps WiFi

To grant the new Starship launch license, the FWS conducted a formal review of the upgrades SpaceX made to its launch site, with much of the focus centered on the water deluge system.

為了授予新的星艦發射許可證,FWS 對 SpaceX 對其發射場進行的升級進行了正式審查,其中大部分是專注於噴水系統。

Environmental groups sued the FAA in May, saying the agency hastily approved SpaceX’s Starbase launch facility.

環保組織於 5 月起訴美國聯邦航空局,稱該機構倉促批准了 SpaceX 的 Starbase 發射設施。

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Starship — the largest and most powerful rocket ever developed — is key to Musk’s ambitions of carrying payloads and people to distant destinations like the moon and Mars.


Elon Musk took $1 billion loan from SpaceX while acquiring Twitter: Report

伊隆馬斯克在收購 Twitter 時從 SpaceX 獲得了 10 億美元貸款:報告

The FAA oversaw a mishap investigation of the launch, which the agency closed in September. In its final investigation report, the FAA called on SpaceX to make 63 corrective actions designed to prevent similar failures and damage from happening during future Starship launches.

美國聯邦航空局 (FAA) 負責監督此次發射事故的調查,並於 9 月結束。在其最終調查報告中,FAA 呼籲 SpaceX 採取 63 項糾正措施,旨在防止未來星艦發射期間發生類似故障和損壞。


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