首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 由於價格飆升,加密鯨魚將 1.03 億狗狗幣轉移到 Robinhood

Crypto whale moved 103M Dogecoin to Robinhood amid price surge

由於價格飆升,加密鯨魚將 1.03 億狗狗幣轉移到 Robinhood

發布: 2024/01/25 06:22 閱讀: 330

原文作者:Todayq News


由於價格飆升,加密鯨魚將 1.03 億狗狗幣轉移到 Robinhood

In the crypto dynamics, Dogecoin (DOGE) has recently witnessed significant activity, with a mysterious whale transferring a whopping 103 million DOGE to the popular brokerage platform Robinhood. The anonymous whale behind this massive transaction appears to be strategically navigating the market, potentially signaling a significant impact on Dogecoin’s value. This happens after a broader surge in Dogecoin’s transactional activity and a 3% price increase over the past 24 hours.

在加密貨幣動態中,狗狗幣(DOGE)最近出現了重大活動,一隻神秘的鯨魚將高達 1.03 億個 DOGE 轉移到流行的經紀平台 Robinhood。這筆巨額交易背後的匿名鯨魚似乎正在策略性地引導市場,這可能預示著對狗狗幣價值的重大影響。這是在過去 24 小時內狗狗幣交易活動大幅上漲且價格上漲 3% 之後發生的。

Transaction in millions


Over the past 24 hours, Dogecoin’s price has shown resilience, experiencing a 3% increase despite recent market fluctuations. This surge follows a brief dip in value, where DOGE shed 21.37%, hitting a local bottom of $0.7660 on Tuesday. However, the crypto community remains optimistic, especially with the influence of Tesla CEO Elon Musk, who teased the integration of DOGE in his social media platform X.

在過去的 24 小時內,狗狗幣的價格表現出了韌性,儘管近期市場波動,但仍上漲了 3%。此次飆升是在價格短暫下跌之後出現的,其中 DOGE 下跌 21.37%,週二觸及 0.7660 美元的局部底部。然而,加密社群仍然樂觀,特別是在特斯拉執行長馬斯克的影響下,他嘲笑將 DOGE 整合到他的社群媒體平台 X 中。

The whale responsible for the massive DOGE transfer to Robinhood has been active in the crypto space, engaging in substantial transactions. According to data from the Blockchain explorer, the whale has spent a staggering 19,689,063,770 DOGE and received 19,691,829,579 DOGE, leaving a current balance of 2,765,809 Dogecoin.

負責向 Robinhood 進行大規模 DOGE 轉帳的鯨魚一直活躍在加密貨幣領域,從事大量交易。根據區塊鏈瀏覽器的數據,鯨魚已經花費了驚人的 19,689,063,770 DOGE,並收到了 19,691,829,579 DOGE,目前餘額為 2,765,809 Dogecoin。

It’s relatively important to note that this isn’t the first time the whale has made significant moves. In recent days, the wallet received and sent out substantial amounts of DOGE, indicating a pattern of activity. This includes a noteworthy incoming transfer of 163,110,047.358 DOGE on Jan. 22 and an influx of 21,000,000 DOGE earlier on the same day.

值得注意的是,這並不是鯨魚第一次做出重大舉動。最近幾天,該錢包接收和發送了大量 DOGE,這表明了一種活動模式。其中包括 1 月 22 日值得注意的 163,110,047.358 DOGE 轉入,以及當天早些時候湧入的 21,000,000 DOGE。

The DOGE price surge


Interestingly enough, the surge in transactional activity aligns with the broader Dogecoin ecosystem’s evolution. Developers have successfully deployed the iconic 1993 DOOM game on the Dogecoin network, showcasing the capability of a relatively new protocol allowing large data storage on a blockchain. Developer @minidogeart expressed enthusiasm about the game’s deployment, highlighting that DOOM on Dogecoin is now permanently inscribed on the blockchain.

有趣的是,交易活動的激增與更廣泛的狗狗幣生態系統的演變是一致的。開發人員已在狗狗幣網路上成功部署了 1993 年標誌性的《DOOM》遊戲,展示了允許在區塊鏈上儲存大量資料的相對較新協議的功能。開發者 @minidogeart 表達了對該遊戲部署的熱情,並強調狗狗幣上的《DOOM》現已永久銘刻在區塊鏈上。

People getting excited about adding games and art collections to Dogecoin, called “Doginals,” has caught the attention of those involved in the crypto market. Back in May, when everyone was talking about adding special messages or inscriptions to Dogecoin, it caused a lot of people to buy and sell, making the price of Dogecoin go up by 10%. While transactional activity had somewhat cooled in recent weeks, there is a noticeable resurgence, with data showing a rise from 90,000 transactions earlier this month to 420,000 transactions as of Wednesday.

人們對在狗狗幣中添加遊戲和藝術收藏品(稱為「Doginals」)感到興奮,這引起了加密貨幣市場參與者的注意。早在5月份,當大家都在談論為狗狗幣添加特殊資訊或銘文時,就引起了許多人的買入和賣出,使得狗狗幣的價格上漲了10%。儘管最近幾週交易活動有所降溫,但交易量卻明顯回升,數據顯示交易量從本月初的 9 萬筆增加到週三的 42 萬筆交易。

@minidogeart shared that Doginals are a game-changer, saying, “Putting digital stuff right in the ownership proof makes each transaction more valuable.” The DOOM game being saved on the Dogecoin blockchain shows that even small games can stay on the blockchain forever. Highlighting the bigger possibility of keeping all sorts of digital things safe and secure.

@minidogeart 認為 Doginals 是遊戲規則的改變者,他說:“將數字內容正確地放入所有權證明中可以使每筆交易變得更有價值。”保存在狗狗幣區塊鏈上的《DOOM》遊戲表明,即使是小遊戲也可以永遠保留在區塊鏈上。強調保持各種數位事物安全的更大可能性。

Dogecoin (DOGE) is currently priced at $0.07924, reflecting a 3.39% increase in the last 24 hours. With a market cap of $11.32 billion, DOGE holds the 10th position among digital currencies. The trading volume in the past 24 hours has seen a notable surge, accounting for 36.23% of the overall market activity.

狗狗幣 (DOGE) 目前價格為 0.07924 美元,過去 24 小時內上漲 3.39%。 DOGE的市值為113.2億美元,在數位貨幣中排名第十。近24小時交易量明顯激增,佔整體市場活躍度的36.23%。

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