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Dogecoin Reviving a Classic: DOOM Finds a New Home on Dogecoin


發布: 2024/01/25 06:17 閱讀: 776




In an unexpected fusion of nostalgia and innovation, the iconic 90s game DOOM has been revived and inscribed onto the Dogecoin blockchain. The integration, a testament to the evolving capabilities of blockchain technology, was made possible through the innovative use of the Dogecoin blockchain’s Ordinals technology. 

在懷舊與創新的意外融合中,標誌性的 90 年代遊戲《DOOM》得以復活並被銘刻到狗狗幣區塊鏈上。此次整合是透過狗狗幣區塊鏈 Ordinals 技術的創新使用而實現的,這證明了區塊鏈技術不斷發展的能力。

The technology has introduced a novel utility to the meme-centric network, allowing developers to embed substantial data directly onto the blockchain.

該技術為以 meme 為中心的網路引入了一種新穎的實用程序,允許開發人員將大量數據直接嵌入到區塊鏈中。

Doginals: Breathing new life into Dogecoin

The integration of DOOM, a first-person shooter that captivated gamers in the early ’90s, marks a significant milestone in the journey of Dogecoin. The game, inscribed on the blockchain on its 30th anniversary by the developer known as @minidogeart, celebrates the legacy of DOOM while showcasing the potential of Dogecoin’s network. The version of DOOM now residing on Dogecoin is a shareware format, featuring nine playable levels, chosen to avoid any legal complications.

Doginals:為狗狗幣注入新生命 DOOM 是一款在 90 年代初吸引了遊戲玩家的第一人稱射擊遊戲,它的整合標誌著狗狗幣發展歷程中的一個重要里程碑。這款遊戲由名為 @minidogeart 的開發者在其 30 週年之際在區塊鏈上銘文,慶祝《DOOM》的遺產,同時展示狗狗幣網路的潛力。現在狗狗幣上的《DOOM》版本是一種共享軟體格式,具有九個可玩級別,選擇這些級別是為了避免任何法律並發症。

It’s foray into digital inscriptions, termed ‘Doginals’ akin to Bitcoin’s Ordinals, represents a paradigm shift in the blockchain’s functionality. These Doginals are not mere tokens but are intricate digital entries capable of storing a variety of data formats, including images, videos, audio, and text files, directly on the blockchain. The advancement has not only enriched the Dogecoin ecosystem but has also extended its utility far beyond its origins as a dog-themed meme token.

它對數位銘文的嘗試,被稱為“Doginals”,類似於比特幣的序數,代表了區塊鏈功能的範式轉移。這些 Doginal 不僅僅是代幣,而是複雜的數位條目,能夠直接在區塊鏈上儲存各種資料格式,包括圖像、影片、音訊和文字檔案。這項進步不僅豐富了狗狗幣生態系統,而且還使其實用性遠遠超出了其作為以狗為主題的迷因代幣的起源。

Transactional surge and market impact

The introduction of Doginals has catalyzed a significant surge in transactional activity on the network. The ability to embed art collections, games, and other digital assets onto the blockchain has captured the imagination of developers and users alike, leading to a substantial uptick in network transactions. In May, the excitement surrounding Dogecoin inscriptions propelled transaction volumes to unprecedented levels, culminating in a noteworthy 10% appreciation in the cryptocurrency’s value.

交易激增和市場影響 Doginals 的引入促進了網路交易活動的大幅成長。將藝術收藏品、遊戲和其他數位資產嵌入區塊鏈的能力吸引了開發者和用戶的想像力,導致網路交易大幅成長。 5 月份,圍繞狗狗幣銘文的興奮將交易量推至前所未有的水平,最終導致加密貨幣價值顯著升值 10%。

Although transactional activity experienced a cooling period in the subsequent month, recent data indicates a resurgence, with transactions rising from 90,000 to 420,000. The revitalization of network activity underscores the growing interest in Dogecoin’s expanded capabilities and its potential to foster a vibrant ecosystem encompassing not just the DOGE token but an array of digital assets and experiences.

儘管交易活動在隨後的一個月經歷了一段冷卻期,但最近的數據顯示交易量有所回升,交易量從 9 萬筆上升至 42 萬筆。網路活動的復興凸顯了人們對狗狗幣擴展功能及其培育充滿活力的生態系統的潛力日益濃厚的興趣,該生態系統不僅包含 DOGE 代幣,還包含一系列數位資產和體驗。

A future shaped by Doginals

Developers like @minidogeart are optimistic about the transformative impact of Doginals and Ordinals technology on the broader Dogecoin ecosystem. These digital inscriptions are not merely transactions; they represent a profound evolution in how blockchain technology is utilized. Each Doginal, by embedding digital assets directly into a transaction, imbues it with intrinsic value and permanence, elevating the blockchain exchange to more than just a financial interaction.

Doginals 塑造的未來@minidogeart 等開發者對 Doginals 和 Ordinals 技術對更廣泛的狗狗幣生態系統的變革性影響持樂觀態度。這些數位銘文不僅是交易,更是交易。它們代表了區塊鏈技術使用方式的深刻演變。每個 Doginal 透過將數位資產直接嵌入到交易中,賦予其內在價值和持久性,將區塊鏈交易所提升為不僅僅是金融互動。

The successful inscription of DOOM on the Dogecoin blockchain is a powerful demonstration of the network’s capacity to securely store and manage a wide array of digital content. This capability is not limited to games but extends to various forms of digital assets, promising a future where the blockchain serves as a robust and secure repository for digital ownership and experiences.



The inscription of DOOM onto the Dogecoin blockchain is more than a nostalgic nod to a classic game; it’s a bold statement about the future of digital assets and blockchain technology. As the Dogecoin network continues to evolve, it paves the way for an exciting era where the lines between gaming, digital ownership, and blockchain utility are beautifully blurred.

結論將 DOOM 寫入狗狗幣區塊鏈不僅僅是對經典遊戲的懷舊致敬;這是關於數位資產和區塊鏈技術未來的大膽聲明。隨著狗狗幣網路的不斷發展,它為一個激動人心的時代鋪平了道路,在這個時代中,遊戲、數位所有權和區塊鏈實用程式之間的界限變得非常模糊。


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