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Cryptocurrency Price Insights: Bitcoin- AVAX- Dogecoin and LINK

加密貨幣價格洞察:比特幣- AVAX- 狗狗幣和 LINK

發布: 2024/02/03 16:32 閱讀: 856



Bitcoin price stabilizes above $43,000 following the Fed meeting, while AVAX Coin struggles to maintain $36 amidst market fluctuations. Dogecoin trades below $0.08, with key levels in focus.

在聯準會會議後,比特幣價格穩定在 43,000 美元以上,而 AVAX Coin 在市場波動中艱難維持在 36 美元。狗狗幣交易價格低於 0.08 美元,關鍵水平受到關注。

Cryptos Headlines Platform Has Launched Its Native Token, Early Public Sale Is Live On CryptosHeadlinesToken.com

Cryptos Headlines 平台已推出其原生代幣,早期公開發售在 CryptosHeadlinesToken.com 上進行

Bitcoin’s price sits above $43,000 as expectations for a market interest rate cut stabilize after the Fed meeting. Following robust employment data on Friday, the likelihood of a rate cut in March decreased to 17%, compared to over 80% just weeks ago.

隨著聯準會會議後市場降息預期穩定,比特幣價格升至 43,000 美元上方。繼週五強勁的就業數據之後,3 月降息的可能性降至 17%,而幾週前則超過 80%。

AVAX Coin Price Analysis

As January drew to a close, the price of AVAX Coin dipped below $34.29, although bears failed to drive it to lower depths. On February 2, the price surged above the 20-day Exponential Moving Average (EMA), indicating a tentative resurgence in buyer interest in altcoins. However, AVAX struggled to maintain $36 at the time of writing.

AVAX 幣價格分析隨著 1 月接近尾聲,AVAX 幣的價格跌破 34.29 美元,儘管空頭未能將其推低。 2 月 2 日,價格飆升至 20 天指數移動平均線 (EMA) 上方,顯示買家對山寨幣的興趣暫時回升。然而,在撰寫本文時,AVAX 正在努力維持 36 美元的水平。

Looking ahead, if the bulls maintain their strength, they may aim for new highs above the channel’s resistance level. Targets of $44 and $50 appear reasonable for now. However, a close below $32 could prompt a downward movement towards the channel’s support line.

展望未來,如果多頭保持強勢,他們可能會瞄準通道阻力位上方的新高。 44 美元和 50 美元的目標目前看來是合理的。然而,收盤價低於 32 美元可能會促使價格向通道支撐線下方移動。

DOGE Price Analysis

DOGE continues to trade below $0.08, with bears failing to drive the price to deeper lows. Amid changing sentiment in BTC price, most altcoins, including DOGE, have yet to determine a clear direction. Over the weekend, sideways movements are likely due to decreased volumes.

DOGE 價格分析 DOGE 的交易價格繼續低於 0.08 美元,空頭未能將價格推至更深的低點。在 BTC 價格情緒不斷變化的情況下,包括 DOGE 在內的大多數山寨幣尚未確定明確的方向。週末,由於成交量減少,橫盤走勢可能會出現。

For the meme coin king, there are three key levels to watch. A close above $0.08 could signal a target of $0.1. Conversely, a drop to $0.07 is anticipated in the opposite scenario. These three levels have been influencing DOGE’s price movements for months, resembling a ping-pong ball bouncing between them.

對於迷因幣王來說,有三個關鍵關卡值得關注。收盤價高於 0.08 美元可能預示著目標為 0.1 美元。相反,在相反的情況下預計會跌至 0.07 美元。這三個水平幾個月來一直影響著 DOGE 的價格走勢,就像乒乓球在它們之間彈跳一樣。

Also Read: 10 Must-Watch AI Tokens This Week

另請閱讀:本週 10 個必看的 AI 代幣

After days of anticipation, LINK Coin finally made the anticipated upward move, reaching a peak above $18 before relaxing at the time of writing. Despite gaining momentum with closes above $17.32 on February 2, profit-taking has now resumed. If sellers persist, the price could retreat to the key region at $17.32.

LINK Coin 價格分析經過幾天的預期,LINK Coin 終於實現了預期的上漲,達到 18 美元以上的峰值,然後在撰寫本文時放鬆下來。儘管 2 月 2 日收盤勢頭強勁,收盤價高於 17.32 美元,但獲利回吐現已恢復。如果賣家堅持下去,價格可能會回落至 17.32 美元的關鍵區域。

In the event of further decline, $15.38 serves as an important support level. However, if LINK Coin manages to sustain above $17.32, it has the potential to advance to $21.79 and subsequently to peaks around $25. For now, as long as it remains above $17.9, the outlook is not overly negative.

若進一步下跌,15.38美元將成為重要支撐位。然而,如果 LINK Coin 能夠維持在 17.32 美元以上,則有可能升至 21.79 美元,隨後升至 25 美元左右的峰值。目前,只要其保持在 17.9 美元上方,前景就不會過於負面。

Important: Please note that this article is only meant to provide information and should not be taken as legal, tax, investment, financial, or any other type of advice.


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