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Dogecoin’s New Users: Impact on DOGE Prices?


發布: 2024/02/03 16:05 閱讀: 437



Dogecoin has gained more holders recently, with an increase of over 100,000 in just the last three days.

狗狗幣最近獲得了更多持有者,僅在過去三天就增加了超過 10 萬人。

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Dogecoin (DOGE) has seen a rise in important measures lately, signaling a growing number of new users joining the network. This increase has led to higher levels of activity across various aspects of the Dogecoin ecosystem.


Dogecoin’s Surge in New Accounts

According to IntoTheBlock, the Dogecoin ecosystem has witnessed a significant uptick in new accounts over the past seven days. With over 890,000 new accounts created during this period, there’s clear evidence of growing interest among users in joining the Dogecoin network. This surge in new accounts has had a noticeable impact on various address metrics.

狗狗幣新帳戶激增根據 IntoTheBlock 的數據,狗狗幣生態系統在過去 7 天內見證了新帳戶的大幅成長。在此期間創建了超過 890,000 個新帳戶,有明顯證據表明用戶對加入狗狗幣網路的興趣日益濃厚。新帳戶的激增對各種地址指標產生了顯著影響。

Analysis of the seven-day active addresses metric on Santiment reveals a substantial influence on Dogecoin’s active addresses due to the recent influx of new accounts. In December, the highest recorded number of active addresses was around 1.3 million, followed by a decline to the 500,000 range.

對 Santiment 的 7 天活躍地址指標的分析表明,由於最近新帳戶的湧入,狗狗幣的活躍地址受到了重大影響。 12 月份,活躍地址數量最高記錄約 130 萬個,隨後下降至 50 萬個範圍。

However, starting around January 25th, there has been a consistent increase, with active addresses now reaching approximately 1.4 million as of the latest data. This marks the highest level observed in this metric over the past six months.

然而,從 1 月 25 日左右開始,活躍地址持續增加,根據最新數據,活躍地址目前已達到約 140 萬個。這標誌著過去六個月該指標觀察到的最高水準。

Source: Santiment


Dogecoin Activity and Holder Growth

The daily active addresses for DOGE followed a similar trajectory, experiencing a rise and peaking at around 287,000 on January 29th. This marked a significant increase from the previous highest recorded number of about 144,000. Currently, the daily active addresses hover around 150,000, indicating sustained engagement and activity within the network.

狗狗幣活動和持有者增長 DOGE 的每日活躍地址遵循類似的軌跡,經歷了上升並於 1 月 29 日達到高峰約 287,000 個。這比之前約 144,000 人的最高記錄數字顯著增加。目前,每日活躍地址徘徊在 150,000 個左右,這表明網路內的持續參與和活動。

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Source: Santiment


Additionally, the number of Dogecoin holders has shown a consistent upward trend in recent weeks, closely aligning with the surge in new addresses. Between January 30th and now, the number of Dogecoin holders has grown by approximately 110,000. As of the latest data, the total count of DOGE holders has nearly reached 6 million.

此外,最近幾週,狗狗幣持有者數量呈現持續上升的趨勢,與新地址的激增密切相關。 1 月 30 日至今,狗狗幣持有者數量增加了約 11 萬人。截至最新數據,DOGE持有者總數已接近600萬人。

Source: Trading View


Dogecoin Price Response to New Users

Analyzing the daily timeframe chart of Dogecoin reveals that the recent surge in new users has not significantly impacted the price. The chart indicates a lack of notable movement over the past few days.


As of the latest data, DOGE was trading around a 0.5% decline in value. The highest increase observed in the last seven days was a 3.04% uptick.

截至最新數據,DOGE 的交易價格下跌了 0.5% 左右。過去 7 天觀察到的最高漲幅為 3.04%。

Source: Trading View


Despite the influx of new users and increased network activity, the impact on the coin’s value seems limited within this timeframe.


Important: Please note that this article is only meant to provide information and should not be taken as legal, tax, investment, financial, or any other type of advice.



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