首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 新加密貨幣今日發布、上市和預售 – Suzuverse、GEODNET、Gravity

New Cryptocurrency Releases, Listings, & Presales Today – Suzuverse, GEODNET, Gravity

新加密貨幣今日發布、上市和預售 – Suzuverse、GEODNET、Gravity

發布: 2024/08/19 22:04 閱讀: 843

原文作者:InsideBitcoin News


新加密貨幣今日發布、上市和預售 – Suzuverse、GEODNET、Gravity

Several cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, remain subdued after recent sell-offs by major players and prominent entities. The ongoing slip in the overall market outlook also contributed to a cautious atmosphere. However, historical trends suggest that periods of heightened selling pressure can create opportunities for savvy investors to enter the market strategically.


New cryptocurrency releases, listings, and presales today offer attractive investment entry points. InsideBitcoins provides a curated list of these tokens to assist interested investors.

今天新的加密貨幣的發布、上市和預售提供了有吸引力的投資切入點。 InsideBitcoins 提供了這些代幣的精選列表,以幫助有興趣的投資者。

New Cryptocurrency Releases, Listings, and Presales Today


Suzuverse (SGT)

鈴宇宙 (SGT)

Suzuverse embarked on its journey in the internet business with a clear mission: to connect the world while enhancing people's financial well-being. Their protocol emphasizes the use of tools like the internet, blockchain, digital assets, and the metaverse to achieve broader objectives. The company highlights key values such as creativity, curiosity, imagination, freedom, and transparency. With this in mind, Suzuverse aims to deliver advanced mixed reality technology, helping users fully explore the potential of virtual worlds and the metaverse.

Suzuverse 帶著明確的使命踏上了網路事業的旅程:連結世界,提高人們的財務福祉。他們的協議強調使用互聯網、區塊鏈、數位資產和元宇宙等工具來實現更廣泛的目標。該公司強調創造力、好奇心、想像、自由和透明度等關鍵價值。考慮到這一點,Suzuverse 旨在提供先進的混合實境技術,幫助使用者充分探索虛擬世界和虛擬世界的潛力。

The SGT token is central to the Suzuverse ecosystem, serving several key functions. Based on an agreement between the DAO and the Suzuwalk development company, SGT tokens allow users to purchase significant rights and assets within Suzuverse. Additionally, users can stake SGT to receive voting power, known as xSGT, enabling their participation in governance decisions. Besides, the platform offers a 25% discount on taxes and fees when token payments are made. SGT is also required for leveling up, paying a specific fee using both SZT and SGT. Moreover, staking SGT is necessary to upgrade user accounts. Finally, the token facilitates the minting and customization of NFTs within the platform, making it a versatile tool in the Suzuverse ecosystem.

SGT 代幣是 Suzuverse 生態系統的核心,具有多項關鍵功能。根據 DAO 和 Suzuwalk 開發公司之間的協議,SGT 代幣允許用戶購買 Suzuverse 內的重要權利和資產。此外,使用者可以質押 SGT 以獲得投票權(稱為 xSGT),從而參與治理決策。此外,在進行代幣支付時,該平台還提供 25% 的稅費折扣。升級也需要 SGT,使用 SZT 和 SGT 支付特定費用。此外,為了升級用戶帳戶,需要質押SGT。最後,該代幣促進了平台內 NFT 的鑄造和定制,使其成為 Suzuverse 生態系統中的多功能工具。

Suzuverse also offers multiple ways for users to earn rewards, extending beyond gameplay. For example, users can engage in physical activities, such as regular walks with their virtual Suzu dog, and participate in community events. These activities provide social interaction and allow players to maximize daily rewards through consistent participation.

Suzuverse 也提供用戶多種賺取獎勵的方式,超越了遊戲玩法。例如,使用者可以進行體育活動,例如定期與虛擬 Suzu 狗一起散步,並參與社區活動。這些活動提供社交互動,並允許玩家透過持續參與來最大化每日獎勵。



GEODNET is a decentralized network that deploys GNSS reference stations on rooftops. These stations monitor space weather and gather precise geospatial data. Blockchain technology incentivizes this deployment, rewarding station operators with GEOD tokens for their contributions.

GEODNET 是一個分散式網絡,在屋頂部署 GNSS 參考站。這些站監測太空天氣並收集精確的地理空間數據。區塊鏈技術激勵了這種部署,並用 GEOD 代幣獎勵車站營運商的貢獻。

GEODNET stations extract satellite navigation observations and create datasets. These datasets provide real-time, multi-band RTK (Real-Time Kinematics) data. Once registered, a station can earn GEOD tokens by supplying this data, validated through Proof-of-Accuracy and Proof-of-Location protocols. The network then uses this data to offer highly accurate RTK corrections to GNSS receivers within a 20-40 km radius. This centimeter-level positioning accuracy is vital for industries such as agriculture, construction, transportation, and autonomous vehicles.

GEODNET 站提取衛星導航觀測結果並建立資料集。這些資料集提供即時、多頻段 RTK(即時運動學)資料。註冊後,網站可以透過提供這些數據來賺取 GEOD 代幣,並透過準確性證明和位置證明協議進行驗證。然後,網路使用這些資料為 20-40 公里半徑內的 GNSS 接收器提供高精度 RTK 校正。這種公分級的定位精度對於農業、建築、交通和自動駕駛汽車等行業至關重要。

GEOD tokens serve multiple purposes within the GEODNET ecosystem. Users pay for data streams and services with these tokens, and they are also used to reward operators and facilitate governance decisions. In the future, GEOD may also be used as gas for location and time proofs on the GEODNET blockchain.

GEOD 代幣在 GEODNET 生態系統中具有多種用途。用戶用這些代幣支付資料流和服務的費用,它們也用於獎勵營運商並促進治理決策。未來,GEOD 也可能被用作 GEODNET 區塊鏈上位置和時間證明的 Gas。

GEODNET aims to create the world's largest decentralized RTK network. To this end, it leverages blockchain technology to encourage the deployment of reference stations and provide affordable, high-precision location services globally.


Galxe (G)

加爾克斯 (G)

Galxe has emerged as a key player in the decentralized ecosystem, positioning itself as a "super app" and a leading on-chain distribution platform in Web3. Focused on enhancing Web3 interactions, Galxe offers tools like Quest, Passport, Score, Compass, and Alva. These tools form a robust infrastructure that simplifies the management of self-sovereign digital identities, making it easier for users to engage with the Web3 space.

Galxe 已成為去中心化生態系統中的關鍵參與者,將自己定位為「超級應用程式」和 Web3 中領先的鏈上分發平台。 Galxe 專注於增強 Web3 交互,提供 Quest、Passport、Score、Compass 和 Alva 等工具。這些工具形成了強大的基礎設施,簡化了自主數位身分的管理,使用戶更容易參與 Web3 空間。

Recently, Galxe introduced Gravity, a Layer-1 blockchain designed for an omnichain experience. Gravity aims to simplify multichain interactions and streamline cross-chain transactions. Developers can leverage Galxe's 20 million users to create new products, making Web3 more accessible to a broader audience. The native token, G, is central to both Galxe and Gravity. It facilitates transactions, supports governance, and will soon enhance network security through staking.

最近,Galxe 推出了 Gravity,這是一個專為全鏈體驗而設計的 Layer-1 區塊鏈。 Gravity 旨在簡化多鏈互動並簡化跨鏈交易。開發人員可以利用 Galxe 的 2000 萬用戶來創建新產品,使 Web3 更容易被更廣泛的受眾使用。原生代幣 G 是 Galxe 和 Gravity 的核心。它促進交易,支持治理,並將很快透過質押增強網路安全性。

Gravity's architecture includes key features that enhance the Web3 experience. It supports cross-chain transactions, allowing developers to define and execute interactions across multiple blockchains. Gravity also integrates Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) and the Jolteon (AptosBFT) consensus algorithm to ensure secure and efficient transactions. The Reth execution layer further boosts performance and speeds up finality.

Gravity 的架構​​包括增強 Web3 體驗的關鍵功能。它支援跨鏈交易,允許開發人員跨多個區塊鏈定義和執行互動。 Gravity還整合了零知識證明(ZKP)和Jolteon(AptosBFT)共識演算法,以確保交易安全且有效率。 Reth執行層進一步提升效能並加速最終確定。

Gravity's focus on user experience is evident in its use of cryptographic primitives like the secp256r1 curve, which improves passkey authentication for wallets. Additionally, its compatibility with the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) allows for seamless smart contract deployment.

Gravity 對使用者體驗的關注體現在它對 secp256r1 曲線等加密原語的使用,該曲線改進了錢包的金鑰身份驗證。此外,它與以太坊虛擬機(EVM)的兼容性允許無縫的智慧合約部署。

Security is a priority for Gravity, with a Proof-of-Stake mechanism and restaking protocols like Babylon and EigenLayer. The Gravity rollout begins with the Alpha Mainnet in June 2024, followed by the full Mainnet in Q2 2025. Galxe and Gravity represent a significant step in simplifying and securing Web3 interactions.

安全性是 Gravity 的首要任務,它具有權益證明機制以及 Babylon 和 EigenLayer 等重新抵押協議。 Gravity 的推出始於 2024 年 6 月的 Alpha 主網,隨後於 2025 年第二季推出完整的主網。

Pepe Unchained ($PEPU)

解放的佩佩 ($PEPU)

Pepe Unchained aims to enter the meme coin sector by positioning itself as an improved successor to the original Pepe project. The cryptocurrency is the first Pepe-themed token to establish its blockchain infrastructure. This development aligns with the project's goal of introducing innovation and efficiency within the cryptocurrency space. The project's narrative highlights Pepe's evolution beyond traditional Layer 1 limitations, signaling a commitment to technological advancement.

Pepe Unchained 旨在透過將自己定位為原始 Pepe 專案的改進後繼者來進入迷因幣領域。該加密貨幣是第一個建立區塊鏈基礎設施的以 Pepe 為主題的代幣。這項發展符合該計畫在加密貨幣領域引入創新和效率的目標。該計畫的敘述強調了 Pepe 超越傳統 Layer 1 限制的演變,標誌著對技術進步的承諾。

The distribution of Pepe Unchained's 8 billion PEPU tokens follows a strategic plan aimed at sustainable growth. Specifically, 20% of the tokens are allocated for presale, while another 20% is set aside for marketing efforts, reflecting a focus on building early momentum and engaging investors. Additionally, the staking feature, offering an annual percentage yield (APY) of 210%, could appeal to those seeking passive income opportunities.

Pepe Unchained 的 80 億個 PEPU 代幣的分配遵循旨在可持續增長的戰略計劃。具體來說,20% 的代幣用於預售,另外 20% 用於行銷工作,反映出對建立早期勢頭和吸引投資者的關注。此外,質押功能提供 210% 的年收益率 (APY),可能會吸引那些尋求被動收入機會的人。

Early presale results indicate strong market interest, with PEPU tokens priced at $0.009163 each. This price point suggests both accessibility and potential for growth. The presale has already raised over $9.6 million, with one day remaining until the next price increase. Investors can purchase PEPU tokens using ETH, USDT, or BNB, although staking returns are limited to ETH and USDT transactions. The inclusion of bank card payment options further broadens accessibility for potential investors.

早期預售結果顯示市場興趣濃厚,PEPU 代幣售價為每個 0.009163 美元。這個價格點顯示了可及性和成長潛力。預售已籌集超過 960 萬美元,距離下次提價僅剩一天。投資者可以使用 ETH、USDT 或 BNB 購買 PEPU 代幣,但質押回報僅限於 ETH 和 USDT 交易。銀行卡支付選項的加入進一步拓寬了潛在投資者的可及性。

Pepe Unchained's roadmap outlines a phased approach to growth following the presale, with anticipated value appreciation as milestones are met. Pepe Unchained presents a measured strategy for those interested in the meme coin market, blending technological innovation with strategic planning to attract diverse investors.

Pepe Unchained 的路線圖概述了預售後的分階段成長方法,隨著里程碑的實現,預計價值會升值。 Pepe Unchained 為對 meme 幣市場感興趣的人提供了謹慎的策略,將技術創新與策略規劃相結合,以吸引不同的投資者。

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