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Cuban Advocates for Crypto Investments, Sights Mavericks' Dogecoin Use


發布: 2024/01/30 21:38 閱讀: 439



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In a recent interactive session on X, Mark Cuban, the billionaire entrepreneur and former principal owner of the Dallas Mavericks, shared his perspectives on the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency, reinforcing the NBA team's endorsement of Dogecoin. The Mavericks, under Cuban's stewardship, had earlier set a precedent in March 2021 by incorporating Dogecoin as a payment method for purchasing tickets and merchandise, underscoring the increasing acceptance of digital currencies in mainstream commerce.

庫班支持小牛隊的狗狗幣,強調在波動的市場中謹慎進行加密貨幣投資。庫班對代幣化持懷疑態度,質疑體育和房地產數位資產的價值。儘管加密貨幣具有多樣性,但庫班拒絕接受某些第2 層解決方案和利基模因硬幣。在最近的互動會議上X,億萬富翁企業家、達拉斯小牛隊前主要老闆馬克·庫班(Mark Cuban) 分享了他對加密貨幣不斷發展的前景的看法,強化了NBA 球隊對狗狗幣的認可。在庫班的領導下,小牛隊早些時候於 2021 年 3 月開創了先例,將狗狗幣作為購買門票和商品的支付方式,這突顯了數位貨幣在主流商業中的接受度越來越高。

Despite selling a majority stake in the Dallas Mavericks to Miriam Adelson's family in November, with the franchise being appraised at $3.5 billion, Cuban maintains a minority ownership and continues to influence the team's strategic decisions.

儘管庫班於11 月將達拉斯小牛隊的多數股權出售給米里亞姆·阿德爾森(Miriam Adelson) 家族,球隊估值為35 億美元,但庫班仍保留少數股權,並繼續影響球隊的戰略決策。

Cuban's dialogue during the Ask Me Anything (AMA) session illuminated his nuanced viewpoint on the cryptocurrency sector. While he acknowledged the importance of established cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, he also highlighted his interest in other crypto projects such as Polygon and Injective. Cuban emphasized the necessity for meticulous research by investors in the unpredictable crypto market, advocating for a judicious approach towards investment in digital assets.

庫班在「Ask Me Anything」(AMA)會議上的對話闡明了他對加密貨幣領域的微妙觀點。雖然他承認比特幣和以太坊等成熟加密貨幣的重要性,但他也強調了他對 Polygon 和 Injective 等其他加密貨幣項目的興趣。庫班強調投資人在不可預測的加密市場中進行細緻研究的必要性,主張對數位資產投資採取明智的方法。

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