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Dogecoin Wallet Address Growth Hits Record High


發布: 2024/01/30 21:32 閱讀: 559



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您也可以在 COINTURK NEWS 上閱讀此新聞:狗狗幣錢包地址增長創歷史新高

Dogecoin (DOGE) investors are in eager anticipation due to the surprising growth in the popular memecoin and the potential rally in DOGE’s price that this could signal. Notably, renowned cryptocurrency analyst Ali Martinez shared a chart last week showing an unprecedented 1100% increase in the number of new Dogecoin wallet addresses, further fueling these expectations. This surge in network growth has led to speculation on whether DOGE’s price could reach the much-anticipated $0.10 level.

由於受歡迎的 memecoin 的驚人增長以及這可能預示著 DOGE 價格的潛在上漲,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 投資者正熱切期待。值得注意的是,著名加密貨幣分析師 Ali Martinez 上週分享了一張圖表,顯示新的狗狗幣錢包地址數量史無前例地增長了 1100%,進一步加劇了這些預期。網路成長的激增引發了人們對 DOGE 價格是否能達到備受期待的 0.10 美元水準的猜測。

Dogecoin’s Wallet Address Growth Breaks Records


The crypto community was taken by surprise with a recent post from cryptocurrency analyst Ali Martinez on his personal account. Martinez shared a chart that revealed a staggering 1100% increase in new Dogecoin wallet addresses within just one week. According to the data, on January 29th, a record-breaking 247,240 new DOGE wallet addresses were created, bringing the number of new wallet addresses to an all-time high.

加密貨幣分析師阿里馬丁內斯 (Ali Martinez) 最近在其個人帳戶上發表的一篇文章令加密貨幣社群感到驚訝。 Martinez 分享了一張圖表,顯示新狗狗幣錢包地址在短短一周內就增加了 1100%,令人震驚。數據顯示,1月29日,DOGE錢包新地址創建量破紀錄的247,240個,使新錢包地址數量創歷史新高。

The increase in new wallet addresses has led to various speculations about its potential impact on DOGE’s price. Martinez suggests that the continued upward trend in network growth could positively affect the altcoin’s price, further igniting these speculations.

新錢包地址的增加引發了對其對 DOGE 價格潛在影響的各種猜測。馬丁內斯表示,網路成長的持續上升趨勢可能會對山寨幣的價格產生正面影響,進一步引發這些猜測。

Interest in DOGE is Rising

對 DOGE 的興趣正在上升

Market analysts and enthusiasts have started to closely monitor DOGE’s price movements following these developments, with many considering the $0.10 level as a significant turning point. Especially, Martinez’s positive outlook has fueled speculation towards this level, increasing curiosity among investors. The dynamic cryptocurrency market is currently abuzz with discussions about the potential catalysts behind this wave of speculation.

隨著這些事態發展,市場分析師和愛好者已開始密切關注 DOGE 的價格走勢,許多人認為 0.10 美元的水平是一個重要的轉折點。尤其是馬丁內斯的積極前景引發了對這一水平的猜測,增加了投資者的好奇心。充滿活力的加密貨幣市場目前正在熱烈討論這波投機背後的潛在催化劑。

Moreover, Dogecoin has recently seen a surge in interest due to speculation about corporate acceptance. The opening of an account named “Payments” by the company of famous billionaire Elon Musk, who has supported Dogecoin in the past, is cited as a primary reason for the increased interest. This move has led to various speculations that DOGE could be integrated into the social media platform’s upcoming payment system.

此外,由於對企業接受度的猜測,狗狗幣最近的興趣激增。著名億萬富翁埃隆·馬斯克(Elon Musk)過去支持狗狗幣,他的公司開設了一個名為「支付」的帳戶,被認為是人們興趣增加的主要原因。此舉引發了各種猜測,認為 DOGE 可能會被整合到該社群媒體平台即將推出的支付系統中。

In addition, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban, confirmed that the NBA team continues to embrace Dogecoin as a payment method, which has supported the growing interest in the altcoin. This confirmation is significant as it verifies the continuation of an integration that dates back to March 2021, when BitPay allowed traders and consumers to make payments with Dogecoin. Dogecoin’s early adoption by the NBA team Dallas Mavericks is part of the increasing acceptance of cryptocurrencies in mainstream sports partnerships.

此外,達拉斯小牛隊老闆馬克庫班證實,NBA 球隊繼續接受狗狗幣作為支付方式,這支持了人們對山寨幣日益增長的興趣。這項確認意義重大,因為它驗證了自 2021 年 3 月以來的整合的繼續,當時 BitPay 允許交易者和消費者使用狗狗幣進行支付。 NBA 球隊達拉斯小牛隊早期採用狗狗幣是加密貨幣在主流運動合作夥伴關係中日益接受的一部分。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Dogecoin Wallet Address Growth Hits Record High

該帖子首次出現在 COINTURK 新聞上:狗狗幣錢包地址增長創歷史新高


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