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2-day countdown to meme crypto killer, Memeinator presale

Meme 加密殺手、Memeinator 預售倒數 2 天

發布: 2023/09/25 22:09 閱讀: 916



  • Memeinator opens presale on 27th September 2023.

  • Memeinator 將於 2023 年 9 月 27 日開始預售。

  • The project aims to destroy weak meme cryptocurrencies.

  • 該項目旨在摧毀弱模因加密貨幣。

  • The potential for Memeinator is huge, with a 132% ROI during the presale period.

  • Memeinator 的潛力巨大,預售期間的投資報酬率為 132%。

“Your meme’s survival is not up to you. It’s up to me,” the upcoming Memeinator (MMTR) has warned. As the 27th September presale date approaches, Memeinator has been gathering fans. The project recorded over 1,000 sign-ups 20 minutes after its website went live. 5,000 also joined Memeinator’s Twitter and Telegram pages within a day of the site launch. But what is all the enthusiasm about Memeinator and its upcoming presale

「你的迷因的生存不取決於你。這取決於我,」即將推出的 Memeinator (MMTR) 警告道。隨著 9 月 27 日預售日期的臨近,Memeinator 已經聚集了許多粉絲。該計畫網站上線 20 分鐘後,註冊人數就超過 1,000 人。網站推出後一天內,就有 5,000 人加入了 Memeinator 的 Twitter 和 Telegram 頁面。但是 Memeinator 及其即將到來的預售的熱情是什麼呢?

A quick snapshot of meme cryptocurrencies


Dogecoin and Shiba Inu have commanded presence as the leading meme cryptocurrencies. On CoinMarketCap, Dogecoin ranks at #7, while Shiba Inu is at #16 by market value. However, the wild success of the two low-utility tokens has attracted imitators. 

狗狗幣和柴犬已經成為領先的迷因加密貨幣。在 CoinMarketCap 上,狗狗幣按市值排名第 7,而柴犬排名第 16。然而,這兩種低效用代幣的巨大成功吸引了模仿者。

DOGE and SHIB have been boosted by online frenzy, attracting a following and increased use. But the world of crypto is changing, with weak tokens getting a wide berth among investors. As a result, both are exploring new ways to build utility and remain relevant. 

DOGE 和 SHIB 受到網路狂熱的推動,吸引了追隨者並增加了使用量。但加密貨幣的世界正在發生變化,弱勢代幣在投資者中受到了廣泛的排斥。因此,兩者都在探索新的方法來建立實用性並保持相關性。

Nonetheless, a majority of DOGE and SHIB predecessors have been on a wild goose chase. Criminals have also taken advantage of the situation to launch scam tokens.

儘管如此,大多數 DOGE 和 SHIB 前任都在白費力氣。犯罪分子也利用這一情況推出詐騙代幣。

To put into perspective, the recent past has seen a growth in meme projects with little or no value. These tokens have no future, according to Memeinator, which says it has travelled back from 2077. 

從長遠來看,最近出現了一些幾乎沒有價值或根本沒有價值的迷因項目。 Memeinator 表示,這些代幣沒有未來,它已經從 2077 年回溯到了。

Memeinator – the weak meme terminator


Memeinator, like its dictionary meaning, aims to become a deadly weapon for its weak meme rivals. The project uses AI to search the web for these undesirable memes and wipe them from the face of the earth.

Memeinator,就像它的字典含義一樣,旨在成為弱小的 Meme 競爭對手的致命武器。該專案使用人工智慧在網路上搜尋這些不良迷因,並將其從地球表面抹去。

Memeinator’s mission is two-fold. Ride the meme mania and give investors a chance to invest in something powerful. As such, Memeinator describes its entry into the meme space as an unstoppable resistant movement. 

Memeinator 的使命有兩個。乘風破浪,讓投資人有機會投資強大的東西。因此,Memeinator 將其進入迷因空間描述為不可阻擋的抵抗運動。

As if the overnight sign-ups and following are an overshoot, Memeinator has an ambitious roadmap. The ERC-20 token targets a $1 billion market cap and listing on the leading exchanges. The project also seeks international support through its ingenious marketing that uses AI.

似乎一夜之間的註冊和關注有點過頭了,Memeinator 有一個雄心勃勃的路線圖。 ERC-20 代幣的目標是 10 億美元的市值並在領先的交易所上市。該計畫還透過利用人工智慧的巧妙行銷尋求國際支持。

The AI layer also allows Memeinator to feed new and quality memes into the game. This increases the reputation of Memeinator, generating online chatter and popularity. The utility will enable Memeinator to increase exponentially and deliver returns.

AI 層還允許 Memeinator 為遊戲提供新的、高品質的迷因。這提高了 Memeinator 的聲譽,產生了線上討論和人氣。該實用程式將使 Memeinator 能夠呈指數級增長並帶來回報。

What is the investment value of Memeinator?


The potential to return supernormal earnings makes Memeinator an attractive investment. AI gives the project a real utility for the token. A little recap … Dogecoin investors became overnight millionaires after the bullish trends of 2021. PEPE made supernormal over 10,000% gains earlier in the year. These are perfect opportunities to show how attractive meme investments have become. 

超常收益回報的潛力使 Memeinator 成為一項有吸引力的投資。人工智慧為該項目提供了代幣的真正效用。回顧一下…在 2021 年的看漲趨勢之後,狗狗幣投資者一夜之間成為百萬富翁。PEPE 在今年早些時候取得了超過 10,000% 的超常漲幅。這些都是展示迷因投資變得多麼有吸引力的絕佳機會。

Memeinator seeks to gain value through domination. It will embark on strong marketing through AI mastery and a meme-targeting system. The aim is to become the leader of the resistance, gain popularity, and grow in value. From here, the gains in the token could be unstoppable for its early movers. 

Memeinator 尋求透過統治來獲得價值。它將透過人工智慧掌握和迷因定位系統開展強而有力的行銷。目標是成為抵抗運動的領導者,獲得人氣並增值。從這裡開始,該代幣的上漲對其早期推動者來說可能是不可阻擋的。

Imagine the thrill of engaging in enemy combat through a Web 3.0 game. Multiple projects like Axie Infinity have crafted a name from it. Memeinator looks at a similar application. 

想像一下透過 Web 3.0 遊戲參與敵人戰鬥的快感。 Axie Infinity 等多個專案都以此為名。 Memeinator 也在研究類似的應用程式。

At the end of the presale, the project will look to launch the Memeinator game. Players engage in obliterating games by destroying rival memes and earning points. The game application adds to the utility of Memeinator, further increasing its domination. The prospect could be a long-term boost for the token. 

在預售結束時,該專案將推出 Memeinator 遊戲。玩家透過摧毀對手的迷因並賺取積分來參與消滅遊戲。遊戲應用程式增加了 Memeinator 的實用性,進一步增強了它的統治地位。這一前景可能會對該代幣產生長期推動作用。

Is investing in Memeinator’s presale attractive?

投資 Memeinator 的預售有吸引力嗎?

Memeinator presale opens on 27th September. 62.50% of the 1,000,000,000 tokens in supply will be sold. The price opens at a bargain $0.01, with an expected $0.0485 at the conclusion of the presale. It means as the presale ends, investors will get tokens with an ROI of a whopping 132%.

Memeinator 預售將於 9 月 27 日開啟。 1,000,000,000 代幣供應量中的 62.50% 將出售。開盤價便宜 0.01 美元,預售結束時預計價格為 0.0485 美元。這意味著預售結束後,投資者將獲得投資回報率高達 132% 的代幣。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/2-day-countdown-to-meme-crypto-killer-memeinator-presale-tbt63930.html



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