首頁 > 資訊新聞 > 狗狗幣價格暴跌 1.59% 至 0.06052 美元:2023 年 9 月 25 日的主要見解

Dogecoin's 1.59% Price Plunge to $0.06052: Key Insights for September 25, 2023

狗狗幣價格暴跌 1.59% 至 0.06052 美元:2023 年 9 月 25 日的主要見解

發布: 2023/09/26 10:33 閱讀: 1000

原文作者:BTC Peers


狗狗幣價格暴跌 1.59% 至 0.06052 美元:2023 年 9 月 25 日的主要見解

Dogecoin, the popular meme-inspired cryptocurrency, saw its price decline 1.59% over the past 24 hours to $0.06052. This price drop comes amid a period of sideways trading for Dogecoin, which has struggled to gain momentum over the past month.

狗狗幣是一種受流行迷因啟發的加密貨幣,其價格在過去 24 小時內下跌 1.59%,至 0.06052 美元。這次價格下跌是在狗狗幣橫盤交易期間發生的,狗狗幣在過去一個月難以獲得動力。

With a market capitalization of $8.55 billion, Dogecoin remains one of the top 10 largest cryptocurrencies by market cap. However, its trading volume over the past 24 hours was just $103.98 million, which is relatively low compared to other major cryptos.

狗狗幣的市值為 85.5 億美元,仍然是市值排名前 10 名的加密貨幣之一。然而,其過去24小時的交易量僅為1.0398億美元,與其他主要加密貨幣相比相對較低。

Analyzing the percentage changes across different timeframes provides further insights into Dogecoin's recent price action:


  • Over the past hour, Dogecoin's price dropped 0.26%. This indicates some minor near-term selling pressure.
  • 過去一小時,狗狗幣價格下跌 0.26%。這顯示近期存在一些輕微的拋售壓力。

  • Over the past 7 days, Dogecoin is down 3.02%. This shows the coin has been steadily declining over the past week.
  • 過去 7 天,狗狗幣下跌 3.02%。這表明代幣在過去一周一直在穩步下跌。

  • The monthly performance shows a 2.98% loss, evidencing the sideways trading pattern seen over the past few weeks.
  • 月度表現顯示 2.98% 的損失,證明了過去幾週的橫盤交易模式。

  • Over the past 6 months, Dogecoin has plunged 18.33%. This highlights the broader downtrend Dogecoin has been stuck in so far in 2022 amid the ongoing crypto bear market.
  • 過去 6 個月,狗狗幣暴跌 18.33%。這凸顯了在持續的加密貨幣熊市中,狗狗幣在 2022 年迄今一直處於更廣泛的下降趨勢。

So what's behind this sideways price action and inability for Dogecoin to gain upside momentum? There are a few key factors at play:


What's Causing the Lackluster Price Action?


The broader crypto market downturn in 2022 has weighed on sentiment and prices across many altcoins, including Dogecoin. With Bitcoin down 60% year-to-date, most cryptocurrencies have struggled to make headway as macroeconomic conditions have deteriorated.

2022 年加密貨幣市場更廣泛的低迷影響了包括狗狗幣在內的許多山寨幣的情緒和價格。比特幣今年迄今下跌 60%,隨著宏觀經濟狀況惡化,大多數加密貨幣都難以取得進展。

High inflation and rising interest rates have pushed investors towards safer assets, draining speculative investments like cryptocurrencies of liquidity in 2022. Without a supportive macro backdrop, it's been difficult for Dogecoin to sustain any rally attempts.

高通膨和不斷上升的利率促使投資者轉向更安全的資產,從而在 2022 年耗盡了加密貨幣等投機性投資的流動性。如果沒有宏觀背景的支持,狗狗幣很難維持任何反彈嘗試。

In addition, Dogecoin lacks the real-world utility and adoption seen in other top cryptocurrencies like Ethereum. As a meme coin created as a joke, Dogecoin doesn't have substantial fundamental value drivers. This makes it especially vulnerable during periods of risk-off sentiment.


What's the Outlook for Dogecoin for the Rest of 2022 and 2023?

狗狗幣 2022 年剩餘時間和 2023 年的前景如何?

Given the headwinds facing both Dogecoin and the broader crypto market, it's unlikely Dogecoin will be able to breakthrough its sideways trading pattern over the remainder of 2022. Without a significant improvement in macroeconomic conditions or sentiment, further downside is more likely.

考慮到狗狗幣和更廣泛的加密市場面臨的逆風,狗狗幣不太可能在2022 年剩餘時間內突破其橫盤交易模式。如果宏觀經濟狀況或情緒沒有顯著改善,則更有可能進一步下跌。

However, there are some potential catalysts on the horizon that could benefit Dogecoin in 2023:

然而,一些潛在的催化劑可能會讓狗狗幣在 2023 年受益:

  • The Dogecoin Foundation has been ramping up development efforts to improve the blockchain's capabilities. Upgrades like reduced transaction fees could improve utility.
  • 狗狗幣基金會一直在加強開發力度,以提高區塊鏈的功能。降低交易費用等升級可以提高效用。

  • Elon Musk’s Twitter acquisition could be a positive, as he has previously voiced support for Dogecoin and proposed accepting it for payments.
  • 馬斯克 (Elon Musk) 收購 Twitter 可能是一個積極因素,因為他此前曾表示支持狗狗幣,並提議接受狗狗幣作為付款方式。

  • Broader retail interest in Dogecoin remains strong, so any upturn in sentiment could spark rallies. The crypto bear market can't last forever.
  • 更廣泛的散戶對狗狗幣的興趣仍然強勁,因此任何情緒的改善都可能引發反彈。加密熊市不可能永遠持續下去。

Overall, Dogecoin is likely to remain correlated with the overall crypto market direction for now. But 2023 could see Dogecoin finally break out of its rut if conditions improve and bullish sentiment returns. Periods of consolidation ultimately set the stage for the next major advance, so more patient investors may be rewarded long-term.

整體而言,狗狗幣目前仍可能與整體加密貨幣市場方向保持相關性。但如果情況改善且看漲情緒回歸,到 2023 年狗狗幣可能最終會打破常規。整合期最終為下一次重大進步奠定了基礎,因此更多耐心的投資者可能會獲得長期回報。

Will Meme Coins Like Dogecoin Stand the Test of Time?


Meme coins like Dogecoin face substantial skepticism about their long-term viability and role in the crypto space. Created as jokes or to capitalize on hype, meme coins lack the real-world utility that gives cryptocurrencies like Ethereum inherent value.


However, Dogecoin has shown impressive resilience and has maintained a top 10 market cap position. This suggests that meme coins can carve out a niche over the long-term, despite their inherent limitations. A few factors contributing to Dogecoin's staying power include:


  • Strong brand awareness and marketing: Dogecoin's meme origins tapped into online culture and spread rapidly. This grassroots adoption makes it recognizable even outside of crypto-native circles.
  • 強大的品牌知名度和行銷能力:狗狗幣的迷因起源融入了網路文化並迅速傳播。這種草根採用使其即使在加密貨幣原生圈子之外也能被認可。

  • Backing of prominent figures like Elon Musk: High-profile evangelists lend legitimacy and give coins like Dogecoin momentum during hype cycles.
  • 支持馬斯克等知名人物:高調的佈道者提供了合法性,並在炒作週期中為狗狗幣等代幣提供了動力。

  • Speculative appeal: Meme coins are attractive "lottery tickets" during bull markets due to potential for explosive gains. This speculative allure keeps them relevant.
  • 投機吸引力:由於爆炸性收益的潛力,Meme 幣在牛市期間是有吸引力的「彩票」。這種投機的吸引力使它們保持相關性。

While Dogecoin lacks robust fundamentals, it shouldn't be underestimated given its brand recognition and appeal amongst the retail masses. But long-term viability likely hinges on development efforts translating into greater utility and real-world use cases. Without that, meme status can only take Dogecoin so far.


Can Altcoins Like Dogecoin Decouple From Bitcoin?


Bitcoin remains the dominant force in crypto, and its price gyrations often dictate market-wide sentiment. But there is debate around whether altcoins like Dogecoin can decouple from Bitcoin's movements, especially during bear markets.


On one hand, some level of correlation is inevitable given Bitcoin's status and most altcoin trading pairs still being BTC-based. Major Bitcoin price swings inevitably impact the overall market climate. This centrality makes true decoupling unlikely in the near future.


However, some factors may allow altcoins to diverge more from Bitcoin:


  • Continued growth of stablecoin and altcoin-based trading pairs like DOGE/USDT on exchanges. This reduces Bitcoin's dominance over liquidity flows.
  • 交易所上 DOGE/USDT 等基於穩定幣和山寨幣的交易對持續成長。這降低了比特幣對流動性的主導地位。

  • Fundamental developments like upgrades, product launches and adoption for altcoins. Strong project-specific catalysts can outweigh macro trends.
  • 升級、產品發布和山寨幣採用等基本發展。特定項目的強大催化劑可以勝過宏觀趨勢。

  • Increased institutional flow into the altcoin space, rather than just Bitcoin futures ETFs. Broadened focus can lead to differentiation.
  • 增加機構資金流入山寨幣領域,而不僅僅是比特幣期貨 ETF。擴大焦點可以帶來差異化。

While Bitcoin and macro factors still drive most price action, idiosyncratic fundamentals and developments could allow leading altcoins like Dogecoin to move more independently long-term. But it’s a gradual process requiring maturation of the overall crypto ecosystem.



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