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Most Important Day for Shiba Inu (SHIB) Holders Has Arrived


發布: 2024/08/27 04:46 閱讀: 367




Cover Image via U.Today

封面圖片來自 U.Today

The Shiba Inu cryptocurrency development team recently took to social media to acknowledge International Dog Day, celebrated annually on August 26th.

Shiba Inu 加密貨幣開發團隊最近在社群媒體上慶祝每年 8 月 26 日慶祝的國際狗日。

American animal welfare advocate Colleen Paige established the holiday to raise awareness about dog rescue and well-being. Paige adopted "Sheltie," her first dog, from an animal shelter on August 26th when she was 10 years old.

美國動物福利倡導者科琳·佩奇設立這個節日是為了提高人們對狗的救援和福祉的認識。 8 月 26 日,10 歲的 Paige 從動物收容所收養了她的第一隻狗「Sheltie」。

On National Dog Day, individuals are encouraged to support canine welfare through actions such as:


  • Adopting a dog from a shelter
  • Conducting safety checks for home pets
  • Donating supplies to animal organizations
  • Sending dog-related gifts to family and friends

Paige's mission extends to fostering appreciation for family dogs and those that serve humanitarian roles.


The cryptocurrency community has a special affinity for National Dog Day, as Dogecoin and Shiba Inu are prominent cryptocurrencies. Dogwifhat (WIF), Floki (FLOKI), and Bonk (BONK) also rank among the top 100 cryptos.

加密貨幣社群對國家狗日有著特殊的喜愛,因為狗狗幣和柴犬是著名的加密貨幣。 Dogwifhat (WIF)、Floki (FLOKI) 和 Bonk (BONK) 也躋身前 100 名加密貨幣。

Dogecoin has its own unofficial holiday on April 20th. However, August 26th remains a significant day for canine meme coin enthusiasts, recognizing the dogs that have inspired successful cryptocurrencies.

狗狗幣在 4 月 20 日有自己的非官方假期。然而,8 月 26 日對於犬類模因硬幣愛好者來說仍然是一個重要的日子,表彰那些激發了成功的加密貨幣的狗。

Many community members joined the Shiba Inu team in celebrating International Dog Day, showcasing their shared love for their canine companions.



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