首頁 > 資訊新聞 > DefiDive 執行長 John Lee 對 Solana 的看漲成長持樂觀態度 – Meme Moguls 的大型贈品活動已開啟

DefiDive CEO John Lee is Optimistic about Solana's Bullish Growth – Meme Moguls' Mega Giveaway Is ON

DefiDive 執行長 John Lee 對 Solana 的看漲成長持樂觀態度 – Meme Moguls 的大型贈品活動已開啟

發布: 2023/12/25 07:01 閱讀: 260

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


DefiDive 執行長 John Lee 對 Solana 的看漲成長持樂觀態度 – Meme Moguls 的大型贈品活動已開啟

In a year of remarkable scalability for Solana (SOL), recent news of Circle launching EURC on the Solana blockchain hints at exciting possibilities for Solana's ecosystem.  As meme cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin (DOGE) and more recently, Bonk coin (BONK) have minted millionaires, the upcoming meme coin Meme Moguls, sparks interest.  Analysts predict a potential 10X pump on launch, making it a contender for the best cryptocurrency investment in 2024. I

在 Solana (SOL) 可擴展性顯著的一年中,Circle 最近在 Solana 區塊鏈上推出 EURC 的消息暗示了 Solana 生態系統令人興奮的可能性。隨著像狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和最近的邦克幣 (BONK) 這樣的迷因加密貨幣造就了百萬富翁,即將推出的迷因幣 Meme Moguls 引發了人們的興趣。分析師預測,其推出後可能會帶來 10 倍的漲幅,使其成為 2024 年最佳加密貨幣投資的有力競爭者。

Meme Moguls Creates a Wealth-Building Ecosystem

Meme Moguls 創造了一個創造財富的生態系統

With a market set to skyrocket from $2.3 billion to $6.1 billion by 2025, Meme Moguls isn't just a meme coin, it's creating a fun wealth-building ecosystem.  The platform allows simulated investing to take center stage, allowing users the opportunity to engage in stock market trading games, learn strategies, and earn real cash prizes. 

到 2025 年,市場將從 23 億美元飆升至 61 億美元,Meme Moguls 不僅僅是一個 Meme 硬幣,它正在創建一個有趣的財富累積生態系統。該平台以模擬投資為中心,讓用戶有機會參與股市交易遊戲、學習策略並賺取真正的現金獎勵。

Meme Moguls brings forth a groundbreaking game merging memes and investing, offering a learning journey for users.

Meme Moguls 推出了一款融合迷因和投資的突破性遊戲,為用戶提供學習之旅。

This unique game unfolds in a distinctive meme market, where participants receive $100,000 in virtual currency for risk-free investment exploration. The competitive edge comes into play as investors vie for positions on the wealth leaderboard, with top performers earning coveted rewards, solidifying their status as true "Moguls."

這款獨特的遊戲在獨特的迷因市場中展開,參與者將獲得 10 萬美元的虛擬貨幣以進行無風險投資探索。當投資者爭奪財富排行榜上的位置時,競爭優勢就會發揮作用,表現最好的人會獲得令人垂涎的獎勵,鞏固他們作為真正的「大亨」的地位。

Looking to deliver on its promise as the best cryptocurrency investment, Meme Moguls has a set plan to mint 100 millionaires in its first three months as it seeks to re-echo the success of Pepe, Shiba Inu, and Dogecoin, if you aspire to become one join in now for only $0.0023.

為了兌現其作為最佳加密貨幣投資的承諾,Meme Moguls 制定了一項計劃,即在前三個月內創造100 名百萬富翁,因為它力求重現佩佩(Pepe)、柴犬(Shiba Inu)和狗狗幣(Dogecoin) 的成功,如果你渴望成為現在加入僅需 0.0023 美元。

Currently, in Stage 2 of its presale, there's an opportunity to win from a substantial $20,000 prize pool in MGLS tokens. Participation is simple: join Zealy, submit daily entries, and stay in the loop with regular updates. Your task? Engage with original tweets, retweets, comments, and don't forget to include the #MemeMogulsGiveaway hashtag. 

目前,在預售的第二階段,有機會贏得價值 20,000 美元的 MGLS 代幣獎金池。參與很簡單:加入 Zealy,提交每日條目,並隨時了解定期更新。你的任務?參與原創推文、轉發、評論,並且不要忘記添加 #MemeMogulsGiveaway 主題標籤。

DefiDive CEO Optimistic About Solana's Growth as the On-Chain and Off-Chain Activity on the Network Increases

隨著網路上鍊上和鏈下活動的增加,DefiDive 執行長對 Solana 的成長持樂觀態度

Solana (SOL) has been making a lot of positive headlines lately which might have placed it in a position to be one of the best cryptocurrency investments for next year. 

Solana (SOL) 最近出現了許多積極的頭條新聞,這可能使其成為明年最好的加密貨幣投資之一。

Off-chain, Solana has broken out on the smartphone market with the Solana S20 and is gaining a lot of popularity from this with sales that are through the roof. What's interesting is that this device supports the Solana blockchain network, making transactions speedy and secure using Solana crypto.

在鏈下,Solana 憑藉 Solana S20 在智慧型手機市場取得了突破,並因此獲得了很高的人氣,銷量飆升。有趣的是,該設備支援 Solana 區塊鏈網絡,使用 Solana 加密貨幣使交易快速且安全。

DefiDive's CEO, John Lee, shared his insights with Forbes over a LinkedIn message on the vibrant Solana network activity. He highlighted the noteworthy achievements earlier in the week stating that active wallets hit a year-to-date high of 648,073 on December 8th, accompanied by a corresponding record of new token accounts. 

DefiDive 的執行長 John Lee 透過 LinkedIn 訊息與《福布斯》分享了他對充滿活力的 Solana 網路活動的見解。他強調了本週早些時候取得的值得注意的成就,稱活躍錢包在 12 月 8 日達到了今年迄今的最高點 648,073 個,同時新代幣帳戶也創下了相應的記錄。

Examining Solana's program activity, Lee also identified a surge comparable to February 2023, nearing the previous record set in October 2022 at 1207 programs. Solana's current activity is remarkable, reflecting a robust ecosystem that could make its token Solana crypto the best cryptocurrency to buy now.

在檢視 Solana 的計畫活動時,Lee 還發現與 2023 年 2 月相當的激增,接近 2022 年 10 月創下的 1207 個計畫的紀錄。 Solana 目前的活動非常引人注目,反映出一個強大的生態系統,可以使其代幣 Solana 加密貨幣成為現在最值得購買的加密貨幣。

Learn more about the $MGLS here:

在此處了解有關 $MGLS 的更多資訊:

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訪問 Meme 大亨 |加入社區

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored press release and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

免責聲明:這是贊助新聞稿,僅供參考。它不反映 Crypto Daily 的觀點,也不打算用作法律、稅務、投資或財務建議。




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