首页 > 资讯新闻 > DefiDive 首席执行官 John Lee 对 Solana 的看涨增长持乐观态度 – Meme Moguls 的大型赠品活动已开启

DefiDive CEO John Lee is Optimistic about Solana's Bullish Growth – Meme Moguls' Mega Giveaway Is ON

DefiDive 首席执行官 John Lee 对 Solana 的看涨增长持乐观态度 – Meme Moguls 的大型赠品活动已开启

发布: 2023/12/25 07:01 阅读: 260

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


DefiDive 首席执行官 John Lee 对 Solana 的看涨增长持乐观态度 – Meme Moguls 的大型赠品活动已开启

In a year of remarkable scalability for Solana (SOL), recent news of Circle launching EURC on the Solana blockchain hints at exciting possibilities for Solana's ecosystem.  As meme cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin (DOGE) and more recently, Bonk coin (BONK) have minted millionaires, the upcoming meme coin Meme Moguls, sparks interest.  Analysts predict a potential 10X pump on launch, making it a contender for the best cryptocurrency investment in 2024. I

在 Solana (SOL) 可扩展性显着的一年中,Circle 最近在 Solana 区块链上推出 EURC 的消息暗示了 Solana 生态系统令人兴奋的可能性。随着像狗狗币 (DOGE) 和最近的邦克币 (BONK) 这样的模因加密货币造就了百万富翁,即将推出的模因币 Meme Moguls 引发了人们的兴趣。分析师预测,其推出后可能会带来 10 倍的涨幅,使其成为 2024 年最佳加密货币投资的有力竞争者。

Meme Moguls Creates a Wealth-Building Ecosystem

Meme Moguls 创建了一个创造财富的生态系统

With a market set to skyrocket from $2.3 billion to $6.1 billion by 2025, Meme Moguls isn't just a meme coin, it's creating a fun wealth-building ecosystem.  The platform allows simulated investing to take center stage, allowing users the opportunity to engage in stock market trading games, learn strategies, and earn real cash prizes. 

到 2025 年,市场将从 23 亿美元飙升至 61 亿美元,Meme Moguls 不仅仅是一个 Meme 硬币,它正在创建一个有趣的财富积累生态系统。该平台以模拟投资为中心,让用户有机会参与股市交易游戏、学习策略并赚取真正的现金奖励。

Meme Moguls brings forth a groundbreaking game merging memes and investing, offering a learning journey for users.

Meme Moguls 推出了一款融合模因和投资的突破性游戏,为用户提供学习之旅。

This unique game unfolds in a distinctive meme market, where participants receive $100,000 in virtual currency for risk-free investment exploration. The competitive edge comes into play as investors vie for positions on the wealth leaderboard, with top performers earning coveted rewards, solidifying their status as true "Moguls."

这款独特的游戏在独特的模因市场中展开,参与者将获得 100,000 美元的虚拟货币以进行无风险投资探索。当投资者争夺财富排行榜上的位置时,竞争优势就会发挥作用,表现最好的人会获得令人垂涎的奖励,巩固他们作为真正的“大亨”的地位。

Looking to deliver on its promise as the best cryptocurrency investment, Meme Moguls has a set plan to mint 100 millionaires in its first three months as it seeks to re-echo the success of Pepe, Shiba Inu, and Dogecoin, if you aspire to become one join in now for only $0.0023.

为了兑现其作为最佳加密货币投资的承诺,Meme Moguls 制定了一项计划,即在前三个月内创造 100 名百万富翁,因为它力求重现佩佩 (Pepe)、柴犬 (Shiba Inu) 和狗狗币 (Dogecoin) 的成功,如果你渴望成为现在加入仅需 0.0023 美元。

Currently, in Stage 2 of its presale, there's an opportunity to win from a substantial $20,000 prize pool in MGLS tokens. Participation is simple: join Zealy, submit daily entries, and stay in the loop with regular updates. Your task? Engage with original tweets, retweets, comments, and don't forget to include the #MemeMogulsGiveaway hashtag. 

目前,在预售的第二阶段,有机会赢得价值 20,000 美元的 MGLS 代币奖池。参与很简单:加入 Zealy,提交每日条目,并随时了解定期更新。你的任务?参与原创推文、转发、评论,并且不要忘记添加 #MemeMogulsGiveaway 主题标签。

DefiDive CEO Optimistic About Solana's Growth as the On-Chain and Off-Chain Activity on the Network Increases

随着网络上链上和链下活动的增加,DefiDive 首席执行官对 Solana 的增长持乐观态度

Solana (SOL) has been making a lot of positive headlines lately which might have placed it in a position to be one of the best cryptocurrency investments for next year. 

Solana (SOL) 最近出现了许多积极的头条新闻,这可能使其成为明年最好的加密货币投资之一。

Off-chain, Solana has broken out on the smartphone market with the Solana S20 and is gaining a lot of popularity from this with sales that are through the roof. What's interesting is that this device supports the Solana blockchain network, making transactions speedy and secure using Solana crypto.

在链下,Solana 凭借 Solana S20 在智能手机市场取得了突破,并因此获得了很高的人气,销量飙升。有趣的是,该设备支持 Solana 区块链网络,使用 Solana 加密货币使交易快速且安全。

DefiDive's CEO, John Lee, shared his insights with Forbes over a LinkedIn message on the vibrant Solana network activity. He highlighted the noteworthy achievements earlier in the week stating that active wallets hit a year-to-date high of 648,073 on December 8th, accompanied by a corresponding record of new token accounts. 

DefiDive 的首席执行官 John Lee 通过 LinkedIn 消息与《福布斯》分享了他对充满活力的 Solana 网络活动的见解。他强调了本周早些时候取得的值得注意的成就,称活跃钱包在 12 月 8 日达到了今年迄今的最高点 648,073 个,同时新代币账户也创下了相应的记录。

Examining Solana's program activity, Lee also identified a surge comparable to February 2023, nearing the previous record set in October 2022 at 1207 programs. Solana's current activity is remarkable, reflecting a robust ecosystem that could make its token Solana crypto the best cryptocurrency to buy now.

在检查 Solana 的计划活动时,Lee 还发现与 2023 年 2 月相当的激增,接近 2022 年 10 月创下的 1207 个计划的纪录。 Solana 目前的活动非常引人注目,反映出一个强大的生态系统,可以使其代币 Solana 加密货币成为现在最值得购买的加密货币。

Learn more about the $MGLS here:

在此处了解有关 $MGLS 的更多信息:

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访问 Meme 大亨 |加入社区

Disclaimer: This is a sponsored press release and is for informational purposes only. It does not reflect the views of Crypto Daily, nor is it intended to be used as legal, tax, investment, or financial advice.

免责声明:这是赞助新闻稿,仅供参考。它不反映 Crypto Daily 的观点,也不打算用作法律、税务、投资或财务建议。




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