首頁 > 資訊新聞 > DOGE、BONK 和 MGLS 震撼了 Meme 幣市場 – 不要錯過 2023 年 12 月的瘋狂活動!

DOGE, BONK, and MGLS Shake Up the Meme Coin Market – Don’t Miss Out on the December 2023 Madness!

DOGE、BONK 和 MGLS 震撼了 Meme 幣市場 – 不要錯過 2023 年 12 月的瘋狂活動!

發布: 2023/12/12 20:20 閱讀: 585

原文作者:Coinpedia Fintech News


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DOGE、BONK 和 MGLS 震撼了 Meme 幣市場 – 不要錯過 2023 年 12 月的瘋狂!首先出現在 Coinpedia 金融科技新聞上

According to CoinCodex, the meme coins market cap is now $22.70B, showing tremendous growth potential. Not only that, but December 2023 looks like it will be an eventful month for meme coin crypto traders, with Dogecoin (DOGE) and Bonk (BONK) making headlines once more. However, one DeFi project in Stage 1 of its presale – Meme Moguls (MGLS) may outshine them both as analysts foresee its value rising by 10,000% in 2024.

根據 CoinCodex 的數據,meme 幣市值目前為 $22.70B,顯示出巨大的成長潛力。不僅如此,2023 年 12 月對於 meme 幣加密貨幣交易者來說似乎將是多事之秋,狗狗幣 (DOGE) 和 Bonk (BONK) 再次成為頭條新聞。然而,處於預售第一階段的 DeFi 項目 Meme Moguls (MGLS) 可能會超越這兩個項目,因為分析師預計其價值將在 2024 年上漲 10,000%。

Can You Predict The Next 1000x Meme Coin? Become A Meme Mogul Today

你能預測下一個 1000 倍 Meme 幣嗎?今天就成為迷因大亨

Why Is Dogecoin Going Up?


Dogecoin (DOGE), the original meme coin, needs no introduction. What started as a lighthearted joke based on a popular Shiba Inu dog meme has evolved into a significant player. Recently, the Dogecoin price increased from $0.0934 on December 7 to $0.1056 on December 11. This surge came after Whale Alert disclosed a significant transfer of 64M DOGE tokens to Coinbase. 

狗狗幣(DOGE)是最初的迷因幣,無需介紹。最初是一個基於流行的柴犬模因的輕鬆笑話,現已發展成為一個重要的參與者。最近,狗狗幣價格從 12 月 7 日的 0.0934 美元上漲至 12 月 11 日的 0.1056 美元。這次飆升是在 Whale Alert 披露了 6400 萬個 DOGE 代幣向 Coinbase 的重大轉移之後發生的。

Furthermore, the Dogecoin technical analysis also paints a bullish picture as it sits above its 100 and 200-day EMAs. The Fear & Greed index shows it standing at 74 (Greed). 

此外,狗狗幣技術分析也描繪了一幅看漲的景象,因為它位於 100 日和 200 日均線上方。恐懼與貪婪指數顯示為 74(貪婪)。

Market analysts have taken note of all these factors. In their Dogecoin price predictions, they foresee its value reaching $0.1088 before December ends. All these facts make Dogecoin one of the altcoins to watch now. 

市場分析師已經注意到所有這些因素。在他們的狗狗幣價格預測中,他們預計其價值在 12 月底之前將達到 0.1088 美元。所有這些事實使狗狗幣成為現在值得關注的山寨幣之一。

Bonk (BONK): Surges After New Listing 

Bonk (BONK):新上市後股價飆升

Bonk (BONK) has risen as a fresh contender in the meme coin arena. It is gaining traction and turning heads with its catchy name and vibrant community. In recent Bonk news, the team behind it revealed the altcoin will be listed on the ACE exchange. After this news, its value jumped from $0.00001108 to $0.00001226 in just a few hours on December 11. 

Bonk(BONK)已成為迷因硬幣領域的新競爭者。它以其朗朗上口的名字和充滿活力的社區而受到關注並引人注目。在最近的 Bonk 消息中,背後團隊透露該山寨幣將在 ACE 交易所上市。此消息傳出後,其價值在 12 月 11 日的短短幾個小時內從 0.00001108 美元躍升至 0.00001226 美元。

Moreover, the Bonk crypto has been experiencing greener-than-red trading days over the last month. CoinCodex data shows it has 17 positive trading days (57%) – a great bullish sign. 

此外,Bonk 加密貨幣在過去一個月的交易日中一直呈現綠色多於紅色。 CoinCodex 數據顯示,它有 17 個積極交易日(57%)——這是一個巨大的看漲信號。

Because of this, experts in the field remain confident that the Bonk price will reach $0.000012 within December 2023. This Bonk price prediction makes it one of the top DeFi coins. 

正因為如此,該領域的專家仍然相信 Bonk 價格將在 2023 年 12 月內達到 0.000012 美元。這一價格預測使其成為頂級 DeFi 代幣之一。

Meme Moguls (MGLS): Redefining Meme Coin Dynamics

Meme Moguls (MGLS):重新定義 Meme 幣動態

Meme Moguls (MGLS) is revolutionizing the meme coin landscape with its unique approach. This ERC20 token will stand out by offering utility as a governance and play-to-earn token. At its core, Meme Moguls will offer a play-to-earn game, allowing you to engage in free or paid trading competitions for meme-based assets. You will win cash prizes or even other meme collectibles. 

Meme Moguls (MGLS) 正在以其獨特的方法徹底改變 Meme 幣的格局。該 ERC20 代幣將透過提供作為治理和即玩即賺代幣的實用性而脫穎而出。 Meme Moguls 的核心是提供一款邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲,讓您可以參與基於 Meme 的資產的免費或付費交易競賽。您將贏得現金獎勵,甚至其他迷因收藏品。

While this play-to-earn game is its primary focus, the Meme Moguls team will incorporate many other components in its ecosystem:

雖然這款邊玩邊賺錢的遊戲是其主要關注點,但 Meme Moguls 團隊將在其生態系統中納入許多其他組件:

  • Staking: A feature allowing you to contribute your existing MGLS tokens to its staking pool, bringing you many rewards based on how much you contributed. 
  • 質押:該功能可讓您將現有的 MGLS 代幣貢獻到其質押池中,根據您貢獻的金額為您帶來許多獎勵。

  • Moguls World: An immersive metaverse environment allowing you to interact, mine tokens, and participate in liquidity pools.
  • Moguls World:一個身臨其境的虛擬環境,讓您可以互動、挖掘代幣並參與流動性池。

The MGLS token powers all these features. This new crypto ICO is in Stage 1 of its presale, offering one MGLS for just $0.0021. Those who bought it early are enjoying a 10% ROI. However, this percentage is bound to increase as the presale advances. Experts predict a potential rise to $0.19 in the first year of operation. 

MGLS 代幣為所有這些功能提供支援。這個新的加密貨幣 ICO 正處於預售的第一階段,僅以 0.0021 美元的價格提供一個 MGLS。那些早期購買的人可以享受 10% 的投資回報率。然而,隨著預售的推進,這一比例必然會增加。專家預測營運第一年價格可能會上漲至 0.19 美元。

Those who sign up for this presale now will capitalize on this growth while also participating in weekly giveaways totalling $150,000. All these aspects contribute to Meme Moguls being the best ICO. 

現在報名參加預售的人將充分利用這一增長,同時還可以參與每週總計 150,000 美元的贈品。所有這些方面都有助於 Meme Moguls 成為最好的 ICO。

The Buzz Around December 2023

2023 年 12 月左右的熱門話題

With the meme coin market heating up, Dogecoin, Bonk, and Meme Moguls lead the charge. While they all have something unique, Meme Moguls gains the competitive edge with actual utility, while its peers rely solely on hype. Moreover, its low market cap of $6.3M means it will experience value pumps way easier as fewer new funds are needed. 

隨著 Meme 幣市場的升溫,Dogecoin、Bonk 和 Meme Moguls 引領潮流。雖然它們都有獨特之處,但 Meme Moguls 憑藉實際實用性獲得了競爭優勢,而其同行則完全依賴炒作。此外,其 630 萬美元的低市值意味著,隨著所需的新資金減少,它將更容易經歷價值上漲。

With some experts going as far as saying that MGLS is the next Shiba Inu, it looks like Meme Moguls may join the list of top crypto coins soon. 

一些專家甚至稱 MGLS 是下一個 Shiba Inu,看來 Meme Moguls 可能很快就會加入頂級加密貨幣的名單。

For more information about the Meme Moguls (MGLS) presale:

有關 Meme Moguls (MGLS) 預售的更多資訊:


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