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DOGE Cofounder Comments on FTX's Plans to Reboot Outside USA

DOGE 聯合創始人評論 FTX 在美國境外重啟的計劃

發布: 2023/08/01 23:30 閱讀: 331



Billy Markus, one of the two IT developers who created the original meme coin DOGE, has commented on the news that has emerged recently about plans to reestablish the FTX exchange to run it for all customers other than those based in the USA.

比利·馬庫斯(Billy Markus) 是創造原始meme 幣DOGE 的兩名IT 開發人員之一,他對最近出現的有關計劃重建FTX 交易所以便為除美國以外的所有客戶運行該交易所的消息發表了評論。

Earlier, it was reported that the administration currently running the bankrupt FTX exchange submitted a plan to relaunch the platform for offshore clients, making it closed to U.S. residents.

早些時候,有報導稱,目前營運破產的 FTX 交易所的政府提交了一項為離岸客戶重新啟動該平台的計劃,使其不對美國居民開放。

According to a report by CoinDesk, the administration of the platform (or what is left of it) has suggested dividing the company's creditors into several tiers and proposed that one of those tiers can restart the exchange raising funds from investors outside of their circle.

根據CoinDesk 的一份報告,該平台(或平台的剩餘部分)的管理人員建議將公司的債權人分為幾個層級,並提議其中一個層級可以重新啟動交易所,從其圈子之外的投資者那裡籌集資金。

The creditors are divided into "dotcom customers" (investors who are claiming refunds from FTX.com offshore exchange). The second group is called "US customers" — they are customers of the FTX exchange based in the U.S. They are followed by claimants of the NFT exchange, general unsecured claims, etc. The "dotcom" claimants may choose to put their assets together to launch an offshore crypto exchange, which will not service customers within the U.S.

債權人分為「dotcom 客戶」(從 FTX.com 離岸交易所要求退款的投資者)。第二組稱為「美國客戶」—他們是總部位於美國的FTX 交易所的客戶。其次是NFT 交易所的索賠人、一般無擔保索賠人等。「dotcom」索賠人可能會選擇將自己的資產放在一起推出離岸加密貨幣交易所,該交易所不會為美國境內的客戶提供服務

DOGE creator Bill Markus responded to a tweet with this news with a lazy "why though?" as if seeing this as pointless. When FTX exchange collapsed and founder Sam Bankman-Fried began apologizing on various media, admitting his mistakes, Markus poured heavy criticism on him on his Twitter page.

DOGE 創始人比爾馬庫斯 (Bill Markus) 在推特上回應了這一消息,懶洋洋地說“為什麼呢?”彷彿認為這毫無意義。當 FTX 交易所崩潰、創始人 Sam Bankman-Fried 開始在各種媒體上道歉、承認自己的錯誤時,Markus 在他的 Twitter 頁面上對他進行了猛烈批評。

SBF might be linked to rugpulled BALD token

SBF 可能與粗糙的 BALD 代幣相關聯

Data has also emerged that the founder of the FTX exchange who has been charged with defrauding his investors of billions of U.S. dollars, Sam Bankman-Fried, may be linked to the meme coin BALD that was launched just recently on Coinbase's Layer 2 blockchain Base.

還有數據顯示,被指控詐騙投資者數十億美元的 FTX 交易所創始人 Sam Bankman-Fried 可能與 Coinbase 的 Layer 2 區塊鏈 Base 上最近推出的迷因幣 BALD 有關。

Earlier today, BALD dropped 85% as a result of a rugpull, as the founder removed all of its liquidity. Prior to the price collapse, the token reached a market capitalization value of $85 million within merely 48 hours after launch.

今天早些時候,由於創始人撤走了所有流動性,導致 BALD 下跌 85%。在價格暴跌之前,該代幣在推出後僅 48 小時內市值就達到了 8,500 萬美元。

As reported by U.Today, several crypto sleuths have found a connection between the BALD deployer contract and Alameda Research, a trading company that used to be owned by Sam Bankman-Fried before FTX collapsed along with Alameda and SBF went to prison.

根據《今日美國》報道,幾名加密貨幣偵探發現了BALD 部署者合約與Alameda Research 之間的聯繫,Alameda Research 是一家貿易公司,在FTX 與Alameda 一起崩潰、SBF 入獄之前,該公司曾由Sam Bankman-Fried 所有。


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