フロントページ > 情報ニュース > DOGEの共同創設者がFTXの米国外での再開計画についてコメント

DOGE Cofounder Comments on FTX's Plans to Reboot Outside USA


リリース: 2023/08/01 23:30 読む: 331



Billy Markus, one of the two IT developers who created the original meme coin DOGE, has commented on the news that has emerged recently about plans to reestablish the FTX exchange to run it for all customers other than those based in the USA.

オリジナルのミームコイン DOGE を作成した 2 人の IT 開発者のうちの 1 人であるビリー・マーカス氏は、米国に拠点を置く顧客以外のすべての顧客を対象に FTX 取引所を再設立する計画について最近明らかになったニュースについてコメントしました。

Earlier, it was reported that the administration currently running the bankrupt FTX exchange submitted a plan to relaunch the platform for offshore clients, making it closed to U.S. residents.


According to a report by CoinDesk, the administration of the platform (or what is left of it) has suggested dividing the company's creditors into several tiers and proposed that one of those tiers can restart the exchange raising funds from investors outside of their circle.


The creditors are divided into "dotcom customers" (investors who are claiming refunds from FTX.com offshore exchange). The second group is called "US customers" — they are customers of the FTX exchange based in the U.S. They are followed by claimants of the NFT exchange, general unsecured claims, etc. The "dotcom" claimants may choose to put their assets together to launch an offshore crypto exchange, which will not service customers within the U.S.

債権者は「ドットコム顧客」(FTX.comオフショア取引所からの返金を要求している投資家)に分かれている。 2 番目のグループは「米国の顧客」と呼ばれます。彼らは、米国に拠点を置く FTX 取引所の顧客です。その後に、NFT 取引所の請求者、一般の無担保請求などが続きます。「ドットコム」の請求者は、資産を次の目的にまとめることを選択する場合があります。オフショア仮想通貨取引所を立ち上げるが、米国内の顧客にはサービスを提供しない。

DOGE creator Bill Markus responded to a tweet with this news with a lazy "why though?" as if seeing this as pointless. When FTX exchange collapsed and founder Sam Bankman-Fried began apologizing on various media, admitting his mistakes, Markus poured heavy criticism on him on his Twitter page.

DOGE の作成者 Bil​​l Markus は、このニュースに関するツイートに「でも、なぜ?」と気の抜けた反応を返しました。まるでこれが無意味であるかのように。 FTX取引所が破綻し、創設者のサム・バンクマン・フリード氏がさまざまなメディアで自らの過ちを認めて謝罪し始めたとき、マーカス氏は自身のツイッターページで彼に激しい批判を浴びた。

SBF might be linked to rugpulled BALD token


Data has also emerged that the founder of the FTX exchange who has been charged with defrauding his investors of billions of U.S. dollars, Sam Bankman-Fried, may be linked to the meme coin BALD that was launched just recently on Coinbase's Layer 2 blockchain Base.


Earlier today, BALD dropped 85% as a result of a rugpull, as the founder removed all of its liquidity. Prior to the price collapse, the token reached a market capitalization value of $85 million within merely 48 hours after launch.

今日の初め、創設者が流動性をすべて取り除いたため、BALDはラグプルの結果85%下落した。価格崩壊前、トークンは発売後わずか 48 時間以内に時価総額 8,500 万ドルに達しました。

As reported by U.Today, several crypto sleuths have found a connection between the BALD deployer contract and Alameda Research, a trading company that used to be owned by Sam Bankman-Fried before FTX collapsed along with Alameda and SBF went to prison.



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