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DOGE Coin Price Prediction: Whales SELL & Retailers BUY

DOGE 幣價格預測:鯨魚賣出 & 零售商買入

發布: 2024/06/20 01:07 閱讀: 640



DOGE 幣價格預測:鯨魚賣出 & 零售商買入

Dogecoin Market Analysis: Whales Exit, Retail Enters


The Dogecoin (DOGE) market is experiencing a noteworthy shift. Despite the subdued broader cryptocurrency market, Dogecoin exhibits signs of a changing investor landscape.


Whale Exit and Retail Entry


On-chain data reveals that large Dogecoin whales have been gradually reducing their holdings, with the proportion owned by those holding over 0.1% of the supply decreasing from 45.3% to 41.3%. This indicates a lightening of positions by the largest holders.


Conversely, there has been a surge in DOGE holdings among retail and mid-sized investors, who now command a larger portion of the total supply. This trend suggests growing interest from smaller investors and a potential shift towards a more decentralized ownership structure.

相反,散戶和中型投資者持有的 DOGE 數量激增,他們現在佔據了總供應量的更大比例。這一趨勢表明小型投資者的興趣日益濃厚,並可能轉向更去中心化的所有權結構。

Dogecoin Price Prediction


Amidst the bearish cryptocurrency market, Dogecoin has demonstrated resilience. It has seen a 4% price increase in the past day, according to CoinMarketCap.

在看跌的加密貨幣市場中,狗狗幣展現了韌性。根據 CoinMarketCap 的數據,過去一天價格上漲了 4%。

Technical analysis indicates that Dogecoin is close to its resistance level and could potentially test the $0.13 range. However, on a larger time frame, neither buyers nor sellers appear dominant, suggesting limited sharp price movements in the short term.

技術分析表明,狗狗幣已接近其阻力位,並可能測試 0.13 美元的區間。然而,從更大的時間範圍來看,買家和賣家都沒有佔據主導地位,這表明短期內價格劇烈波動有限。

In the near term, Dogecoin is expected to trade sideways within the $0.12 to $0.13 range. Mid-term, it approaches a test of the $0.1064 support level. A significant weekly bar close above this level could signal a bounce back towards $0.14. As of the latest update, Dogecoin trades at $0.12190.

短期內,狗狗幣預計將在 0.12 美元至 0.13 美元的範圍內橫盤交易。中期來看,它接近測試 0.1064 美元的支撐位。週線收盤價高於該水準可能預示著反彈至 0.14 美元。截至最新更新,狗狗幣的交易價格為 0.12190 美元。



The Dogecoin market is undergoing a transformation, marked by the exit of whales and the entry of retail investors. This shift could significantly impact DOGE's price and dynamics in the future.

狗狗幣市場正在經歷一場轉型,以鯨魚的退出和散戶投資者的進入為標誌。這一轉變可能會對 DOGE 未來的價格和動態產生重大影響。


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