表紙 > 情報ニュース > DOGE Coin 価格予測: クジラの売りと小売業者の購入

DOGE Coin Price Prediction: Whales SELL & Retailers BUY

DOGE Coin 価格予測: クジラの売りと小売業者の購入

リリース: 2024/06/20 01:07 読む: 640



DOGE Coin 価格予測: クジラの売りと小売業者の購入

Dogecoin Market Analysis: Whales Exit, Retail Enters

ドージコイン市場分析: クジラが撤退し、小売業者が参入

The Dogecoin (DOGE) market is experiencing a noteworthy shift. Despite the subdued broader cryptocurrency market, Dogecoin exhibits signs of a changing investor landscape.

ドージコイン (DOGE) 市場は注目すべき変化を経験しています。広範な暗号通貨市場が低迷しているにもかかわらず、ドージコインは投資家の状況が変化している兆候を示しています。

Whale Exit and Retail Entry


On-chain data reveals that large Dogecoin whales have been gradually reducing their holdings, with the proportion owned by those holding over 0.1% of the supply decreasing from 45.3% to 41.3%. This indicates a lightening of positions by the largest holders.


Conversely, there has been a surge in DOGE holdings among retail and mid-sized investors, who now command a larger portion of the total supply. This trend suggests growing interest from smaller investors and a potential shift towards a more decentralized ownership structure.


Dogecoin Price Prediction


Amidst the bearish cryptocurrency market, Dogecoin has demonstrated resilience. It has seen a 4% price increase in the past day, according to CoinMarketCap.

暗号通貨市場が弱気になる中、ドージコインは回復力を示した。 CoinMarketCapによると、過去1日で価格が4%上昇した。

Technical analysis indicates that Dogecoin is close to its resistance level and could potentially test the $0.13 range. However, on a larger time frame, neither buyers nor sellers appear dominant, suggesting limited sharp price movements in the short term.


In the near term, Dogecoin is expected to trade sideways within the $0.12 to $0.13 range. Mid-term, it approaches a test of the $0.1064 support level. A significant weekly bar close above this level could signal a bounce back towards $0.14. As of the latest update, Dogecoin trades at $0.12190.




The Dogecoin market is undergoing a transformation, marked by the exit of whales and the entry of retail investors. This shift could significantly impact DOGE's price and dynamics in the future.



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