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DOGE’s Consolidation Dance in 2023: A Step Back Before a Leap

DOGE 2023年的鞏固之舞:飛躍前的退一步

發布: 2023/10/12 00:16 閱讀: 673

原文作者:Crypto News Land


  • DOGE’s 2023 journey showcases a predominant bearish trend, closing recently at a 52-week price of $0.059.
  • DOGE 的 2023 年走勢呈現出主要的看跌趨勢,最近收在 0.059 美元的 52 週價格。

  • While struggling to maintain above the $0.060 mark, Dogecoin suggests potential for a trend reversal in upcoming weeks.
  • 儘管狗狗幣努力維持在 0.060 美元大關之上,但它表明未來幾週趨勢可能會逆轉。

  • Despite the present downtrend, a bounceback above the $0.060 mark could significantly shift DOGE’s market trajectory.
  • 儘管目前呈下降趨勢,但反彈至 0.060 美元上方可能會顯著改變 DOGE 的市場軌跡。

Dogecoin faces turbulent waters as 2023 unfolds, witnessing a stark downturn from its early gains. Recent metrics reveal a concerning 52-week closing price at just $0.059. This trend threatens optimistic Dogecoin forecasts, suggesting a possible postponement of a bullish breakout.

隨著 2023 年的到來,狗狗幣面臨動盪的局勢,早期的漲幅急劇下滑。最近的指標顯示 52 週收盤價僅為 0.059 美元,令人擔憂。這種趨勢威脅到狗狗幣的樂觀預測,顯示看漲突破可能會延後。

Tethering precariously above the $0.060 threshold, Dogecoin has seen its price oscillate between $0.060 and $0.063. Yet, an influx of overhead supply, prompting increased price pushbacks, led to further bearish outcomes.

狗狗幣的價格穩定在 0.060 美元的門檻之上,價格在 0.060 美元到 0.063 美元之間波動。然而,大量間接供應的湧入,促使價格進一步下跌,導致進一步的利空結果。

A pronounced 3.9% decline recently cast DOGE below the pivotal $0.060 mark, perpetuating the trend of descending peaks hinting at an extended downturn. Presently, trapped in a declining wedge, Dogecoin trades tentatively at $0.059.

最近,DOGE 大幅下跌 3.9%,跌破 0.060 美元關鍵關口,延續了暗示長期低迷的峰值下降趨勢。目前,狗狗幣陷入下跌楔形,交易價格暫定為 0.059 美元。

However, not all seems bleak. The current price activity hints at an emerging morning star, suggesting the possibility of a reentry to the $0.060 domain. Should Dogecoin regain momentum and surpass this mark, its prospects may brighten considerably.

然而,並非一切都那麼黯淡。當前的價格活動暗示著一顆正在崛起的晨星,表明有可能重新進入 0.060 美元的區域。如果狗狗幣恢復勢頭並超越這一水平,它的前景可能會大大光明。

Dogecoin Price Prediction 2023 up to 2031: Is $0.3 EOY Price Possible?

2023 年至 2031 年狗狗幣價格預測:EOY 價格可能達到 0.3 美元嗎?

Yet, failing this, the descent may extend towards the next significant support line at $0.050. On a brighter note, surpassing $0.060 could pave the way for a rise towards $0.070.

然而,如果做不到這一點,下跌可能會延伸至下一個重要支撐線 0.050 美元。從樂觀的角度來看,突破 0.060 美元可能為上漲至 0.070 美元鋪平道路。

Looking ahead, Dogecoin’s place in the crypto realm remains promising. While 2023 has presented challenges, the coin’s inherent potential and dedicated community hold the power to shape a brighter, more prosperous future.

展望未來,狗狗幣在加密領域的地位仍充滿希望。儘管 2023 年面臨挑戰,但該代幣的內在潛力和專注的社區有能力塑造更光明、更繁榮的未來。

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The post DOGE’s Consolidation Dance in 2023: A Step Back Before a Leap appeared first on Crypto News Land.

《DOGE 2023 年的鞏固之舞:飛躍前的退一步》一文首先出現在 Crypto News Land 上。


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